Just got back from Manhattan!

I was in Odessa, Texas (the most desolate place on Earth) buying a pizza, when four teenagers approached me and demanded the pizza. I told them no, so they knocked the pizza on the ground. I was about to slug them when they drew out guns. What I thought was a stroke of luck, a police car drove up at that moment. The police officer explained to me that the teens were part of his church youth group, and that I would have to eat the pizza off the parking lot pavement, or he would arrest me. I again said no, and walked to my rental car. As I drove away, I saw the police officer had his gun drawn and pointed at me. I went half a mile down the street and then stopped the car to throw up.

Never had a gun pointed at me in New York.

They say Austin is actually livable, but if you go a few miles out of town, you are in Texas. Or as a girl I knew from Texas put it, you hear about Mexican police bucking the system, and turning on the drug dealers, but you never hear about Texan police turning on drug dealers.

The only time anyone has ever pointed a gun at me, was a police officer in Palm Beach County over the fact that I was picking up kids in a no parking zone.
I just got back from a long weekend in Manhattan.

I gotta tell you, I LOVE Manhattan. I always have such a great time.
Only if you're visiting.

There's nothing like NYC. Next time plan to check out Greenwich Village at night.

You might just run into some very famous musicians.
Only if you're visiting.

There's nothing like NYC. Next time plan to check out Greenwich Village at night.

You might just run into some very famous musicians.

We spent a good amount of time in Greenwich, I love it, but didn’t see anyone famous.
The only time anyone has ever pointed a gun at me, was a police officer in Palm Beach County over the fact that I was picking up kids in a no parking zone.

A police officer on an insane power trip is a scary thing. A teenager with a gun on an insane power trip is another scary thing.

Worth noting that as long as you did not stop the car engine, you were technically standing, and not parked. We went over this when the alt right was making insane allegations against the Secret Service for standing in a handicapped parking space... It actually is perfectly legal.

And even if you were parked, that is a parking infraction, not worthy of life threatening force. Just sad... Especially with kids involved.
Not to worry, I'm a Cowboys fan!

But WOW! How about that Eastern Division this year? Who ever gets to the Gloating bowl this year has to come through the East to get there!
Then you agree that was pass interference in OT.

I was always a Rodgers fan, until the idiot opened his yap about 'woke' people and vaccines.

Now I'm loving the season he's having. I rooted for Dallas for the first time...ever...last week.
Only if you're visiting.

There's nothing like NYC. Next time plan to check out Greenwich Village at night.

You might just run into some very famous musicians.

Every time I go to Greenwich Village, it feels like home... Not because I lived there, but because I used to watch Sesame Street, which was based on it.

I keep meaning to walk the Highline... A park running along a former raised rail track. You are in the city, but also in a park. I have not done it yet, but soon, if I see a warm day this Winter, or at least a not rainy day this Spring.
A police officer on an insane power trip is a scary thing. A teenager with a gun on an insane power trip is another scary thing.

Worth noting that as long as you did not stop the car engine, you were technically standing, and not parked. We went over this when the alt right was making insane allegations against the Secret Service for standing in a handicapped parking space... It actually is perfectly legal.

And even if you were parked, that is a parking infraction, not worthy of life threatening force. Just sad... Especially with kids involved.

I went to court, explained to the judge what happened and he threw out the ticket. The cop was there, acting insane in front of the judge, and he gave her a lecture. I don’t think she was listening.

I also spoke with the officers Sergeant, who said he did not think she did anything wrong, and would be taking no action against her.
Patsy's in NYC was one of the first pizzerias in America.

Opened in 1933 and is still there in the same location.

The only place Frank Sinatra would eat pizza.

When he'd fly in to the airport, the cab driver would have to take him there first.

My father worked on 57th and Broadway for decades. They always went to Patsy's
I went to court, explained to the judge what happened and he threw out the ticket. The cop was there, acting insane in front of the judge, and he gave her a lecture. I don’t think she was listening.

I also spoke with the officers Sergeant, who said he did not think she did anything wrong, and would be taking no action against her.

I did not report the cop, or the teens to anyone. I do not know how deep the corruption in Odessa, Texas goes, and have no interest in finding out. I just looked it up, and it has over a 100,000 people, so not a complete backwater... Still, not worth it.
I did not report the cop, or the teens to anyone. I do not know how deep the corruption in Odessa, Texas goes, and have no interest in finding out. I just looked it up, and it has over a 100,000 people, so not a complete backwater... Still, not worth it.

As an outsider to the town, I think that was a smart decision. I’m an insider to the Palm Beach county legal system and felt very comfortable making my complaints.
Every time I go to Greenwich Village, it feels like home... Not because I lived there, but because I used to watch Sesame Street, which was based on it.

I keep meaning to walk the Highline... A park running along a former raised rail track. You are in the city, but also in a park. I have not done it yet, but soon, if I see a warm day this Winter, or at least a not rainy day this Spring.
Left the Bronx at 8, and grew up in a suburb just over the bridge.

We had a summer place about 30 minutes north of the city, so I grew up preferring trees to pavement.

I took a delivery to NYC on 9/10/01. We found one of those parks to sit and have lunch. I just wanted to get back over the bridge and back to the mts. where I live now. The people I was with were laughing about the fact that I just wanted to leave.

We all know what happened a few blocks south the next morning.
I just got back from a long weekend in Manhattan.

I gotta tell you, I LOVE Manhattan. I always have such a great time.

Great town. I spend lots of time there.

In one of the other forums where I post...we used to have regular meets there. People came in from all over the country...and from Canada, England, Germany, Australia...and lots of other countries.

Sorry you didn't mention this earlier. I'da come in and bought you a beer.

We coulda talked!