Just got back from Manhattan!

Long Island's got incredible pizza; much better than Connecticut!

Ciro's in Smithtown is fuckin' amazing.

That said, the best pizza I've ever had was at Pizza Prima, in Cornwall, New York. They actually ship nationwide, overnight:

I once did a deep dive on food delivery on Manhattan. Chinese were way ahead on how to service New Yorkers. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
I know when I'm in the Bronx, otherwise I'm lost in NYC. My point is there's better pizza out there.

Better most things out there, personally, and I am not a pizza connoisseur, I liked the Chicago Deep Dish pizza, which doesn’t taste the same if you had it outside of Chicago, just like getting a Philly cheese steak at Pat’s or Dino’s in Philly, nowhere else do they taste the same. Same applies to NYC pizza
Better most things out there, personally, and I am not a pizza connoisseur, I liked the Chicago Deep Dish pizza, which doesn’t taste the same if you had it outside of Chicago, just like getting a Philly cheese steak at Pat’s or Dino’s in Philly, nowhere else do they taste the same. Same applies to NYC pizza
My problem is with NYC being #1. I can't deal with the stress. Get me to a barn build.
The Chinese were first with food delivery. That makes them an integral part of US culture. Now everything is delivered.

No argument there.

Although, these days, it's damn near impossible to find a Chinese restaurant around here that delivers. Everything is Uber Eats, Bite Squad or the like...
No argument there.

Although, these days, it's damn near impossible to find a Chinese restaurant around here that delivers. Everything is Uber Eats, Bite Squad or the like...
A gig economy can't survive. Any fool can deliver a pizza. We have to recognize what the US has become.
I just got back from a long weekend in Manhattan.

I gotta tell you, I LOVE Manhattan. I always have such a great time.

How many times were you:

Threatened by some drug addled homeless bum

or the like?

Obviously you didn't get beaten, shot, or killed so I didn't put those on the list...
Rednecks in NYC
A redneck and his son visit New York City for the first time. They walk into a hotel and see an elevator.

"What's that thing, pa?" the redneck kid asks.

"I got no idea junior" the redneck dad says.

Just then, the doors open and an elderly woman steps in. The doors close. A few second later the doors open again and a beautiful young blonde steps out.

"Damn," the redneck dad says. "I still got no idea what that thing is but you shove your ma in there right now!"

Cowboy in NYC

He's visiting and after seeing the sights goes into a bar to wet his whistle.
He sits down next to a hot looking woman at the bar and gets his drink.

As he takes a sip, the lady turns to him and asks, "Are you really a cowboy?"
"Yes, mam I am," he says. "I ride a horse, rope cattle, and fix fence."
"What do you think of New York City?" she asks.
"It's a bit overwhelming with all the buildings and people, mam. If I might, what are you?"

"Me? Why, I'm a lesbian."
"A lesbian? What's a lesbian?" the cowboy asks looking a bit confused.

"Well, I think about having sex with women from the time I wake up until I go to sleep almost every day." She gets up to leave, "Nice talking to you."

A older couple sit down next to him.
The woman turns and asks "Are you a real cowboy?"

The cowboy twists his lip a bit, and cocks his head a little. "Well, mam, when I walked in this bar a few minutes ago, I thought I was. Turns out here in New York City, I'm a lesbian."
How many times were you:

Threatened by some drug addled homeless bum

or the like?

I've been going to New YOrk CIty rather regularly since I was 15 years old.

I'm now 60.

Never have I been pick-pocketed, accosted or threatened by some drug addled bum. Such things are, thankfully, relatively rare.

The closest I ever came to being a crime victim in New York City was when some guy playing three-card monte on the subway platform tried to get me to bet $5...
Cowboy in NYC

He's visiting and after seeing the sights goes into a bar to wet his whistle.
He sits down next to a hot looking woman at the bar and gets his drink.

As he takes a sip, the lady turns to him and asks, "Are you really a cowboy?"
"Yes, mam I am," he says. "I ride a horse, rope cattle, and fix fence."
"What do you think of New York City?" she asks.
"It's a bit overwhelming with all the buildings and people, mam. If I might, what are you?"

"Me? Why, I'm a lesbian."
"A lesbian? What's a lesbian?" the cowboy asks looking a bit confused.

"Well, I think about having sex with women from the time I wake up until I go to sleep almost every day." She gets up to leave, "Nice talking to you."

A older couple sit down next to him.
The woman turns and asks "Are you a real cowboy?"

The cowboy twists his lip a bit, and cocks his head a little. "Well, mam, when I walked in this bar a few minutes ago, I thought I was. Turns out here in New York City, I'm a lesbian."

You know us Texans are a proud bunch. We think we invented the Cowboy down here. Since for about 100 years in the Old West most of the cattle the nation ate, had to be hearded up in Mexico, and driven through the Texas prairies on cattle drives all the way to places like Fort Worth, Abilene, Kansas City, and beyond to market.

Back in the 90's, I went to work for a High Tech company here in Dallas, that moved here from Iowa. My Boss, our chief engineer, was always joking to us Texans, with the usual Steers and Queers jokes while suggesting, "We have more Cowboys in Iowa, than you Texans have here in Texas"!

I bounced right back one day and suggested, "You know? You are right- Here in Texas we're more like Cattlemen down here"! :laugh:
I just got back from a long weekend in Manhattan.

I gotta tell you, I LOVE Manhattan. I always have such a great time.

I got to go to Manhattan, now that the pandemic is legally over. I do not know why I have not yet. While the pandemic was in force, as an economically essential worker, I really could not go to Manhattan, so it has been almost three years since I have been there. I doubt I have ever been away for more than a few month ever before this. I miss the city.
NYers are direct, no phoney goober crap

I once dealt with a waitress in rural Georgia that we all thought was really nice before she started screaming out the N-word, saying we would go to hell, and throwing plates of food at us. We were not picking up on her saccharin sweet insults, and thought she was just being playful. It turns out she really hated us, because we had northern accents, and one of us was Black. She hated us more because we were not understanding her hatred of us.

There are a lot of people who really do not like that they are part of America, and hate us Americans for pushing it on them.
Manhattan is great to visit but not a good place to live. Stacking all them people atop each other can't be good.

It is an amazing place to live. The cultural and creative power of the place is second to none... But it is also very difficult to raise a family, so it depends on the period of your life, and the amount of money you have.
I've been going to New YOrk CIty rather regularly since I was 15 years old.

I'm now 60.

Never have I been pick-pocketed, accosted or threatened by some drug addled bum. Such things are, thankfully, relatively rare.

The closest I ever came to being a crime victim in New York City was when some guy playing three-card monte on the subway platform tried to get me to bet $5...

I was in Odessa, Texas (the most desolate place on Earth) buying a pizza, when four teenagers approached me and demanded the pizza. I told them no, so they knocked the pizza on the ground. I was about to slug them when they drew out guns. What I thought was a stroke of luck, a police car drove up at that moment. The police officer explained to me that the teens were part of his church youth group, and that I would have to eat the pizza off the parking lot pavement, or he would arrest me. I again said no, and walked to my rental car. As I drove away, I saw the police officer had his gun drawn and pointed at me. I went half a mile down the street and then stopped the car to throw up.

Never had a gun pointed at me in New York.

They say Austin is actually livable, but if you go a few miles out of town, you are in Texas. Or as a girl I knew from Texas put it, you hear about Mexican police bucking the system, and turning on the drug dealers, but you never hear about Texan police turning on drug dealers.
It is an amazing place to live. The cultural and creative power of the place is second to none... But it is also very difficult to raise a family, so it depends on the period of your life, and the amount of money you have.
I come at it from a Crocodile Dundee point of view. Sometimes you have to grab their crotch to see if they have any balls.
I've been going to New YOrk CIty rather regularly since I was 15 years old.

I'm now 60.

Never have I been pick-pocketed, accosted or threatened by some drug addled bum. Such things are, thankfully, relatively rare.

The closest I ever came to being a crime victim in New York City was when some guy playing three-card monte on the subway platform tried to get me to bet $5...

Same here, grew up in NYC, no crime victim