Just watched the first half of Gone with the Wind

Bug the fuck off Tom, whether or not my nation gets divided is none of your fucking business and you have no fucking right to an opinion on the matter.

That doesn't seem to stop you having an opinion on UK and European politics, now does it? I not only have a right I will express it as well, don't like it then tough. I hated the slave trade as much as anyone but I just don't see how that war was worth the cost in lives and misery. Blacks were still treated like shit after the Civil War under the Jim Crow laws, it wasn't until the 1960's that things really begun to change for them.
its nit a fucking game you evil shit

how has you pretending there is non such thing as racism gotten you so for you fucking idiot?

Yu cant see the racism because your are a fucking racist

your brain is crippled

The only thing you know how to do is play the race card.
That doesn't seem to stop you having an opinion on UK and European politics, now does it? I not only have a right I will express it as well, don't like it then tough. I hated the slave trade as much as anyone but I just don't see how that war was worth the cost in lives and misery. Blacks were still treated like shit after the Civil War under the Jim Crow laws, it wasn't until the 1960's that things really begun to change for them.

You need to study the Antebellum South more. The prospect of abolition was, to them, not merely an economic inconvenience or political controversy - it was deemed outright offensive and repugnant on its face. They would have stuck by it for years after it began to dry-up economically.
They had plenty of choice, seeing as how they started the fighting. Do you routinely take up arms after your candidates lose elections?

You change hats on the topic to justify your southern hating blood lust. First you said they were traitors. Then you said the Confederacy was an independent nation. So which is it? Lincoln never said they were an independent nation nor did he call his war a war, he called it an insurrection.

Why was there a federal garrison stationed at Sumter if the Confederacy was an independent nation? The U.S. cannot set up forts in foreign lands without permission from the host countries and if they tell the U.S. to leave, the U.S. must comply like they did in the Philippines with the naval station at Subic Bay.

The truth is, you don't know what you're talking about, you just south hate and change your hat when the mood strikes you because you don't know what you're talking about.
You need to study the Antebellum South more. The prospect of abolition was, to them, not merely an economic inconvenience or political controversy - it was deemed outright offensive and repugnant on its face. They would have stuck by it for years after it began to dry-up economically.

More of your lying, history revisionist propaganda.