APP - Justice Will Finally Be Served

Dude, it means the same thing, Call him a "Messiah" "Nigger" "Towl Head" "Libtard" "Dancing Nancy" choose your pejorative. It still means the same thing.

well maybe we'll just start calling him a teabagger..

calling him a "Messiah" is the same as people are insane..
Chemical shells for a 105 howitzer. They had been disassembled when I saw them, but the markings clearly indicated several different types of chemical agents. Mustard gas, Sarin gas, and one more that I forget.
They also detected concentrations in the river. Figuring the mass flow of the river, they must have dumped tons of it.
Eh it's good but I honestly feel a trail is just for show. What jury is going to deliberate for more than 30 seconds as to the guilt of those accused?

Don't misunderstand me, I'm all for it and feel it necessary. I just feel like its a forgone conclusion.

It will be a circus. The military should be trying them.
so not only did these gentle human souls perpetrate a horrific terrorist attack on New York now they get to come and terrorize it all over again...what a country and what a President..

he cares for the citizens of this country, he really does..:good4u:
The promise of finding WMDs...

I called him a liar for saying, "I know where they are" and "we know Saddam has WMD." I did not call him a liar for saying, "I promise we will find them."

Maybe you cant see the difference, but to me its clear.
so not only did these gentle human souls perpetrate a horrific terrorist attack on New York now they get to come and terrorize it all over again...what a country and what a President..

he cares for the citizens of this country, he really does..:good4u:
Yea well why don't you try going to Manhattan and run off with the mouth with those kind of comments. There real quick to tell you wingnuts that it wasn't your people who were killed. It wasn't your city that was attacked. You'll probably get told to take your perochial attitude back to Alabama or Mississippi or whatever dirt farm you crawled off of and STFU.

I simply do not understand the disdain that you wingnuts have for the rule of law.
I called him a liar for saying, "I know where they are" and "we know Saddam has WMD." I did not call him a liar for saying, "I promise we will find them."

Maybe you cant see the difference, but to me its clear.

Promise No. 177 made its first appearance on the Obameter on Jan. 21, 2009, the day after Obama was sworn into office. The new president had just directed prosecutors to suspend legal proceedings against the suspected terrorists held at the facility. A day later, the administration issued an executive order to review the disposition of the prisoners and ordered that the facility be shut down within a year.

So if Gitmo ain't closed on or before January 22, 2010, your Messiah lied. Obviously it ain't happening. :)
Chemical shells for a 105 howitzer. They had been disassembled when I saw them, but the markings clearly indicated several different types of chemical agents. Mustard gas, Sarin gas, and one more that I forget.
Which is hardly the same as having WMD's. Regardless, even if they did they still did not meet the threshold for being a clear and present danger to US national security.
Yea well why don't you try going to Manhattan and run off with the mouth with those kind of comments. (?)There (they're)real quick to tell you wingnuts that it wasn't your people who were killed. It wasn't your city that was attacked. You'll probably get told to take your perochial (parochial) attitude back to Alabama or Mississippi or whatever dirt farm you crawled off of and STFU.

I simply do not understand the disdain that you wingnuts have for the rule of law.

Fer chrissakes Mott!

Newsflash! This happened to citizens of the United States of America! Furthermore, not everyone who died in the WTC and on those airplanes were strictly from NYC, so New Yorkers can spew till the cows come home, but people from all over the country and the world were affected by that tragedy.

Enough with your OWN Left Wingnut crap!

Rule of law? String the baztards up in Times Square!
Yea well why don't you try going to Manhattan and run off with the mouth with those kind of comments. There real quick to tell you wingnuts that it wasn't your people who were killed. It wasn't your city that was attacked. You'll probably get told to take your perochial attitude back to Alabama or Mississippi or whatever dirt farm you crawled off of and STFU.

I simply do not understand the disdain that you wingnuts have for the rule of law.

you STFU the people of New York will also get to pay for these terrorist who killed 3000 American citizens bout that friggen "rule of law"

you're so worried about them why don't you start up a defense fund for them..
you STFU the people of New York will also get to pay for these terrorist who killed 3000 American citizens bout that friggen "rule of law"

you're so worried about them why don't you start up a defense fund for them..

What additional costs is there to try these folks in the existing criminal justice system? None. Maybe there is a good argument for not trying these guys in the criminal justice system, but the argument that the people of New York will have to pay to try and convict them ain't it, particularly where the trial will occur in the federal court system.