APP - Justice Will Finally Be Served

Terror Trial Move Designed to Create an American Nuremberg: Bush Administration Will Be The Real Defendant

In a move expected but feared, self-proclaimed Sept. 11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four other Guantanamo Bay detainees will be brought to trial in a civilian federal courthouse in New York, blocks from site of the devastating 2001 terror attacks. Prosecutors expect to seek the death penalty.

While the opponents of the move are fearful of moving the trial from a Military Tribunal in Gitmo, to a civilian court in NY may make it easier for the terrorist be found innocent, that is not the real problem with the move. Neither is the worry that New York will become a an ever bigger target for al Qaeda and other terrorist groups.

The terrorist cases are being moved to civilian court is to make his left wing supporters happy by putting George Bush, his administration, the CIA, military and intelligence operatives on trial, in the number one media city in the world home of the liberal Media, NYC.

Liberals will tell you that the trial was moved so the terrorists could receive justice, a fair trial with all of the defendant rights that a civilization court offers. Problem is the guilt of these defendants is a moot point...they already confessed. They said that they wanted to be executed so they could be martyred, meet Allah, and get their 72 ugly virgins. A year ago Mohammed and his four co-defendants told the judge that they wished to confess and plead guilty to all charges. The only reason they held off is because the judge could not guarantee the death penalty. Because they already confessed, the only strategy their lawyers will take is to put the victim on!

All of these people will be called as witnesses in the trial by the defense, the methods and techniques of the CIA, military and intelligence operatives will be put on trial, not the terrorists, all with the purpose of sating the liberal desire to "hang" the Bush administration and reveal to the terrorists and the rest of the world, the secret ways that the government has been protecting the United States.

The horrible effect of moving this trial to NY surrounds the rules of evidence. During the discovery process the defense can get hold of just about everything including. How were they tracked and found? Which agents? What methods and equipment? Where was everything located? What methods were used to get information from the terrorists? what kind of enhanced interrogation techniques? Who interrogated the terrorists? Who approved the methods? Where were they held? And so much more

This is going to be another OJ trial. As you may remember, after he murdered his wife and Ron Goldman, OJ was not put on trial, the LAPD especially Det. Mark Fuhrman was put on trail. The defense alleged that Fuhrman had planted the glove at Simpson's house and that the analysis finding that the hair could be Brown's could not be reliable. Defense attorney Johnny Cochran told the jury Fuhrman was like Adolf Hitler. Cochran called Fuhrman "a genocidal racist, a perjurer, America's worst nightmare and the personification of evil."

Sure, there is the possibility that a judge could throw out all of the evidence and they can be acquitted, but it is more likely that the heroes who are protecting this country will be dragged through the mud. And the best part about it for the President and Attorney General is the blame for crucifying our heroes, and releasing state secrets will be placed solely on the head of the Judge. Their hands remain clean. And don't think for one moment they didn't plan it that way.

True it will make NY a bigger target for terrorists. Liberals will tell you that the trial of the "Blind Sheik," Abdel-Rahman who planned the first World Trade Tower bombing took place in NY and nothing happened. I guess they never heard about 9/11.

So get ready for the trial of the century, as Barack Obama, the man who said he wants to improve the reputation of the United States puts America on trial before the world. Its a show trial, designed to embarrass, politically kill off his predecessors. They can't put an axe in the back of their heads like Stalin did to Trotsky, so this will just have to suffice.
Chemical shells for a 105 howitzer. They had been disassembled when I saw them, but the markings clearly indicated several different types of chemical agents. Mustard gas, Sarin gas, and one more that I forget.
were they new, or were they first gulf war era? I know that we found some degraded useless stuff but was there any that they were ready to use then and there? Because I am CERTAiN that had we found newly produced WMD's the Bush administration would have shouted from the mountain tops and it would have silenced a shit ton of criticism.
What additional costs is there to try these folks in the existing criminal justice system? None. Maybe there is a good argument for not trying these guys in the criminal justice system, but the argument that the people of New York will have to pay to try and convict them ain't it, particularly where the trial will occur in the federal court system.
Who gives a fuck what the cost is as long as justice is served. Meme and Tutu and US are simply validating what I states earlier. They don't respect the rule of law.
Who gives a fuck what the cost is as long as justice is served. Meme and Tutu and US are simply validating what I states earlier. They don't respect the rule of law.

to be quite honest mott, alot of liberals don't respect the rule of law either. we're a sad nation stuck between a 'law and order' republican party and a 'go with your heart' democrat party. Nobody wants to go by the supreme law of the land anymore.
to be quite honest mott, alot of liberals don't respect the rule of law either. we're a sad nation stuck between a 'law and order' republican party and a 'go with your heart' democrat party. Nobody wants to go by the supreme law of the land anymore.
Sadly, I think there's a lot of truth in that comment.
Which law is it that says we can send our military to arrest other nations' citizens, transport them across the world, then try them for crimes in a civilian court?

I'm almost positive we didn't send "our military" to arrest him. My recollection is that khalid sheik was arrested by pakistani law enforcement authorities, who later transferred custody to the U.S.

I'm glad, and somewhat surprised to hear, that you evidently support a law-enforcement based approach to combating terrorism, including the judicious application of the rule of law and proper procedure.

Because, I could have sworn in Dixie's thread about evil islamic terrorists you were complaining that the Clinton-based approach of proper law enforcement strategies against international terrorists was wrong headed.
Sadly, I think there's a lot of truth in that comment.

I think few people (not only Americans, you will be pleased to hear) even respect the law of man. We seem to have allowed ourselves, as someone else once suggested, to breed respect and decency out of society. The species is fast heading towards being feral. The more civilisation we build the more uncivilised we get.
Liberals will tell you that the trial was moved so the terrorists could receive justice, a fair trial with all of the defendant rights that a civilization court offers. Problem is the guilt of these defendants is a moot point...they already confessed.

The guy was water boarded 183 times. Can you wrap your mind around that? Sometimes, if not every time, he passed out. There were, most likely, medical personnel to ensure he didn't die.

Constantly torturing a prisoner until they fell unconscious and all the while videotaping it as they were hoping to get information. Then the tapes disappear. Tapes that any reasonable person would conclude contained vital information. Do you think the disappearance of those tapes were an accident?

The taping of a suspect charged with the most horrendous crime ever to happen on US soil and the tapes........oops, someone misplaced them.

The story is he confessed before the torture and the torture was to gather further information. Are we to believe that along with believing the tapes were accidentally misplaced.

Who wouldn't confess to anything after being tortured to the point of unconsciousness over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over for a total of 183 times and now you want to deny the man a trial because it may cast the people responsible for his treatment in an unfavorable light? :barf:


Terror Trial Move Designed to Create an American Nuremberg: Bush Administration Will Be The Real Defendant

In a move expected but feared, self-proclaimed Sept. 11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four other Guantanamo Bay detainees will be brought to trial in a civilian federal courthouse in New York, blocks from site of the devastating 2001 terror attacks. Prosecutors expect to seek the death penalty.

While the opponents of the move are fearful of moving the trial from a Military Tribunal in Gitmo, to a civilian court in NY may make it easier for the terrorist be found innocent, that is not the real problem with the move. Neither is the worry that New York will become a an ever bigger target for al Qaeda and other terrorist groups.

The terrorist cases are being moved to civilian court is to make his left wing supporters happy by putting George Bush, his administration, the CIA, military and intelligence operatives on trial, in the number one media city in the world home of the liberal Media, NYC.

Liberals will tell you that the trial was moved so the terrorists could receive justice, a fair trial with all of the defendant rights that a civilization court offers. Problem is the guilt of these defendants is a moot point...they already confessed. They said that they wanted to be executed so they could be martyred, meet Allah, and get their 72 ugly virgins. A year ago Mohammed and his four co-defendants told the judge that they wished to confess and plead guilty to all charges. The only reason they held off is because the judge could not guarantee the death penalty. Because they already confessed, the only strategy their lawyers will take is to put the victim on!

All of these people will be called as witnesses in the trial by the defense, the methods and techniques of the CIA, military and intelligence operatives will be put on trial, not the terrorists, all with the purpose of sating the liberal desire to "hang" the Bush administration and reveal to the terrorists and the rest of the world, the secret ways that the government has been protecting the United States.

The horrible effect of moving this trial to NY surrounds the rules of evidence. During the discovery process the defense can get hold of just about everything including. How were they tracked and found? Which agents? What methods and equipment? Where was everything located? What methods were used to get information from the terrorists? what kind of enhanced interrogation techniques? Who interrogated the terrorists? Who approved the methods? Where were they held? And so much more

This is going to be another OJ trial. As you may remember, after he murdered his wife and Ron Goldman, OJ was not put on trial, the LAPD especially Det. Mark Fuhrman was put on trail. The defense alleged that Fuhrman had planted the glove at Simpson's house and that the analysis finding that the hair could be Brown's could not be reliable. Defense attorney Johnny Cochran told the jury Fuhrman was like Adolf Hitler. Cochran called Fuhrman "a genocidal racist, a perjurer, America's worst nightmare and the personification of evil."

Sure, there is the possibility that a judge could throw out all of the evidence and they can be acquitted, but it is more likely that the heroes who are protecting this country will be dragged through the mud. And the best part about it for the President and Attorney General is the blame for crucifying our heroes, and releasing state secrets will be placed solely on the head of the Judge. Their hands remain clean. And don't think for one moment they didn't plan it that way.

True it will make NY a bigger target for terrorists. Liberals will tell you that the trial of the "Blind Sheik," Abdel-Rahman who planned the first World Trade Tower bombing took place in NY and nothing happened. I guess they never heard about 9/11.

So get ready for the trial of the century, as Barack Obama, the man who said he wants to improve the reputation of the United States puts America on trial before the world. Its a show trial, designed to embarrass, politically kill off his predecessors. They can't put an axe in the back of their heads like Stalin did to Trotsky, so this will just have to suffice.
I reject that notion that this is show trial. There's some extremely important considerations here. Particularly for the 911 victims and the citizens of New York/Manhattan. The first is that justice will be done. The rule of law shall triumph over these criminals. They shall have a fair trial, which is a hell of a lot more then their victims recieved and suffer the consequences if found guilty. The secondary consideration is that the 911 survivors and NYC citizens will see these men brought to the scene of their crime (Manhattan) and brought to justice.

Again, the important principle here is that the rule of law shall triumph.

BS, some of the families of the victims are not happy about this at all. They want them to be tried by a military tribunal. How can you not have any concerns for the safety of the judge and the jurors? It's insane.
BS, some of the families of the victims are not happy about this at all. They want them to be tried by a military tribunal. How can you not have any concerns for the safety of the judge and the jurors? It's insane.

That's all the more reason for a trial. Are we to cower in the face of Muslin threats? Alter or cloak the legal system?

I think the trial should be telecast. Let the people see and hear the terrorist arguments and logic. What better way to build up support for the troops/armed services and get the general public behind increased security measures?
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The guy was water boarded 183 times. Can you wrap your mind around that? Sometimes, if not every time, he passed out. There were, most likely, medical personnel to ensure he didn't die.

Constantly torturing a prisoner until they fell unconscious and all the while videotaping it as they were hoping to get information. Then the tapes disappear. Tapes that any reasonable person would conclude contained vital information. Do you think the disappearance of those tapes were an accident?

The taping of a suspect charged with the most horrendous crime ever to happen on US soil and the tapes........oops, someone misplaced them.

The story is he confessed before the torture and the torture was to gather further information. Are we to believe that along with believing the tapes were accidentally misplaced.

Who wouldn't confess to anything after being tortured to the point of unconsciousness over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over for a total of 183 times and now you want to deny the man a trial because it may cast the people responsible for his treatment in an unfavorable light? :barf:

and this could be why Bush didn't want to bring these people to trial. If they had been tortured, if their rights have been violated, that is exculpitory.
and this could be why Bush didn't want to bring these people to trial. If they had been tortured, if their rights have been violated, that is exculpitory.

The author writes, "The horrible effect of moving this trial to NY surrounds the rules of evidence..........What methods were used to get information from the terrorists? what kind of enhanced interrogation techniques? Who interrogated the terrorists? Who approved the methods?"

Yes, horrible, indeed! We know Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was not the only person interrogated and we know some of the detainees were freed due to lack of evidence so maybe the American people will connect the dots.

We know innocent people have suffered from rendition.

The author writes, "Its a show trial, designed to embarrass, politically kill off his predecessors."

If the author considers exposing torture is simply a political stunt he is a repulsive jackass.
BS, some of the families of the victims are not happy about this at all. They want them to be tried by a military tribunal. How can you not have any concerns for the safety of the judge and the jurors? It's insane.
It must be difficult going through life being a lilly livered yellow bellied coward? How un-American.
The author writes, "The horrible effect of moving this trial to NY surrounds the rules of evidence..........What methods were used to get information from the terrorists? what kind of enhanced interrogation techniques? Who interrogated the terrorists? Who approved the methods?"

Yes, horrible, indeed! We know Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was not the only person interrogated and we know some of the detainees were freed due to lack of evidence so maybe the American people will connect the dots.

We know innocent people have suffered from rendition.

The author writes, "Its a show trial, designed to embarrass, politically kill off his predecessors."

If the author considers exposing torture is simply a political stunt he is a repulsive jackass.
I say bring it all to light. As FDR said "We have nothing to fear but fear itself.". I have full faith and confidence that if the rule of law is applied, no matter how ugly, justice will prevail. I feel confident that even if illicitly obtained testimony is excluded that enough evidence remains to find them guilty beyond reasonable doubt. Bring them to trial!
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Eh it's good but I honestly feel a trail is just for show. What jury is going to deliberate for more than 30 seconds as to the guilt of those accused?

Don't misunderstand me, I'm all for it and feel it necessary. I just feel like its a forgone conclusion.

If a jury doesn't give serious consideration to all the evidence, they're making a mockery of the justice system.