APP - Justice Will Finally Be Served

Then how comes it is grotesquelly coincedental that the term is only applied to our First African American President and not to former Presidents and their obsessed to the point of sociopathy followers, such as George W. Bush? Sorry son. I don't believe in those kinds of coincidences so therefor that pig don't fly. The whole point of using the pejorative has absolutely nothing to do with Obama's followers and has absolutely everything to do with marginalizing him as a person. So don't try to spit up wind and tell me it's raining.

Because one of his supporters calls him a Messiah and others now use the term its racial? Did any Bush supporter call him the Messiah in public?
No... he skipped right over Desh and went into wanderingbear territory.
You guys must have pretty low IQ's or a complete lack of imagination, either that or you have an utter contempt for your readers intelligence. Notice no matter what pejorative I switch for "Messiah" it fits seemlessly and that shows the absolute truth to your lie. You could care less about Obama's followers. You just wish to marginilize him as a person. That was so easy to prove that even a genetic defective idiot of the lowest order can see the truth to it. So who are you guys trying to bullshit? Not me!
Then how comes it is grotesquelly coincedental that the term is only applied to our First African American President and not to former Presidents and their obsessed to the point of sociopathy followers, such as George W. Bush? Sorry son. I don't believe in those kinds of coincidences so therefor that pig don't fly. The whole point of using the pejorative has absolutely nothing to do with Obama's followers and has absolutely everything to do with marginalizing him as a person. So don't try to spit up wind and tell me it's raining.

you are an idiot then if you think it has anything to do with his skin pigmentation.

The left was so obsessed with hating Bush, that they went nuts over Obama. Falling all over his Hope and Change mantra. What other President saw that type of adulation during his/her campaign? The answer is NONE.

Your asserting his race into it shows much more about you and your prejudice than anything else.
Like hell it was. It's so obviously the truth and so readily apparent which is the reason it pisses you off. You aren't bullshitting me.

You are truly ignorant.

that said, it does piss me off when anyone uses that word. Your use of it is projection. It is what YOU believe he meant. Saying it is 'so obvious' is nothing more than a cover to excuse your behavior. It was pathetic on your part.
You guys must have pretty low IQ's or a complete lack of imagination, either that or you have an utter contempt for your readers intelligence. Notice no matter what pejorative I switch for "Messiah" it fits seemlessly and that shows the absolute truth to your lie. You could care less about Obama's followers. You just wish to marginilize him as a person. That was so easy to prove that even a genetic defective idiot of the lowest order can see the truth to it. So who are you guys trying to bullshit? Not me!

Um... no... that was the point you twit. It doesn't switch seamlessly. You just WANT to PRETEND it does so you can justify your ignorant behavior.
Saying Obama 'lied' or calling him 'the Messiah' does not equate to 'uppity N'

Calling him the Messiah is a reflection on his FOLLOWERS... not on Obama you moron.
Then how comes it is grotesquelly coincedental that the term is only applied to our First African American President and not to former Presidents and their obsessed to the point of sociopathy followers, such as George W. Bush? Sorry son. I don't believe in those kinds of coincidences so therefor that pig don't fly. The whole point of using the pejorative has absolutely nothing to do with Obama's followers and has absolutely everything to do with marginalizing him as a person. So don't try to spit up wind and tell me it's raining.

I think the whole "Messiah" thing is a leftover from the Right's attempt at painting Obama as the Anti-Christ.

During the campaign in 2008 down here in H-town, on one of the local AM talkers, RightWingNut Michael Berry had a guest on that claimed he could prove Obama was the Anti-Christ.

Among "evidence" he claimed was that he'd counted the number of times the word Barack appeared in the bible, and that number "proved" that Obama was the Anti-Christ.

Also remember how RightWingNuts always like to claim that Christians are overwhelmingly Republican, while Atheists are Democrats. Claiming Obama is the Atheist's "Messiah" is a roundabout way of saying he's the anti-Christ.
Then how comes it is grotesquelly coincedental that the term is only applied to our First African American President and not to former Presidents and their obsessed to the point of sociopathy followers, such as George W. Bush? Sorry son. I don't believe in those kinds of coincidences so therefor that pig don't fly. The whole point of using the pejorative has absolutely nothing to do with Obama's followers and has absolutely everything to do with marginalizing him as a person. So don't try to spit up wind and tell me it's raining. if a word is used to describe someone and said word has zero race connotation, but it is the first time said word was used in reference to a president, if they are black (because we both know you know that other words have first been used in reference to other white presidents), then it is racist....

thats the funniest and at the same time, most pathetic thing i've ever heard
Farrakhan said the Messiah is absolutely speaking when referring to Obama. That's where I heard it and assume others did as well when it was reported.

Hell BAC was on here talking about 'the Movement' during the primaries before he determined Obama was more hype than substance.
Because one of his supporters calls him a Messiah and others now use the term its racial? Did any Bush supporter call him the Messiah in public?
Well that's news to me. The only ones I've ever heard call him that are his political opponents who use it as a code word for "Uppity Nigger".
Well that's news to me. The only ones I've ever heard call him that are his political opponents who use it as a code word for "Uppity Nigger".

I told you that shit wasn't made up. That's why its stupid trying to claim its racial and droppin n-bombs like that.
Farrakhan said the Messiah is absolutely speaking when referring to Obama. That's where I heard it and assume others did as well when it was reported.

Hell BAC was on here talking about 'the Movement' during the primaries before he determined Obama was more hype than substance.
Ah, so Farrakhan now speaks for all Obama supporters? Weak dude, real weak!
I think the whole "Messiah" thing is a leftover from the Right's attempt at painting Obama as the Anti-Christ.

During the campaign in 2008 down here in H-town, on one of the local AM talkers, RightWingNut Michael Berry had a guest on that claimed he could prove Obama was the Anti-Christ.

Among "evidence" he claimed was that he'd counted the number of times the word Barack appeared in the bible, and that number "proved" that Obama was the Anti-Christ.

Also remember how RightWingNuts always like to claim that Christians are overwhelmingly Republican, while Atheists are Democrats. Claiming Obama is the Atheist's "Messiah" is a roundabout way of saying he's the anti-Christ.
How many times did he say it appeared?
Well that's news to me. The only ones I've ever heard call him that are his political opponents who use it as a code word for "Uppity Nigger".
Rubbish, it's calling all of you followers worshipers. Sip the kool aid, keep shouting the n-word like a tourettes patient, and you'll fit right in. Anybody who criticizes policy or points out the worship should be labeled something horrible, like "racist", or "specieist" or some such...
Farrakhan said the Messiah is absolutely speaking when referring to Obama. That's where I heard it and assume others did as well when it was reported.

Hell BAC was on here talking about 'the Movement' during the primaries before he determined Obama was more hype than substance.

come on now... it HAS to be racist... Mottley said it is SOOOOOO clear. Thus it must be true.
Ah, so Farrakhan now speaks for all Obama supporters? Weak dude, real weak!

No he doesn't speak for all Obama supporters but you are going to act surprised that a phrase like that might be used by Obama's opponents? You are not new to politics or partisan politics which is why I don't understand your reaction here which seems very out of character.