APP - Justice Will Finally Be Served

Which is hardly the same as having WMD's. Regardless, even if they did they still did not meet the threshold for being a clear and present danger to US national security.

No, those are WMDs. And those are certainly deadly enough to warrant cause for concern is he was supplying terrorist organizations with said shells (though our current evidence suggests he did not do any such thing).
were they new, or were they first gulf war era? I know that we found some degraded useless stuff but was there any that they were ready to use then and there? Because I am CERTAiN that had we found newly produced WMD's the Bush administration would have shouted from the mountain tops and it would have silenced a shit ton of criticism.

I couldn't tell, wasn't allowed to get close enough to them. They had been recently disassembled though. By our guys, not Iraqis.
Well that's news to me. The only ones I've ever heard call him that are his political opponents who use it as a code word for "Uppity Nigger".

Jesus, you are sick, dude. The name Messiah was given to him because he thought he was so special and had come to save the world. The left were sickening, the way they worshiped him. It didn't have a goddamn thing to do with race.
Jesus, you are sick, dude. The name Messiah was given to him because he thought he was so special and had come to save the world. The left were sickening, the way they worshiped him. It didn't have a goddamn thing to do with race.
No, the name "Messiah" was tagged on him by racist rednecks who think he's an uppity nigger. I mean ya'll are so full of it. Bush stated publicly that he was called by God to run for President making him a bona fide megalomaniac and I didn't hear ya'll calling him "The Messiah" while you were walking in lock step with him and Geee Golly it just so happens to be that the ONE PRESIDENT you do call "The Messiah" happens to be an African American. WOW! What a coincidence. [/sarcasm]

Well I don't believe in coincidences to go try and bullshit someone else Tutu, it aint working on me. Go try and sell that line to someone else in your trailer park. We aint buying it here.
No, the name "Messiah" was tagged on him by racist rednecks who think he's an uppity nigger. I mean ya'll are so full of it. Bush stated publicly that he was called by God to run for President making him a bona fide megalomaniac and I didn't hear ya'll calling him "The Messiah" while you were walking in lock step with him and Geee Golly it just so happens to be that the ONE PRESIDENT you do call "The Messiah" happens to be an African American. WOW! What a coincidence. [/sarcasm]

Well I don't believe in coincidences to go try and bullshit someone else Tutu, it aint working on me. Go try and sell that line to someone else in your trailer park. We aint buying it here.

While I agree Farakhan is a racist a redneck is definitely a new term for him. You like dropping N bombs don't you? Been listening to a lot of rap music recently?
Wow Mott, not seen so much spin since last visit to 6 Flags. Nor so much dissemination since some Southern Preacher. Where you live, again? agin?
While I agree Farakhan is a racist a redneck is definitely a new term for him. You like dropping N bombs don't you? Been listening to a lot of rap music recently?
I see. So Farakhan uses it once and your trying to tell me that all the people on the far right don't mean it as a pejorative? Come on Cawacko, you of all people couldn't possibly be that niave. What about the point I made about Bush? His followers walked in lock step off the preverbial cliff with him but no one nailed him with a pejorative like "The Messiah". Are you trying to tell me that this is just a coincidence?
I see. So Farakhan uses it once and your trying to tell me that all the people on the far right don't mean it as a pejorative? Come on Cawacko, you of all people couldn't possibly be that niave. What about the point I made about Bush? His followers walked in lock step off the preverbial cliff with him but no one nailed him with a pejorative like "The Messiah". Are you trying to tell me that this is just a coincidence?

Partisan politics my friend. And yes Farakhan calling him the Messiah is going to get reported in right wing circles so partisans are going to mockingly call Obama that. There was a cult like atmosphere around Obama at the time he was elected and that included the media.

I mean if people on the right left Bill Clinton alone and then came after Obama I'd say you have a case. But did you think the "vast right wing conspiracy" would just leave? Look back at the primaries you go after Obama its racist, you go after Hillary its sexist and you go after John Edwards its just partisanship.

I'm not in the mind of every person so to some people race is a factor. But partisan politics is not new and to expect Obama to be treated any different because of his race is almost reverse racism in and of itself.
I see. So Farakhan uses it once and your trying to tell me that all the people on the far right don't mean it as a pejorative? Come on Cawacko, you of all people couldn't possibly be that niave. What about the point I made about Bush? His followers walked in lock step off the preverbial cliff with him but no one nailed him with a pejorative like "The Messiah". Are you trying to tell me that this is just a coincidence?

Not to mention Mott on a board like this you know people say things to get under other people's skin.

Kind of like people would call Bush 'Shrub' or all Republicans 'Neo-cons' because they knew it upset some partisans.

Or people calling Obama by his middle name or the Messiah. Those are tactics to get a response. It obviously got a rise out of you.

You are free to disagree with me but I'm telling you its partisan.
Then how comes it is grotesquelly coincedental that the term is only applied to our First African American President and not to former Presidents and their obsessed to the point of sociopathy followers, such as George W. Bush? Sorry son. I don't believe in those kinds of coincidences so therefor that pig don't fly. The whole point of using the pejorative has absolutely nothing to do with Obama's followers and has absolutely everything to do with marginalizing him as a person. So don't try to spit up wind and tell me it's raining. if a word is used to describe someone and said word has zero race connotation, but it is the first time said word was used in reference to a president, if they are black (because we both know you know that other words have first been used in reference to other white presidents), then it is racist....

thats the funniest and at the same time, most pathetic thing i've ever heard

since i just got repped on this....

Wow Mott, not seen so much spin since last visit to 6 Flags. Nor so much dissemination since some Southern Preacher. Where you live, again? agin?

I don't know where Mott gets the wild crap he is spewing, but it's obvious he has gone off the deep end. Personally, I think Obama is kinda cute, but I detest his policies and that's it.
if an Obama supporter said that Obama was the greatest thing since sliced bread, and we started calling him "Slice", Mott would accuse us of racism since the majority of bread sold is white......
Partisan politics my friend. And yes Farakhan calling him the Messiah is going to get reported in right wing circles so partisans are going to mockingly call Obama that. There was a cult like atmosphere around Obama at the time he was elected and that included the media.

I mean if people on the right left Bill Clinton alone and then came after Obama I'd say you have a case. But did you think the "vast right wing conspiracy" would just leave? Look back at the primaries you go after Obama its racist, you go after Hillary its sexist and you go after John Edwards its just partisanship.

I'm not in the mind of every person so to some people race is a factor. But partisan politics is not new and to expect Obama to be treated any different because of his race is almost reverse racism in and of itself.
Well I dont' expect him to be treated any differant. I'm just calling a spade a spade.
Not to mention Mott on a board like this you know people say things to get under other people's skin.

Kind of like people would call Bush 'Shrub' or all Republicans 'Neo-cons' because they knew it upset some partisans.

Or people calling Obama by his middle name or the Messiah. Those are tactics to get a response. It obviously got a rise out of you.

You are free to disagree with me but I'm telling you its partisan.
Actually I could care less. I was just pointing out the intent of those using the pejorative and it obviously got under their skin! LOL