JustPlainPolitics Stock Market Game

With 2 days remaining the results are as follows:

1. Damocles $5,509,327.92 (At one time I was down to 227K in the account.)

2. Good Luck $1,708,407.80

3. Watermark $1,227,148.99

4. Warren $1,093,071.50

5. Grind $1,000,000.00 (never made even a single transaction)

6. topspin $935,343.35

7. DigitalDave $918,077.73 (Considering he had this down to about 300K this isn't bad).

8. Troglodyte27 $143,483.89 (at one time Trog had 2M, but then he just stopped while holding 2X shorts).

9. superfreak -$243,694.90

10. DivingDW -$311,632.70 (This was DD's original account).
┐(´-`)┌;518421 said:
congrats having less money than when you started topspin. you're a real pro lol.

Hey video gameboy,
I'll gladly match my real returns with yours from any of the last 10yrs.
You freaking momma's boys all reset and I left.
I dominated last year when it was all men and no boys.

^ topspin after trading pretend stocks on the internet, when none of the boys were around.
I'm game for it again. Problem is I can't play throughout the trading day but I can put in limit orders and hope they trigger. I'll be at a disadvantage cause I can't jump in when I want but that's cool. I won't put it all on black this time.. lol
I'm game to, but the second grind or watergerber resets I'm out.
Or could we get a set for college boys and another game for the men. LOL
There is always 'kaChing' as well, it's a fun little app I found on facebook for stock investing... I also can get to it from work ;)