JustPlainPolitics Stock Market Game

Yeah, .05 per share. And with 100K shares... Well, that was substantial...

It's okay though. Thankfully it's gone up by twice that.
IMHO we will see Dow 7200 sometime this year... and I think Dow ~6000 before we resolve the market.

This is the wrong market to be long except for very good quality stocks that you will hold until you die.
The past few days of SMG have been interesting. The kids recognized that algebra does have a purpose, while figuring out commissions, profit, and balances. I think this may be more educational at this point in time, than previously.
Ok, I reached the goal of a double in the game in less than six months... I'm over $2,000,000 in the game, and +70% since Jan 1 in my real life trading account.
Amazingly, I'm still second.

Everyone else, except Damo, fagged out. At one point I was below Toppy on the score board, but I kept on playing. Now that I've doubled, it's kind of boring. Maybe my next goal could be to see if I can get to 4x Toppy, or maybe 2X your value.

Yeah... all the adults played last year.... blah blah blah
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I'm still trying to figure out this day trading thing so I can make money on the stuff. In RL I've dumped into cash long ago, but I'd like to get a better % than I'm getting.
First you have to get the major trend right. This is a downward trending market; you have to get on the short side or use inverse ETFs. "Buy-and-hold" in long positions is not the place to be right now.

I would not be surprised if there were another 1000 points left on the downside (Dow 5500?) before an L-shaped bottom and a long slow recovery. This will not be a V. BUT that means that there is plenty of time to undertake a rational investment plan over the next few years that could lead to large rewards.

Wait until the S&P earnings stop declining / stabilize before going long. An S&P P/E ratio of around 8 is typical at the bottom. Wait for it.
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First you have to get the major trend right. This is a downward trending market; you have to get on the short side or use inverse ETFs. "Buy-and-hold" in long positions is not the place to be right now.

I would not be surprised if there were another 1000 points left on the downside (Dow 5500?) before an L-shaped bottom and a long slow recovery. This will not be a V. BUT that means that there is plenty of time to undertake a rational investment plan over the next few years that could lead to large rewards.

Wait until the S&P earnings stop declining / stabilize before going long. An S&P P/E ratio of around 8 is typical at the bottom. Wait for it.
I like this game because it is a good way to test out things.

Previous to this mess I have had an easy time of it. I dumped into cash in my personal accounts at the right time too... but I still would like to get a better return than I am getting. Clearly I can. I've seen you do it so I know it is possible. I just need to figure it out.