The original inhabitants of Jamaica are believed to be the Arawaks, also called Tainos.

They have been gone for a while. It would be like trump claiming to be a Native American, because the original inhabitants of Queens were Native Americans. trump is not a Native American.

Harris' father is African Jamaican. He is a descendent of the African slaves brought to Jamaica. He is now a African Jamaican American.
I called it.

Harris is smart and she is vicious....which is exactly what the Regressive Left demands because they suck....and Biden despite claims that he is a moderate is clearly in their pocket because the DNC belongs to them and Biden is nothing but a mostly dead stooge for the DNC.

I will be surprised if Bret Weinstein is wrong that it has been clear that it is Harris, as he has been saying for about a month, that this is obvious.
Donald Harris, the father of Kamala revealed that his daughter is descended from Jamaican plantation slave owners.

I would not be surprised if there is some slave owners, or at least overseers blood running in her veins. Most African Americans also have some of the whites who raped their Black ancestors as ancestors.

The facts remain that Harris is both Black, and a natural born American.
The original inhabitants of Jamaica are believed to be the Arawaks, also called Tainos. They came from South America 2,500 years ago and named the island Xaymaca, which meant ““land of wood and water”. The Arawaks were a mild and simple people by nature.

And you are a biblethumperous crackacanous
It's gonna be susan rice. For the same reasons biden is running. Both of them face serious legal problems on the horizon. Just like hillary, there's nothing to joe's campaign. It's not that it's just lacking substance and originality, it's illogical and stupid. Who erases tax cuts, and RAISES taxes on businesses trying to struggle back from a massive economic collapse? Who stifles struggling commerce with draconian regulation? Biden's covid 19 strategy is literally President Trump's! These two bastards don't care about that stuff though, in fact, I don't think they even WANT to win. They're just hoping that if they lose, no one will be in a mood to turn the spotlight on them.
I would not be surprised if there is some slave owners, or at least overseers blood running in her veins. Most African Americans also have some of the whites who raped their Black ancestors as ancestors.

The facts remain that Harris is both Black, and a natural born American.

Geneticists have proved there's no such thing as "race", at least not how Americans think of it. Both Obama and Kap are over 50% white yet they identify as black. Why? Because it's cultural, not racial even if there are nitwits on this forum who believe in White (or Black) Supremacy.

Most of those idiots will die out, but like stupidity and other degenerates, some will probably always exist. As the nation becomes more blended, skin tone is becoming increasingly less relevant. Note that a "smart racist" is a very rare bird indeed. Most are dumb as rocks and/or have serious mental issues.
So I gather that this thread tittle was another JPP lie....OK.....Ya'all know that I expect.

It's conspiracy theory nonsense. Harris is a contender to be Biden's VP, but there is zero evidence she's been picked. Notice the OP offers no evidence other than rumor.

I could post Trump sexually abuses Jared during "Executive Time" and it'd have exactly the same amount of validity.
So I gather that this thread tittle was another JPP lie....OK.....Ya'all know that I expect.

It's conspiracy theory nonsense. Harris is a contender to be Biden's VP, but there is zero evidence she's been picked. Notice the OP offers no evidence other than rumor.

I could post Trump sexually abuses Jared during "Executive Time" and it'd have exactly the same amount of validity. Besides, only nutjobs type in all caps.
It's gonna be susan rice. For the same reasons biden is running. Both of them face serious legal problems on the horizon. Just like hillary, there's nothing to joe's campaign. It's not that it's just lacking substance and originality, it's illogical and stupid. Who erases tax cuts, and RAISES taxes on businesses trying to struggle back from a massive economic collapse? Who stifles struggling commerce with draconian regulation? Biden's covid 19 strategy is literally President Trump's! These two bastards don't care about that stuff though, in fact, I don't think they even WANT to win. They're just hoping that if they lose, no one will be in a mood to turn the spotlight on them.

Biden is almost dead and no one loves him and no one expects anything of him.....This is no time to install an often wrong loyal bureaucrat like Rice in line to be the next President.....there needs to be something to love about the ticket and having some black genetics and having a cunt is not enough....we are past that point.
It's conspiracy theory nonsense. Harris is a contender to be Biden's VP, but there is zero evidence she's been picked. Notice the OP offers no evidence other than rumor.

I could post Trump sexually abuses Jared during "Executive Time" and it'd have exactly the same amount of validity.

Ya I did not even check....I am multi-tasking again....I just went by the tittle.

I have a hard time getting used to how badly so many suck now.

We used to be better.
Ya I did not even check....I am multi-tasking again....I just went by the tittle.

I have a hard time getting used to how badly so many suck now.

We used to be better.

Always be suspicious of someone who posts something as fact but can't back it up with a link. I Googled it and there's nothing except speculation. This is conspiracy theory nonsense.
Always be suspicious of someone who posts something as fact but can't back it up with a link. I Googled it and there's nothing except speculation. This is conspiracy theory nonsense.

Ya but I am having trouble with how often and how profoundly people lie now...I sometimes forget that now days everything needs to be assumed to be a lie until it is checked out....which is fucking exhausting.
Ya but I am having trouble with how often and how profoundly people lie now...I sometimes forget that now days everything needs to be assumed to be a lie until it is checked out....which is fucking exhausting.

There's limited accountability. They can say whatever they want and some morons will believe them.

Like Reagan said, "Trust but verify". There's no verification of the OP. It's a conspiracy theory for now. Maybe Harris will be the VP, maybe not. I don't know and the OP certainly doesn't know.
There's limited accountability. They can say whatever they want and some morons will believe them.

Like Reagan said, "Trust but verify". There's no verification of the OP. It's a conspiracy theory for now. Maybe Harris will be the VP, maybe not. I don't know and the OP certainly doesn't know.

Lack of accountability is societal cancer, and we have it bad.

On the other hand wrong thinkers get cancelled for one time trivial "mistakes".

This society is mentally ill and having a nervous breakdown.
Lack of accountability is societal cancer, and we have it bad.

On the other hand wrong thinkers get cancelled for one time trivial "mistakes".

This society is mentally ill and having a nervous breakdown.
It's phase. We'll outgrow it.

Meanwhile, what happens when a grandchild pulls Trump's finger? He farts and blames it on Obama.