It's phase. We'll outgrow it.

Meanwhile, what happens when a grandchild pulls Trump's finger? He farts and blames it on Obama.

Only BIG PAIN will work to get us to learn now.......The ignorance that we have now is mostly willful....Only pain works on that if shame fails..... And it has.
How awesome would it be if he selected Val Demmings?

Biden: I'm selecting the retired police chief, and cop of 27 years.
Urban Sewers: RIIIIIOOOOTTT!!!
Harris is merely a born citizen by statute (statutory born citizen), not the more restrictive natural born Citizen as required by the Constitution (not that dems care about a little thing called the Constitution). Harris is Constitutionally ineligible to become president or vice president.

You moron. Harris was born in Oakland.
Harris is merely a born(in Oakland, ca) citizen by statute (statutory born citizen), not the more restrictive natural born Citizen as required by the Constitution (not that dems care about a little thing called the Constitution). Harris is Constitutionally ineligible to become president or vice president.

mcCain & cruz?? Did you bitch about them??
Both Obama and Kap are over 50% white yet they identify as black.

Neither are over 50% white. Obama's father is 100% Black, so Obama is at least 50% Black. There is some evidence his mother is like 0.1% Black, so that would make him less than 50% white. Even if his mother was 100% white, you cannot get Obama over 50% white. Harris' mother is 100% Indian, which is considered not white, and her father is probably a mix of white and Black. That means while she is a majority non-Black, she is not a majority white.

In America, and significant amount Black makes you Black because of the One Drop Rule. Many South Americans were confused by us referring to Colin Powell as Black, because while they would admit he has some Black ancestry, they see a majority white ancestry. We see the significant Black ancestry, and see him as Black.

I agree with you that it is cultural. "Race" is completely a cultural construct, but that does not mean it is not real in our culture. Harris is acknowledging the very real situation when she says she is Black.
^ who the FUCK CARES?? why the obsession on bloodlines? this is the USA - we dont care about bloodlines like some eastern European country of the 17th century..what a stoopid discussion

Harris is a mouthy nasty bitch -reason enough for her to be VP for Dems
You moron. Harris was born in Oakland.

The Alt Right will come up with any lie to try to prevent sensible leadership. Assuming Harris is less than 170 years old, she was born in the USA.

Why didn't trump have a birth announcement? Was it that he was not born in the USA?
The evidence shows that Biden has more support, but Trump has more enthusiastic support. That gives Trump the advantage.
you are talking turnout of course. But that only goes so far.
If Biden ever comes out of the basement and interacts with a press that asks real questions then his numbers will go down

The last "presser" was hilarious: "tell us why people should vote for you and not Trump"
WTF kind of question is that? ( fake news enabling Dems of course)
Biden is almost dead and no one loves him and no one expects anything of him.....This is no time to install an often wrong loyal bureaucrat like Rice in line to be the next President.....there needs to be something to love about the ticket and having some black genetics and having a cunt is not enough....we are past that point.
OMG the butcher of Libya -her and Hillary and Samantha Power gawd spare the USA from any more neocon warmongers
You're pretty smart for choosing the right party to support. :)
english please.
damn right I'm smart. I saw thru the Russian hoax, I recognized the Deep State Creeps, and I picked up on Obama's XO to disperse intelligence reports (and not just formal assessments) through the IC to be leaked to damage Flynn and Trump
Curious why Dems will not move on to a younger generation..Biden is a demented fossil, and Rice and old warmonger
Might as well run Madeline Albright FFS
english please.
damn right I'm smart. I saw thru the Russian hoax, I recognized the Deep State Creeps, and I picked up on Obama's XO to disperse intelligence reports (and not just formal assessments) through the IC to be leaked to damage Flynn and Trump

That's amazing. I bet you also saw through the Ukraine hoax.