Biden voters may of be enthused about Biden, but they are enthused about defeating Trump.

Try English next time.

Senile, old, sleepy, creepy Fingers Biden’s own wife said that even if you don’t like him, vote for him anyway.

A ringing endorsement from someone who knows him best.
The Alt Right finds her divisive, but were they ever going to vote for Biden anyway?

Let me put in this way, you say Obama was very divisive, but he was the only President in over 60 years to win two elections with over 51% of the popular vote. He was loved and respected by the majority of Americans. He had the ability to talk with people who disagree with him, which I have not seen many since him have that ability.

And you see trump as being a unifier, even as he has called on America to execute innocent Blacks just because.

Pure bullshit, Walt,

Obama was a neo-Marxist, he worked as a "community organizer" in Chicago in the mid-1980's; he even taught Saul Alinsky's (Marxist) "community organizing" tactics methods to classes of trainees in the city as well.

Obama was big on identity politics and gave a lot of support to the Black Lives Matter movement, which became a very divisive influence in many American cities.

The main reason he was popular was because the Democrat-controlled media treated him with kid gloves. This was partly because he was a Democrat POTUS, but the MAIN reson he got the extremely preferential treatment he did from the media was BECAUSE HE WAS THE FIRST BLACK[/B POTUS. That meant everything that CNN. MSNBC, CBS, ABC, The NYT, The WaPo,etc has to say about President Obama had to kept sweet as pie ! The sun had to be shining out of Obama's ass !

As for his ability to talk to people, he is articulate in a formal, academic-type sense. He talks a lot and slots in a goodly number of pretentious $5.00 adjectives to dazzle oi polloi. But at the end of the day when your clear the verbiage from transcripts of his speeches, there aint much SUBSTANCE there, Pal. Obama's high falutin' rhetoric was 90% "eloquent" bullshit, IMO. He's was a slippery boring sophist. Listening to him was, for me, just like taking a 10mg Temazepam tablet - I was sound asleep after about 15 minutes. Trump has the the opposite effect. When Trump speaks, I listen; and I like what I am hearing because I know here is a rare politician, a mna who TRUTHFULLY speaks his mind when it comes the big stuff that really matters. Not a torrent of BS about some lesbian Mardi Gras or faggot's movement that's campaigning for gay marriage, and so on.

Finally you DO I trust realize the shocking magnitude and extent of the "Obamagate" scandal ? The WORST POLITICAL SCANDAL IN AMERICA'S HISTORY. And you do realize, I trust, that BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA knew EXACTLY what was going on, when it was going on and where it was going on, from the word go. There is now conclusive, hard evidence to prove this, yet that devious, underhanded little Black bastard gets to walk free. WHY ?? It's because no Americans have got the balls to charge him with the 100's of MAJOR felony offences they KNOW he perpetrated. We're talking BIG, SERIOUS federal crimes..

And guess where Obama likes to hang out now? Well, it ain't with the brothers in the 'hood, man. No way Hose ! Obama likes to hang out with the rich, snooty WASPs on "Martha's Vineyard". (And) there ain't no Black dudes can afford to visit the island - that's the beauty of it for Obama I think. He likes it so much he bought a big, fancy property there. It cost a few million, but hey, money's no obstacle for Barack, he's worth somewhere near $300, 000,000 (USD).

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Pure bullshit, Walt,

Obama was a neo-Marxist, he worked as a "community organizer" in Chicago in the mid-1980's; he even taught Saul Alinsky's (Marxist) "community organizing" tactics methods to classes of trainees in the city as well.

Obama was big on identity politics and gave a lot of support to the Black Lives Matter movement, which became a very divisive influence in many American cities.

The main reason he was popular was because the Democrat-controlled media treated him with kid gloves. This was partly because he was a Democrat POTUS, but the MAIN reson he got the extremely preferential treatment he did from the media was BECAUSE HE WAS THE FIRST BLACK[/B POTUS. That meant everything that CNN. MSNBC, CBS, ABC, The NYT, The WaPo,etc has to say about President Obama had to kept sweet as pie ! The sun had to be shining out of Obama's ass !

As for his ability to talk to people, he is articulate in a forma, academic-type sense. He talks a lot and slots in a goodly number of pretentious $5.00 adjectives to dazzle oi polloi. But at the end of the day when your clear the verbiage from transcripts of his speeches, there aint much SUBSTANCE there, Pal. Obama's high falutin' rhetoric was 90% "eloquent" bullshit, IMO. He's was a slippery boring sophist. Listening to him was, for me, just like taking a 10mg Temazepam tablet - I was sound asleep after about 15 minutes. Trump has the the opposite effect. When Trump speaks, I listen; and I like what I am hearing because I know here is a rare politician, a mna who TRUTHFULLY speaks his mind when it comes the big stuff that really matters. Not a torrent of BS about some lesbian Mardi Gras or faggot's movement that's campaigning for gay marriage, and so on.

Finally you DO I trust realize the shocking magnitude and extent of the "Obamagate" scandal ? The WORST POLITICAL SCANDAL IN AMERICA'S HISTORY. And you do realize, I trust, that BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA knew EXACTLY what was going on, when it was going on and where it was going on, from the word go. There is now conclusive, hard evidence to prove this, yet that devious, underhanded little Black bastard gets to walk free. WHY ?? It's because no Americans have got the balls to charge him with the 100's of MAJOR felony offences they KNOW he perpetrated. We're talking BIG, SERIOUS federal crimes..

And guess where Obama likes to hang out now? Well, it ain't with the brothers in the 'hood, man. No way Hose ! Obama likes to hang out with the rich, snooty WASPs on "Martha's Vineyard". (And) there ain't no Black dudes can afford to visit the island - that's the beauty of it for Obama I think. He likes it so much he bought a big, fancy property there. It cost a few million, but hey, money's no obstacle for Barack, he's worth somewhere near $300, 000,000 (USD).


Indeed... excellent.
descending from slave owners means she should be canceled

I mean if statues of Washington and Jefferson have to come down surely she can't be VP. Her family owned slaves.


Descended from slave owners doesn’t mean shit. That is, unless you take responsibility for all your forefathers’ mistakes, dog fucker.

You “logic” is laughable. Nothing new there, taintstain.
Biden voters may not be enthused about Biden, but they are enthused about defeating Trump.

Agreed here. IMO, 2016 was more about defeating Hillary and shaking up the status quo in Washington DC. Mission accomplished!!

Now it's time to get back to sanity. The Democrats are running a person who is experienced but almost certainly a one-term President. If the Republicans get their shit together, they have an opportunity to take the WH back in 2024.

Descended from slave owners doesn’t mean shit. That is, unless you take responsibility for all your forefathers’ mistakes, dog fucker.

You “logic” is laughable. Nothing new there, taintstain.

Well isn’t that what Blacks Love Marxism is doing? Everyone has to pay for the original sin of slavery? You either does ors ya doesn’t
Of course if Hiden Biden picks Cumala Harris, Commiefornia goes from toss up to lean Biden

:laugh::laugh::laugh: Did/do you seriously think trump has a chance in hell of winning this state??

You been down in the bunker a bit to long, get some fresh air this weekend & don't forget your mask, I would hate for you to get maced in walmart..
:laugh::laugh::laugh: Did/do you seriously think trump has a chance in hell of winning this state??

You been down in the bunker a bit to long, get some fresh air this weekend & don't forget your mask, I would hate for you to get maced in walmart..

Agreed. To think Trump has a chance in hell of winning California's 55 electoral votes is a fantasy.

From 2016: https://www.politico.com/2016-election/results/map/president/

D Winner H. Clinton 61.5% votes 5,589,936
R D. Trump 33.2% 3,021,095
:laugh::laugh::laugh: Did/do you seriously think trump has a chance in hell of winning this state??

You been down in the bunker a bit to long, get some fresh air this weekend & don't forget your mask, I would hate for you to get maced in walmart..
Wow! That’s some alternative reality Don lives in.
Biden has a problem.

It’s getting to be late in the game and he needs a VP to check the woman/minority boxes. At first blush, Harris would seem to be an easy choice with her name recognition but even Democrats are saying she’s too divisive.

The black woman down in GA that refuses to accept election results has name recognition—but again on the divisive thing.

My advice for Democrats is to punt on trying to check both boxes and go with Pocahontas. Warren will appeal to the radical left sufficiently it might drag old Joe across the line.

They are saving her for the SCOTUS.................:laugh: