That shrill cunt will assure the loss for Biden

We won’t even need to activate Putin for this one.

Yeah, she's a shocker for sure. Kamala Harris fucked her way to the top of the political ladder by virtue of having an affair with Willie Brown, the corrupt former Mayor of San Francisco "Shitty". Harris was 29 years-old when her relationship with Brown, who was over 60 began. It's how she earned her nick-name : "SPANK ME" !:). Before she hooked up with Willie Brown, she was working as a lowly-paid clerk in a city office. Then, shortly after she started screwing Brown she was miraculously elevated to working in high-powered positions for five-figure salaries (one was worth $400,000/p.a,) and even had Brown give her expensive gifts like new BMW cars.

It's interesting to note that one of Willie Brown's best buddies in San Francisco was a Democrat called the Reverend Jim Jones. Jones was the leader of a movement called the "People's Temple" which was, to cut to the chase, A Marxist socialist/communist organization dressed up ni some of the trapping of the Christian religion. The truth is that Jones was an atheist and he essentially preached the doctrine of Karl Marx. Willie Brown helped Jones out while he was in San Francisco by facilitating his promotion up the ranks of both the Californian state Democrat Party and the national Democratic party,

In 1978 The Reverend Jim Jones decided to take about 1000 member of his "People's Temple" cult to Guyana in Africa, in order to establish an alternative community based on his teachings. Upon arriving in Guyana, the cult membered cleared an area of Jungle and erected housing, etc. Thye called the completed settlement, "Jonestown." Jim Jones had always been mentally unstable, though the story of "Jonestown" ended when Jones completely lost his mind and orderered the mass murder-suicide of 918 ownof his cult members. The cultists: men, women, children and even babies were urged by Jone who was speaking through the settlement's sound system to drink "Kool Aid" laced with deadly cyanide powder. Those who did not drink the poisonous mixture were either forced to do so at gun-point by Jone's armed militiamen, or simply shot if they continued to resist. After the massacre, Jim Jones put a revolver to his own head and shot his brains out ( Good shot, that !!). Th Jonestown tragedy rocked the world for months They even made a movie about it.

So, as you can imagine, Kamala Harris was rubbing shoulders with some "choice" company at the start of her political career, like: the profoundly corrupt, scumbag, Mayor Willie Brown (who was Harris' mentor) and the collection of crazy lowlifes and deviants that moved in the orbit of the lunatic-left San Francisco Democratic party machine. People like the homosexual, misfit, Harvey Milk (who was assassinated as a consequence of his insane, "progressive" Democrat politics, and, of course, the charming Reverend Jim Jones, among others.

PS: Nancy Pelosi (now aged 80) was also a former member of the notorious San Francisco, "progressive" Democrat, political machine I refer to above.

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Curious why Dems will not move on to a younger generation..Biden is a demented fossil, and Rice and old warmonger
Might as well run Madeline Albright FFS

Rice and Harris are both 55. Duckworth is 52. These are young ages for politicians going for the second highest office in the country. The three have accomplished a lot in their lives, but when did that become a bad thing?

Rice is a lot of things, but certainly not a warmonger, or a NeoCon. I think you are confusing Susan Rice with Condoleezza Rice. Condoleezza Rice is not exactly old by political standards, she is a decade older than Susan Rice. Condoleezza Rice is one of the originators of the NeoCons, and regretted not starting more wars.
Rice and Harris are both 55. Duckworth is 52. These are young ages for politicians going for the second highest office in the country. The three have accomplished a lot in their lives, but when did that become a bad thing?

Rice is a lot of things, but certainly not a warmonger, or a NeoCon. I think you are confusing Susan Rice with Condoleezza Rice. Condoleezza Rice is not exactly old by political standards, she is a decade older than Susan Rice. Condoleezza Rice is one of the originators of the NeoCons, and regretted not starting more wars.

Biden has a problem.

It’s getting to be late in the game and he needs a VP to check the woman/minority boxes. At first blush, Harris would seem to be an easy choice with her name recognition but even Democrats are saying she’s too divisive.

The black woman down in GA that refuses to accept election results has name recognition—but again on the divisive thing.

My advice for Democrats is to punt on trying to check both boxes and go with Pocahontas. Warren will appeal to the radical left sufficiently it might drag old Joe across the line.
she’s too divisive.

The Alt Right finds her divisive, but were they ever going to vote for Biden anyway?

Let me put in this way, you say Obama was very divisive, but he was the only President in over 60 years to win two elections with over 51% of the popular vote. He was loved and respected by the majority of Americans. He had the ability to talk with people who disagree with him, which I have not seen many since him have that ability.

And you see trump as being a unifier, even as he has called on America to execute innocent Blacks just because.
The Alt Right finds her divisive, but were they ever going to vote for Biden anyway?

Let me put in this way, you say Obama was very divisive, but he was the only President in over 60 years to win two elections with over 51% of the popular vote. He was loved and respected by the majority of Americans. He had the ability to talk with people who disagree with him, which I have not seen many since him have that ability.

And you see trump as being a unifier, even as he has called on America to execute innocent Blacks just because.

True enough. What a pity that drones severely damaged his legacy.
The Alt Right finds her divisive, but were they ever going to vote for Biden anyway?

Let me put in this way, you say Obama was very divisive, but he was the only President in over 60 years to win two elections with over 51% of the popular vote. He was loved and respected by the majority of Americans. He had the ability to talk with people who disagree with him, which I have not seen many since him have that ability.

And you see trump as being a unifier, even as he has called on America to execute innocent Blacks just because.

You’ve really drank the punch, haven’t you.

Democrats are saying she’s too divisive.
The Alt Right finds her divisive, but were they ever going to vote for Biden anyway?

Let me put in this way, you say Obama was very divisive, but he was the only President in over 60 years to win two elections with over 51% of the popular vote. He was loved and respected by the majority of Americans. He had the ability to talk with people who disagree with him, which I have not seen many since him have that ability.

And you see trump as being a unifier, even as he has called on America to execute innocent Blacks just because.

Spurious and a lie.

Post proof that “he has called on America to execute innocent Blacks just because.”

I’ll wait and understand if you can’t.

Today is Saturday. No need to awaken the kiddies for school, Walter.
Do people here know this already?

The fact came to light due to a screw-up by "Politico" who published the fact too early by mistake.


Just more FakeNews from the liberal media.

It was their way of enticing Biden to pick her. Even tho she is a shit candidate.
Post proof that “he has called on America to execute innocent Blacks just because.”

Don't you remember the Central Park Five? trump continued to call for their execution even after they were proven innocent.
Only BIG PAIN will work to get us to learn now.......The ignorance that we have now is mostly willful....Only pain works on that if shame fails..... And it has.

Isn't that the normal course of human evolution? Two steps forward, one step back is a common characteristic of the human race.

As for willful ignorance, IMO, that's also a partial evolutionary survival trait that fits with the maxim "ignorance is bliss". Can't be frozen with fear about sabertooth tigers and packs of hyenas if you don't believe they exist.

Let's not forget that modern human beings have been around for up to 300,000 years and preceded by millions of years of evolution in the wild. We've only been living with electric homes since 1879 (134 years), modern automobiles since 1901 (119 years). Considering that Jefferson and Hamilton were arguing about States Rights and Federalism only 220 years ago, in the grand scheme of things, the human race is still pretty new at this "modern civilization" thing. Surviving the danger of a WWIII nuclear exchange was a critical test to pass.

Percentage wise, human beings have only been "modern" about 0.7% of our time on the planet. Yes, 0.7, less than 1%. IMHO, we'll be fine....unless an impact event, supervolcano or plague takes us out. :)
Don't you remember the Central Park Five? trump continued to call for their execution even after they were proven innocent.

They confessed and we’re convicted in 1989, Walter. He called for the death penalty then.

They were then found innocent of the crime after convicted murder Matias Reyes in 2002 confessed to raping Meili, which was confirmed by DNA evidence.
Post a link, Walter.

Trump Will Not Apologize for Calling for Death Penalty Over Central Park Five
“You have people on both sides of that,” the president said when asked about the wrongly convicted defendants.

‘You Have People on Both Sides’: Trump on Central Park Five
President Trump refused on Tuesday to apologize for his harsh comments in 1989 about the Central Park Five, the men who as teenagers were wrongly convicted of a rape in New York City.

“Mr. President, will you apologize to the Central Park Five? They’ve been exonerated, there have been videos and movies shown about the case, and you came out with a full-page ad saying that they should die, that they should have the death penalty. Do you — ” “Why do you bring that question up now? It’s an interesting time to bring it up. You have people on both sides of that. They admitted their guilt. If you look at Linda Fairstein and if you look at some of the prosecutors, they think that the city should never have settled that case. So we’ll leave it at that.”

President Trump said on Tuesday that he would not apologize for his harsh comments in 1989 about the Central Park Five, the five black and Latino men who as teenagers were wrongly convicted of the brutal rape of a jogger in New York City.

Mr. Trump was asked about newspaper advertisements he bought back then calling for New York State to adopt the death penalty after the attack. (The ads never explicitly called for the death penalty for the five defendants.)

“You have people on both sides of that,” he said at the White House. “They admitted their guilt.”

“If you look at Linda Fairstein and if you look at some of the prosecutors, they think that the city never should have settled that case — so we’ll leave it at that,” he added, referring to the former prosecutor who was running the Manhattan district attorney’s sex crimes unit at the time.

Mr. Trump’s remarks about the Central Park Five were strikingly similar to comments he made in reaction to the deadly violence at a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Va., in 2017. A woman was killed after a driver slammed his vehicle into counterprotesters. At the time, the president said, “There was blame on both sides.”

In 1989, Mr. Trump placed full-page advertisements in four New York City newspapers, including The New York Times, calling for the state to adopt the death penalty for killers. He made clear that he was voicing this opinion because of the rape and assault of Trisha Meili, a woman who had been jogging in Central Park.

“I want to hate these murderers and I always will,” Mr. Trump wrote in the May 1989 ad. “I am not looking to psychoanalyze or understand them, I am looking to punish them.”

He wrote in all caps: “Bring back the death penalty and bring back our police!”

Mr. Trump placed full-page advertisements in four New York City newspapers in 1989 calling for the state to adopt the death penalty.

At the time, Mr. Trump was an up-and-coming real estate developer, but the advertisements attracted widespread attention.

The five teenagers were wrongfully convicted and sentenced to prison for gang-raping and nearly killing Ms. Meili.

They said the police had coerced them into confessing to a crime they did not commit. Their convictions were vacated in 2002, and the city paid $41 million in 2014 to settle their civil rights lawsuit.

Barry Scheck, a founder of the nonprofit Innocence Project who was part of a team of lawyers who worked with prosecutors to reinvestigate the Central Park Five case, called Mr. Trump’s response disturbing.

“It’s shocking and deeply troubling that after all of these years, he would not have recognized that by calling for the reinstitution of the death penalty, it contributed to an atmosphere that deprived these men of a fair trial,” Mr. Scheck said.

The Manhattan district attorney, Cyrus R. Vance Jr., said in a statement on Tuesday that the men “were wrongfully convicted and what happened to them was an injustice.”

A Netflix mini-series, “When They See Us,” which premiered this month, renewed focus on the case and generated public outrage.

Much of that outrage targeted Ms. Fairstein, the former prosecutor. She has resigned from a number of prominent boards, including that of Vassar College, her alma mater.

The lead prosecutor on the 1989 case, Elizabeth Lederer, resigned this month as a lecturer at Columbia Law School.

The Netflix series is a dramatized account based on the experiences of the men — Korey Wise, Kevin Richardson, Raymond Santana, Antron McCray and Yusef Salaam — who spent years in prison before being cleared of the charges.

The district attorney’s office determined that the attack on Ms. Meili was an assault committed by a man named Matias Reyes, who surfaced in 2002 and confessed to the crime, an admission confirmed by DNA evidence.

He had been accused of raping, maiming and murdering on Manhattan’s Upper East Side. Ms. Meili was the second woman he raped and beat in the park that week.

The five boys were elsewhere in the park at the time, an investigation by the district attorney’s office found in 2002.

she was working as a lowly-paid clerk in a city office.

Harris was never a "lowly-paid clerk in a city office". She did not work for city government, until she had been quite successful in state government. Between college and law school, she was a mailroom clerk, in Cranston's office, but no allegations of an affair there. Then Harris went to college, and after that she was a deputy district attorney.

working in high-powered positions for five-figure salaries (one was worth $400,000/p.a,)

Harris has never earned $400k in salary in her life.

Harvey Milk (who was assassinated as a consequence of his insane, "progressive" Democrat politics)

Milk was assassinated by an insane right wingnut, who tried to use the "Twinkie Defense". Your hero was so crazy he blamed Twinkies.
They confessed and we’re convicted in 1989, Walter. He called for the death penalty then.

They were then found innocent of the crime after convicted murder Matias Reyes in 2002 confessed to raping Meili, which was confirmed by DNA evidence.

Even after they were cleared, trump continued to call for the death penalty, because he said Blacks made him feel unsafe.
Harris is merely a born citizen by statute (statutory born citizen), not the more restrictive natural born Citizen as required by the Constitution (not that dems care about a little thing called the Constitution). Harris is Constitutionally ineligible to become president or vice president.

Here is the definition of a natural born citizen.
Under the 14th Amendment's Naturalization Clause and the Supreme Court case of United States v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 US. 649, anyone born on U.S. soil and subject to its jurisdiction is a natural born citizen, regardless of parental citizenship. This type of citizenship is referred to as birthright citizenship.

Harris was born in California. I know California is really a Mexican state but technically it is a US state. Satire folks don't get your panties in a wad.
Even after they were cleared, trump continued to call for the death penalty, because he said Blacks made him feel unsafe.

They confessed and were convicted in 1989, Walter. He called for the death penalty then.

They were then found innocent of the crime after convicted murder Matias Reyes in 2002 confessed to raping Meili, which was confirmed by DNA evidence.

Since Blacks are 13% (only 7% are adult males) of the population and commit 51% of violent crime, perhaps you should be apprehensive Walter.
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