Kamala Harris interview with Bret Baier is an unmitigated disaster for her

The interview was not with Trump.

Yeah, cuz Trump woulda answered it correctly. President Harris in her first term has allowed ALL THE ILLEGALS IN. But only the most BROWN of them. They make sure they are dark skinned so when they come up and TAKE YOUR JOB you will know it was because a BLACK WOMAN was president.

OOoooOOOOoooooOOOooOoooOO. SPoooooky Halloween stories.
She was nervous, angry and answered every question by Brett with ...Trump.

Not entirely certain if you know this, but (you can verify it by Googling) Kamala is RUNNING FOR THE OFFICE OF POTUS AGAINST TRUMP. That's kind of what politicians who are running against someone do.

Besides, Trump helped scuttle the Republican-supported immigration bill so HE could score political points for his campaign. Just like NIxon playing footsie with the N. Vietnamese to keep them from attending the peace talks so that he would stand a better chance of winning in '68. So really it IS Trump at the end of the day who has helped this problem be worse.

A leader does not blame someone else for their failures.

That's literally ALL Trump does.

She is not presidential material. .

Then neither is Trump.
"An enemy within" - that is the biggest lie ever. a lie so big it disqualifies her from any office ever

that was an answer to how to handle those that are violent after the election
Legina, did you really expect anyone on Team Crazy to say she did great? I'm watching the show now where Harold Ford Jr gave her some props although he wanted to know more about certain answers.

FWIW, only fucking morons believe the immigration problem began with Biden, post-COVID or is solely the fault of the Democrats. Harris is correct: Congress needs to pass immigration reform, something that has been blocked long before Trump did it. AFAIK, the last President to sign an immigration bill was GHW Bush 34 years ago. As the link notes, the bill began under Reagan: https://www.politico.com/story/2018/11/29/bush-immigration-reform-1990-1014141

As a former border state govenor, GW Bush knew the US needed immigration reform and pushed it, but Congress refused to budge.

On January 7, in his first formal request to Congress in 2004, President George W. Bush announced his administration's views on immigration reform. The announcement marked the first time Bush has addressed immigration policy in a significant way in the past two years. The proposal, which was delivered in the form of a statement of principles, included, among other things, the creation of a temporary worker program for newcomers and for immigrants currently living in the U.S. without authorization. Bush explained that such reform was needed to reduce the potential national security threat of having eight million unidentified, unauthorized immigrants in the United States.

The Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007 (full name: Secure Borders, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Reform Act of 2007 (S. 1348)) was a bill discussed in the 110th United States Congress that would have provided legal status and a path to citizenship for the approximately 12 million undocumented immigrants residing in the United States. The bill was portrayed as a compromise between providing a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants and increased border enforcement: it included funding for 300 miles (480 km) of vehicle barriers, 105 camera and radar towers, and 20,000 more Border Patrol agents, while simultaneously restructuring visa criteria around high-skilled workers. The bill also received heated criticism from both sides of the immigration debate.

The bill was introduced in the United States Senate on May 9, 2007, but was never voted on, though a series of votes on amendments and cloture took place. The last vote on cloture, on June 7, 2007, 11:59 AM, failed 34–61 effectively ending the bill's chances.

A related bill S. 1639, on June 28, 2007, 11:04 AM, also failed 46–53.

This post should have just been written yesterday to save us all some time. There is zero chance ziggy will watch the interview, there is a zero percent chance he will say ANYTHING good about Harris, and this thread will have a value score of zero. An utter waste of time. Ziggy thinks Trump won the last debate. He is in a cult.
The WOKE are at war with competence, and they dont think that individuals even exist, we are avatars of the identity groups the WOKE ideology places us in.....Harris's colossal incompetence is not remotely a problem for the WOKE.
"An enemy within" - that is the biggest lie ever. a lie so big it disqualifies her from any office ever

that was an answer to how to handle those that are violent after the election

You mean Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff? Will Nancy find someone to hit over the head with a hammer? Trump intends to jail anyone who disagrees with him. He has gone so far as to say he would support 'lengthy' prison terms for anyone that donated for Harris. You think this is fine. Don't pretend you don't know what he's talking about and who he is. You LOVE him for his strongman persona. Most impotent, feckless men do.
Those who refuse to support the Regimes candidate Harris because of her incompetence are according to the Revolution bad people who must be hurt.