Kamala Harris is a dangerous authoritarian and an enemy of core American freedoms

Kamala Harris is a dangerous authoritarian and an enemy of core American freedoms

With some hard work, pluck and a bit of genetic luck, Kamala Harris has found her way onto the presidential ballot without having to secure a single primary vote.

Don’t tell me the American Dream is dead.

Sure, Harris is a demagogue who speaks in cringy, swirling, impenetrable platitudes.

But let’s discuss her record and stated positions.

It seems like a lifetime ago that President Biden named Harris his running mate.

Former Clinton fixer George Stephanopoulos said Harris was “the middle-of-the-road, moderate wing of the Democratic Party.”

The New York Times called her a “pragmatic moderate,” while the Associated Press focused on her “centrist record.”

And so on.

A “small c conservative,” one Washington Post columnist wrote.

The only problem was, according to GovTrack, Harris’ record in the Senate was to the left of red-diaper baby Bernie Sanders.

She was least likely of any senator to join in any bipartisan bills.

I wish we had a better candidate, but anything including sleepy joe was and is better than Trump the clown.

14 million democrat drones voted for Quid Pro - until Pelosi said he couldn't win.

Spoiler Alter: Neither can Kamaltoe

Kamaltoe is the backup, "Plan B" if the party got caught and the public found out they were lying about the desiccated old pervert in the White House. Of course "Plan B" is even less popular than the original - but have confidence - it's all going your way...

That's yesterday, Comrade.

That sinking feeling you have? It's called "reality." Your party denies it to you - but on some level you perceive that reality exists.
The polls had Hillary leading every single way until the night she lost...I believe in polls, but TURN OUT IS THE KEY THIS NOV AND DEMOCRATS ARE ON READY TO PUT MAGA TO SLEEP FOREVER!!
Poor Mr. Lizard :palm:


Your screaming hatred and behavior is unacceptable!
You have issues. Please seek professional help.

As a public service, I recommend the below
professional to evaluate your condition.


He/she/it is your type and should get to the root
causes of your anxieties and mental instabilities.
You can send payment to the Trump campaign.
Take care, and remember to be happy :smile::smile:
Poor Mr. Lizard :palm:


Your screaming hatred and behavior is unacceptable!
You have issues. Please seek professional help.

As a public service, I recommend the below
professional to evaluate your condition.


He/she/it is your type and should get to the root
causes of your anxieties and mental instabilities.
You can send payment to the Trump campaign.
Take care, and remember to be happy :smile::smile:
Issues? You have more issues than Ladies Home Journal!

Kamala Harris is a dangerous authoritarian and an enemy of core American freedoms

With some hard work, pluck and a bit of genetic luck, Kamala Harris has found her way onto the presidential ballot without having to secure a single primary vote.

Don’t tell me the American Dream is dead.

Sure, Harris is a demagogue who speaks in cringy, swirling, impenetrable platitudes.

But let’s discuss her record and stated positions.

It seems like a lifetime ago that President Biden named Harris his running mate.

Former Clinton fixer George Stephanopoulos said Harris was “the middle-of-the-road, moderate wing of the Democratic Party.”

The New York Times called her a “pragmatic moderate,” while the Associated Press focused on her “centrist record.”

And so on.

A “small c conservative,” one Washington Post columnist wrote.

The only problem was, according to GovTrack, Harris’ record in the Senate was to the left of red-diaper baby Bernie Sanders.

She was least likely of any senator to join in any bipartisan bills.

Wow that's a LOT of projection!!
Laughing at u lower IQ cracka christers , you crackas are dying off faster than you can spawn :ROFLMAO:

Not as loud as I'll laugh at you in November, Moon.

And no stupid fuck, the genocide you dream of is not happening. Whites don't reproduce as fast as the third world, but are well above replacement levels.

I though you Stalinists worried about overpopulation - you know - one of the scams you pull on the world in your lust for totalitarian dictatorship. Yet you're so proud that the third world squirts out 10 to 15 kids per female.

I know, you're just a Nazi fuck dreaming of genocide.