Kamala Harris is a dangerous authoritarian and an enemy of core American freedoms

You're just looking in the mirror PAP SMEAR!

Get out of that dress and put your BIG BOY BRITCHES ON!

What a pathetic hater and loser!

Have a nice life Lucifer! Try to cope! Deal with it! Own it!
Run along you severely retarded mental case. You're only skill is looking like a moron and crying.
Truth Destroyer turns out to be just another scared little snail-skulled rabbit lost in the rabbit holes!
More projection from the severely retarded mental case. Hey, take a break. You don't need to prove what a fucking idiot you are every single day.

Kamala is not a pinch hitter- she is our Slugger and Ace on the mound!


Hume is just telling it like he see's it. He'll be fine, as his heart is in the right place. He is a Democracy FIGHTER AND AMERICAN PATRIOT who knows how important his vote is.

Your vote is important too- so don't waste it on a couple of losers!

Fair Warning Sir!

Mental case.
I understand that you folks on the right are now justifiably scared because Joe took away the only thing you had: his gaffes. Now you have to actually be able to play ball with someone who can actually run the bases (as opposed to riding around in a golf cart).
Apparently you haven't seen Kamala speak. That, or you are just another lying leftist moron. :palm:
Truth Destroyer's thread is the best example of what a FAILED what-about-ism looks like!

More projection from the severely retarded mental case. :laugh:

Trump, of course is an Authoritarian, so TRUTH DESTROYER wants to try and hide that fact, while accusing Kamala of being an Authoritarian, without any legitimate facts to support his BOLD FACE LIE!

In fact, Trump is not an authoritarian, but the Biden Administration is. If you had a brain and an IQ above room temperature, you wouldn't enjoy looking so fucking stupid, being lied to and gaslighted. :laugh:

Truth Destroyer gets more preposterous with every one of his posts now.

Awwwww, the facts make the little retard cry.

What did Trump accomplish? Two impeachments.

That wasn't Trump you brain dead dumbass. That was the Democratic Party of Lying Jackasses. You give new meaning to the term moron.

And Trump organized the violent attack on the Capitol Jan 6.

Another dumb lie promoted by a mental case with severe TDS. Of course, we don't need to ask you for evidence. Mentally deficient asshats like you believe that just saying something is so makes it so. :palm:
Apparently you haven't seen Kamala speak. That, or you are just another lying leftist moron. :palm:


I've heard Trump speak. And it doesn't look good for your guy. But maybe you think the primary focus of the POTUS should be figuring out which is worse: electrocution or shark attack.
I wish we had a better candidate, but anything including sleepy joe was and is better than Trump the clown.
Says you. But then, you apparently love watching your wealth disappear, the cost of living skyrocket beyond your wages, being lied to and gaslighted.

You're not a very smart or intelligent person.
The polls had Hillary leading every single way until the night she lost...I believe in polls, but TURN OUT IS THE KEY THIS NOV AND DEMOCRATS ARE ON READY TO PUT MAGA TO SLEEP FOREVER!!
November is going to be harsh on lying leftist halfwits. I hope you have stocked up on meds. ;)