Kamala Harris is a dangerous authoritarian and an enemy of core American freedoms

You are always whining- THIS IS NOT SCREAMING BTW!

No one is screaming- That's stupid to say so- That is just writing in caps- no sound at all- SO DON'T BE STUPID!

I'm loving the fact that your guy is now the doddering old man.

I am amused that you voted for and supported a doddering senile old man who was a serial liar and massive failure.

It's positively hilarious how your only attack plan came around to bite you in the ass.

It's positively stupid for you to make such a moronic statement. The only one looking like a dunce is you. :laugh:
Is that all you got PAP SMEAR?
with the way he posts all those stupid post right in a row I wonder if he doesn't have Autism.
many people that have Autism keep repeating things over and over and over.
Just like he does.
I guess we should be nice to the mentally handicapped.
Have a nice day