Kamala Harris’ Yiddish Nickname Shows How Close She Is With Her Jewish Family

And look at what a slave Trump is to Israel.

Trump is a slave to Israel not because of the six million Jewish Americans in this country.

The Republican Party is a slave to the rightwing militant Zionist parties in Israel because 60 million fundamentalist Protestants in this country are guided by their perceived biblical prophesies about Isreal
Trump is a slave to Israel not because of the six million Jewish Americans in this country.

The Republican Party is a slave to the rightwing militant Zionist parties in Israel because 60 million fundamentalist Protestants in this country are guided by their perceived biblical prophesies about Isreal

Christianity is a great tool for Zionism. However, all religion is malleable. Christianity has been used to promote both Segregation and Multiracialism, both Capitalism and Socialism. Yes, the fact that the Bible says Israel is the holy land makes it good propaganda for Zionists. But if the media wasn't controlled by Jews, Christianity would just be reshaped by a different group in power.
The real problem is with religion in general, which makes people extra vulnerable to Fake News and political propaganda.
Here I open this thread and figured her nickname was schmuck, putz, or maybe:

Alte Makhsheyfe, meaning old witch
Alter trombenik, blowhard, troll (in the internet sense)
Fercockt, the Yiddish equivalent of FUBAR
Khnyok, bigot or racist
Nafka, whore
schlump, or useless and stupid
Shlemiel, utterly useless in a Three Stooges sort of way

Those seem fitting for a candidate that didn't win a single primary race, and really didn't even finish in the first 10% of polling overall.
“It’s a free world; you don’t have to like Jews, but if you don’t, I suggest that you boycott certain Jewish products, like the Wasserman test for syphilis; digitalis, discovered by a Dr. Nuslin; insulin, discovered by Dr. Minofsky; chloral hydrate for convulsions, discovered by Dr. Lifreich; the Schick test for diptheria; vitamins, discovered by Dr. Funk; steptomycin, discovered by Dr. Z. Woronan, the polio pill by Dr. A. Sabin and the polio vaccine by Dr. Jonas Salk.

Go on, boycott! Humanitarian consistency requires that my people offer all these gifts to all people of the world. Fanatic consistency requires that all bigots accept syphilis, diabetes, convulsions, malnutrition, infantile paralysis and turberculosis as a matter of principle.

“You want to be mad? Be mad! But I’m telling you, you ain’t going to feel so good!”


I don't hate all Jews, I just don't want them to rule over white countries.
And really, this is a terrible argument. You can not want a group of people around while still accepting they contributed some positive things to the world. I even support Israel being an ethnostate so the Jews can have the same thing I want white ethnic groups to have.
In the middle of her first speech as Joe Biden’s running mate, Sen. Kamala Harris disclosed her favorite nickname.

“My family means everything to me. And I’ve had a lot of titles over my career, and certainly, vice president will be great, but ‘momala’ will always be the one that means the most,” she said Thursday in Wilmington, Delaware.

Harris’ two step-children deserve the credit for that mashup of “mom” and “Kamala,” CNN reported last year.

Despite the fact that their father — Harris’ husband, Douglas Emhoff — is Jewish, it’s unclear if they realized their nickname for their stepmom is the exact pronunciation of an endearing Yiddish word: “mamele.”

Mamele, which uses the affectionate Yiddish diminutive -le, literally means “little mama” and is a term of endearment for moms.


of course she's married to a racial supremacist.
This is actually why the stupid conspiracy theories about Soros really do hurt the West. We have a real problem with Jewish Supremacy, but the conspiracy theories discredit anyone who speaks about it.

ROFLMAO. You mention "stupid conspiracy theories" then go on a rant about "We have a real problem with Jewish Supremacy"? WTFO?

Is this why you are against Trump, because of his "Jewish Supremacy" ties?

I've been to Israel both with the military and as a tourist. As a civilian it's nice, clean and safe. We went to Bethlehem which is on the Palestinian side, likewise safe, not quite as clean and we were advised to stay the night on the Israeli side. The worst was the food, as bad as Britain's. Very bland, then there's all the fucking rules on meat and dairy, not computers while eating, yada, yada, yada <---note irony. The Palestinian food was much, much tastier. Best meal I had the entire week we were there. From a military perspective, Israel is as vital to world peace as Britain was in the 1940s; it's an island of democracy in a sea of nutjobs.

The good news is that several of those surrounding nations are making good progress, but they still have a lot of growing paigns to go before they join the first world as a region. Obviously there are some cosmopolitan cities scattered about, but the people themselves are still a century or two behind. I think the next 20-30 years will be good for them. Until that happens, the United States of America needs an unsinkable aircraft carrier in case we need to go into the region with force.
ROFLMAO. You mention "stupid conspiracy theories" then go on a rant about "We have a real problem with Jewish Supremacy"? WTFO?

It's not a conspiracy theory that Jews have a disproportionate amount of power and use that power to promote Jewish interests, often at the expense of the people in the host country.
This isn't a conspiracy. There is no secret Jewish Illuminati where the Jews all meet up and plan this. It's just a result of Jews having money, influence, and in-group preference.

Is this why you are against Trump, because of his "Jewish Supremacy" ties?

It's one of many reasons.

I've been to Israel both with the military and as a tourist. As a civilian it's nice, clean and safe.

I hear Gaza is especially nice. :rolleyes:
It's not a conspiracy theory that Jews have a disproportionate amount of power and use that power to promote Jewish interests, often at the expense of the people in the host country.
This isn't a conspiracy. There is no secret Jewish Illuminati where the Jews all meet up and plan this. It's just a result of Jews having money, influence, and in-group preference.

It's one of many reasons.

I hear Gaza is especially nice. :rolleyes:

And Asians are good at math. Dude, this isn't genetics or a conspiracy theory. If one culture is superior to another, then by all means let's learn from that culture and assimilate them into our own. Hiding in a fucking bunker too afraid to face a changing world is not a sane approach to reality.
And Asians are good at math. Dude, this isn't genetics or a conspiracy theory. If one culture is superior to another, then by all means let's learn from that culture and assimilate them into our own. Hiding in a fucking bunker too afraid to face a changing world is not a sane approach to reality.

Jewish values conflict with our values, that's an issue.
And Asians are good at math. Dude, this isn't genetics or a conspiracy theory. If one culture is superior to another, then by all means let's learn from that culture and assimilate them into our own. Hiding in a fucking bunker too afraid to face a changing world is not a sane approach to reality.

I didn't say it was genetics and I was clear in saying this isn't a conspiracy.

People have been trying to assimilate the Jews for literally over a thousand years. The result has always been the same. The Jews function as a state within the state and exploit the host population. This is why Jews have been kicked out of more countries than any other group of people.
We can learn from Jews and, if Israel ever stopped the war crimes, we can do business with them. But we shouldn't have them running America and Europe.