Kamala Harris’ Yiddish Nickname Shows How Close She Is With Her Jewish Family

I didn't say it was genetics and I was clear in saying this isn't a conspiracy.

People have been trying to assimilate the Jews for literally over a thousand years. The result has always been the same. The Jews function as a state within the state and exploit the host population. This is why Jews have been kicked out of more countries than any other group of people.
We can learn from Jews and, if Israel ever stopped the war crimes, we can do business with them. But we shouldn't have them running America and Europe.

Were was that @ exactly........ I have often heard of the anti-Jew laws & restrictions.........

Like good O' jim crow-have laws forbidding ppl from assimilating while blaming them for not assimilating.................:thinking:
Trump is a slave to Israel not because of the six million Jewish Americans in this country.

The Republican Party is a slave to the rightwing militant Zionist parties in Israel because 60 million fundamentalist Protestants in this country are guided by their perceived biblical prophesies about Isreal
Christianity is a great tool for Zionism. However, all religion is malleable. Christianity has been used to promote both Segregation and Multiracialism, both Capitalism and Socialism. Yes, the fact that the Bible says Israel is the holy land makes it good propaganda for Zionists. But if the media wasn't controlled by Jews, Christianity would just be reshaped by a different group in power.
The real problem is with religion in general, which makes people extra vulnerable to Fake News and political propaganda.
Americans Jews are less than 2 percent of our population.

U.S. Jews are more likely than Christians to say Trump favors the Israelis too much


Trump's support of militant rightwing Zionism in Israel is being driven by American Christian fundamentalists who cling to biblical prophesy about the significance of Israel.
Canadian Polish-language newspaper blames COVID-19 on Jews in anti-Semitic tirade
The story suggests 'biological weapons are being worked on in the U.S. and Israel not by just any experts, but (under) the leadership of usually Jewish psychopaths'

A Polish-Canadian newspaper twice published an anti-Semitic tirade recently that suggested COVID-19 is a creation of “organized Jewry,” and that Jews were the cause of all the world’s ills.

The article has come to light amid warnings worldwide about a unique wave of pandemic-spawned anti-Semitism.

In a rambling discourse, it also suggests the radical Islamist group ISIL was a Jewish creation to reduce the population of gentiles, that Israel is “the cause of all the world’s woes,” Jews want to create a Judeo-Polonia state in Poland and that Jews control the world’s stock markets.


Americans Jews are less than 2 percent of our population.

Trump's support of militant rightwing Zionism in Israel is being driven by American Christian fundamentalists who cling to biblical prophesy about the significance of Israel.

Correct. In a population that is about 74% Christian. I'm no more worried about "Jewish Supremacy" than I am about Sharia law being imposed in the USA.

True, but that's only a small part of why the United States has interests in Israel.
Bystanders, blackmailers, and perpetrators: Polish complicity during and after the Holocaust

returning Polish Jews encountered an antisemitism that was terrible in its fury and brutality. The most shocking such episode was the Kielce pogrom – a violent attack in July 1946 by Polish residents of Kielce against survivors who had returned, in which 42 Jews were murdered. The Kielce pogrom became a turning point for Holocaust survivors; it was for them the ultimate proof that no hope remained for rebuilding Jewish life in Poland. The pogrom sounded an internal alarm: during the months that followed it, survivors fled from Eastern Europe any way they could. If approximately 1,000 Jews per month left Poland between July 1945 and June 1946, immediately after the pogrom the numbers spiked dramatically: in July 1946, almost 20,000 fled; in August 1946 that number swelled to 30,000, and in September 1946, 12,000 Jews left Poland.

Yet, the murder of 42 Jews in Kielce, as monstrous and harrowing a crime as it was, was not the only story of murder in the post-war period in Poland. As many as one to two thousand Jews may have been murdered after the war by Poles.2 Kielce, however, was the proverbial "straw that broke the camel's back." Kielce reflected the stark betrayal of a Jewish community that was trying to reestablish itself, at a time when it should have received compassion and sympathy from its neighbors. Those who had survived the Holocaust only to experience murder at the hands of their own countrymen could not bear this additional tragedy.


Poles Imbibed anti-Semitism With Their Mothers’ Milk
Bystanders, blackmailers, and perpetrators: Polish complicity during and after the Holocaust

returning Polish Jews encountered an antisemitism that was terrible in its fury and brutality. The most shocking such episode was the Kielce pogrom – a violent attack in July 1946 by Polish residents of Kielce against survivors who had returned, in which 42 Jews were murdered. The Kielce pogrom became a turning point for Holocaust survivors; it was for them the ultimate proof that no hope remained for rebuilding Jewish life in Poland. The pogrom sounded an internal alarm: during the months that followed it, survivors fled from Eastern Europe any way they could. If approximately 1,000 Jews per month left Poland between July 1945 and June 1946, immediately after the pogrom the numbers spiked dramatically: in July 1946, almost 20,000 fled; in August 1946 that number swelled to 30,000, and in September 1946, 12,000 Jews left Poland.

Yet, the murder of 42 Jews in Kielce, as monstrous and harrowing a crime as it was, was not the only story of murder in the post-war period in Poland. As many as one to two thousand Jews may have been murdered after the war by Poles.2 Kielce, however, was the proverbial "straw that broke the camel's back." Kielce reflected the stark betrayal of a Jewish community that was trying to reestablish itself, at a time when it should have received compassion and sympathy from its neighbors. Those who had survived the Holocaust only to experience murder at the hands of their own countrymen could not bear this additional tragedy.


Poles Imbibed anti-Semitism With Their Mothers’ Milk

This is a lot worse.


Jakub Berman was born into a middle-class Jewish family in Warsaw on 23 December 1901.


Between 1944–1956 Berman was a member of Politbiuro of Polish United Workers' Party (PUWP) responsible for Urząd Bezpieczeństwa (State Security Services), propaganda, and ideology. In this capacity he was directly responsible for Stalinist-type terror and repressions against real and imagined political opponents of the communist regime in Poland. Urząd Bezpieczeństwa prosecution of ex-Home Army members, Roman Catholic Church clergy, and purges in the military, resulted in at least 6,000 death sentences, imprisonment and prosecuction of estimated 500,000 Polish patriots.


Beginning in the early 1990s Morel was investigated by authorities for war crimes and crimes against humanity, including the murder[4] of more than 1,500 prisoners from Upper Silesia, most of from the local population.[5][1][6][7] In 1996, he was indicted by Poland on charges of torture, war crimes, crimes against humanity and communist crimes.[3] Afte

alomon Morel was born on November 15, 1919 in the village of Garbów near Lublin, Poland, the son of a Jewish baker.[9] During the Great Depression, the family business began to falter. Therefore, Morel moved to Łódź where he worked as a sales clerk, but returned to Garbów following the outbreak of war in September 1939.[9]


About 6,000 persons were imprisoned at the Zgoda camp, 1/3 of them Germans (1,733 in August 1945 along with those from Upper Silesia).[1][5] The first inmates were sent there by militia, security services and the Soviet NKVD.[1] Some families took children with them to the camp,[1] but such cases were marginal, and concerned a few mothers who did not want to leave their children alone.[6] Statistics and witness statements speak of about 2 mothers with children below 1 to 5 years of age and perhaps 2 or 3 children 6 or 7 years old. This was a violation of a directive by Security Department that forbade admitting prisoners along with children below 13 years old, who were ordered to be handed over to state care instead.[6]


e of the commandants (from 1949), was a Polish Jew and communist named Solomon Morel, who had gained a reputation for cruelty in the Zgoda labour camp in Świętochłowice; the others included Włodzimierz Staniszewski, Stanisław Kwiatkowski and Teofil Hazelmajer (all answering to Jakub Hammerschmidt, later known as Jakub Halicki), as well as the Soviet NKVD officer Ivan Mordasov.[5] There were also two satellite subcamps located at Chrusty and Libiąż.[6]

The COP Jaworzno memorial plate in Polish, located to between the German and Ukrainian plates
A separate subcamp existed for the ethnic Lemko and Ukrainian prisoners. On April 23, 1947, by a decree of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Polish Workers' Party, COP Jaworzno was selected for the detention of civilians during the Operation Vistula deportation campaign. The first transportation of 17 prisoners from Sanok reached the special subcamp of Jaworzno on May 5 and the number of these prisoners eventually totalled almost 4,000 (including over 700 women and children); the vast majority of them arrived in 1947.
Is that what the Nazis told you?

I guess Jews are now Nazis?


n 1934, according to published statistics, 38.5 percent of those holding the most senior posts in the Soviet security apparatuses were of Jewish origin. They too, of course, were gradually eliminated in the next purges. In a fascinating lecture at a Tel Aviv University convention this week, Dr. Halfin described the waves of soviet terror as a "carnival of mass murder," "fantasy of purges", and "essianism of evil." Turns out that Jews too, when they become captivated by messianic ideology, can become great murderers, among the greatest known by modern history.


Who runs Hollywood? C’mon
DEC. 19, 200812 AM
I have never been so upset by a poll in my life. Only 22% of Americans now believe “the movie and television industries are pretty much run by Jews,” down from nearly 50% in 1964. The Anti-Defamation League, which released the poll results last month, sees in these numbers a victory against stereotyping. Actually, it just shows how dumb America has gotten. Jews totally run Hollywood.

How deeply Jewish is Hollywood? When the studio chiefs took out a full-page ad in the Los Angeles Times a few weeks ago to demand that the Screen Actors Guild settle its contract, the open letter was signed by: News Corp. President Peter Chernin (Jewish), Paramount Pictures Chairman Brad Grey (Jewish), Walt Disney Co. Chief Executive Robert Iger (Jewish), Sony Pictures Chairman Michael Lynton (surprise, Dutch Jew), Warner Bros. Chairman Barry Meyer (Jewish), CBS Corp. Chief Executive Leslie Moonves (so Jewish his great uncle was the first prime minister of Israel), MGM Chairman Harry Sloan (Jewish) and NBC Universal Chief Executive Jeff Zucker (mega-Jewish). If either of the Weinstein brothers had signed, this group would have not only the power to shut down all film production but to form a minyan with enough Fiji water on hand to fill a mikvah.
Canadian Polish-language newspaper blames COVID-19 on Jews in anti-Semitic tirade
The story suggests 'biological weapons are being worked on in the U.S. and Israel not by just any experts, but (under) the leadership of usually Jewish psychopaths'

A Polish-Canadian newspaper twice published an anti-Semitic tirade recently that suggested COVID-19 is a creation of “organized Jewry,” and that Jews were the cause of all the world’s ills.

The article has come to light amid warnings worldwide about a unique wave of pandemic-spawned anti-Semitism.

In a rambling discourse, it also suggests the radical Islamist group ISIL was a Jewish creation to reduce the population of gentiles, that Israel is “the cause of all the world’s woes,” Jews want to create a Judeo-Polonia state in Poland and that Jews control the world’s stock markets.



Judeopolonia was the concept of Max Bodenheimer.

The Jewish Labour Bund stated similar.


. Bodenheimer wanted the German army to assault the power of the Tsarist empire in the Baltic States, Poland, White Russia and the Ukraine, where he hoped for an 'East European Federation' in which 'all ethnic groups were to enjoy national autonomy', including the Jews, in the Pale of Settlement.[4] It seems like he was the author of the conception of the establishment of the League of East European States - a German client state with autonomous Jewish cooperation, later referred also as Judeopolonia.[5]


the Bund articulated the principle of doikayt (“hereness”) — that is, the preservation of Jewish life and the struggle for liberation wherever Jews live — and advocated national-cultural autonomy for Jews within a multi-national state. This perspective was concisely summarized as “nationhood without statehood,” and differed sharply from the Zionist concept.
Americans Jews are less than 2 percent of our population.

Yet they are a quarter of Republican funding and half of Democrat funding. Aside from that meaning Jews are disproportionately wealthy, and thus powerful, but it also shows how both parties have to answer to them. And then there's the overrepresentation of Jews in media.

Trump's support of militant rightwing Zionism in Israel is being driven by American Christian fundamentalists who cling to biblical prophesy about the significance of Israel.

Yes, but that's because Jewish media has used Christianity as a tool to advance Zionism. As a religion, Christianity can be twisted to advance any agenda.
Yet they are a quarter of Republican funding and half of Democrat funding. Aside from that meaning Jews are disproportionately wealthy, and thus powerful, but it also shows how both parties have to answer to them. And then there's the overrepresentation of Jews in media.

Yes, but that's because Jewish media has used Christianity as a tool to advance Zionism. As a religion, Christianity can be twisted to advance any agenda.

Let me get this straight

Reputable polling show that American Jews are more likely than Christians to oppose Trump's enabling of Israeli Zionist policy, but some how you are putting the blame for it on Jews?
Were was that @ exactly........ I have often heard of the anti-Jew laws & restrictions.........


Notice that it says the list isn't even complete.

Throughout the Middle Ages, people would accept Jewish immigrants, the Jews would end up destroying the community, then they'd get chased out. This process happened in many different countries across Europe, which is why Jews now have the dishonor of having been kicked out of over 100 countries. It's true that in certain cases, the Jews were required to live in ghettos, which of course keeps people from assimilating. But this usually happened after the Jews wrecked the country and was a precursor to a full pogrom.
Let me get this straight

Reputable polling show that American Jews are more likely than Christians to oppose Trump's enabling of Israeli Zionist policy, but some how you are putting the blame for it on Jews?

Jews aren't a monolith. Many Jews don't care about Israel and think it's better to focus on the international Jewish community. However, there are also Jews who think they're better off building up Israel as a superpower, and these are the Jews that use Christianity as a tool for Zionism. This is why Christians are more likely to support Zionism than Jews. It's simply because there are more Internationalist Jews than Zionist Jews. Of course, the thing that the Internationalists and the Zionists have in common is they're both using their influence to fight for the Jews while exploiting Americans.