Truck Fump / h1b
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What are "Jewish values" and when you say "our values" who are you referring to when you use the word "our"?
racism is the primary jewish value. their religion itself is theocratic racism.
What are "Jewish values" and when you say "our values" who are you referring to when you use the word "our"?
Jewish values conflict with our values, that's an issue.
I didn't say it was genetics and I was clear in saying this isn't a conspiracy.
People have been trying to assimilate the Jews for literally over a thousand years. The result has always been the same. The Jews function as a state within the state and exploit the host population. This is why Jews have been kicked out of more countries than any other group of people.
We can learn from Jews and, if Israel ever stopped the war crimes, we can do business with them. But we shouldn't have them running America and Europe.
LOL. Duuuuud! You can say "this isn't a conspiracy" but when you follow it with a conspiracy theory, it looks really, really funny.
Again, it's not a conspiracy theory to say that Jews have a disproportionate amount of power. Not only is this a fact, but it's not a conspiracy. I don't believe the Jews are secretly planning to control the West. What we're seeing is just a result of Jewish culture.
racism is the primary jewish value. their religion itself is theocratic racism.
I bet you're the type who wants to "level the playing field" and make companies have quotas for hiring. Amirite?
neocons are going down, one way or another.
I think we should level the playing field through welfare programs. But no, we shouldn't have quotas. We should have freedom of association.
The let the cream rise to the top and help the sediment at the bottom where it's reasonable to do so.
You don't have the guns or ammunition for that...
Name those conflicts. How many are there?
What are "Jewish values" and when you say "our values" who are you referring to when you use the word "our"?
Gauno is prime example of it.
Sure, but with a Jewish husband, she's probably going to be even more loyal to the Jews than most Goys in politics.
When you can actually name those conflicts, please let me know.
Soros is almost in the White House!! Run for cover!!!!
Trump is a slave to Israel not because of the six million Jewish Americans in this country.
The Republican Party is a slave to the rightwing militant Zionist parties in Israel because 60 million fundamentalist Protestants in this country are guided by their perceived biblical prophesies about Isreal
Leftists HATE jews more than Hitler did