Kamala Is Begging For Another Debate Because She Knows She’s Losing


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If Kamala Harris were truly running away with this race, as public polls purport, there’s no way she would be clamoring for another debate.​

The need for a second debate, as well as the continued attempts at assassinatingTrump ,tell us the deep state knows what the real poll numbers are.

If Kamala Harris were truly running away with this race, as public polls purport, there’s no way she would be clamoring for another debate.​

The need for a second debate, as well as the continued attempts at assassinatingTrump ,tell us the deep state knows what the real poll numbers are.
I don't think so. It's just a rich field for soundbites in political ads. Have you seen the one where she hands trump his ass over abortion?

The fact that he was too cowardly to look at her makes the ad much better. She uses him as a punching bag, and all he can do is look away like a dog who shit on the floor.

The next debate will serve to challenge him on this week's lies.

The dumb fuck signed a tax law that purposely affected Blue state property owners with the limit on SALT deduction. Now he's promising to undo his own pet law? REALLY? There is video of him in a private meeting with oil execs promising them more tax cuts if they pay him off.

He wants the Feds to pay for invitro? REALLY? Does anyone believe that lie? He cannot debate her again, because the ass whoopin will be twice what the other one was.

I double dare him to debate.
She knows the Oprah STORY interview was a huge miss. Trump putting it on the jumbo screen was genius.
I'm not a fan of Oprah, but millions of voters are.

It wasn't as effective as trump granting appearances to Nazi blowhards, but it was close.

If Kamala Harris were truly running away with this race, as public polls purport, there’s no way she would be clamoring for another debate.​

The need for a second debate, as well as the continued attempts at assassinatingTrump ,tell us the deep state knows what the real poll numbers are.
Ah, "the real poll numbers." I think the smart money would be on the pollster with the best track record in the business, whose real poll numbers, for example, were the only poll numbers that correctly predicted the outcome in all 50 states when Obama beat Romney, and who is recognized currently as the best there is.

No one is saying Harris is "running away with this race." Rather, she is calling for another debate probably because she whipped Trump's ass the first time and would like the fun of doing it again.
Interesting spin.

She's definitely not losing right now. But it's closer than Dems are comfortable with. Since the previous debate was so one-sided, I'm sure they feel they can gain more ground with another one. Trump lost to her so decisively.
fuck Scamala.

She knows the media would do its very best to help her.
Doesn't that make it all the better? Trump, we hear from your side, won the first debate even with ABC giving Harris a helping hand, making his "win" all the more impressive. Why wouldn't he want to run over her again the same way?
She got a 3-4 point bump after she made Trump look like a fool in the last debate.

What candidate wouldn't want to build on that? It's not like he's going to be a different person in the next debate. I have no doubt that he'll take the bait on the rally crowd again.
Oprah will never be the same.... and if Oprah can't help you no one can... That was a complete disaster... I'd like to see them both Go through two hours of light detector tests...;)
How do you know Oprah didn't help? Women across the nation love them some Oprah, and women will go a long way in deciding this election.

trump just insulted every intelligent woman in the nation when he claimed he is their protector.

Only voter suppression, and vote tally manipulation will put him in office again.
She got a 3-4 point bump after she made Trump look like a fool in the last debate.

What candidate wouldn't want to build on that? It's not like he's going to be a different person in the next debate. I have no doubt that he'll take the bait on the rally crowd again.
I'm thinking his staff is telling him NOT to debate, but when has he ever listened to them?
How do you know Oprah didn't help? Women across the nation love them some Oprah, and women will go a long way in deciding this election.

trump just insulted every intelligent woman in the nation when he claimed he is their protector.

Only voter suppression, and vote tally manipulation will put him in office again.
Did you watch it? I guess not...She tried, but she couldn't help.... Kam was a disaster...she's was an insult to all sane and intelligent American...
I think protector was the perfect choice of word ...that's what we all want for our families....our community...our country....
Not a word you'll find served up on the salad bar buffet...
If you want an abortion, they're guys, though....