Kamala Is Begging For Another Debate Because She Knows She’s Losing

Doesn't that make it all the better? Trump, we hear from your side, won the first debate even with ABC giving Harris a helping hand, making his "win" all the more impressive. Why wouldn't he want to run over her again the same way?
my side - Decent Americans - only want a fair election.

We don't need an opportunity for Scamala to present some bullshit letter of 50 top deep state swamp fucks to say Hunters laptop is Russian disinformation or whatever bullshit you and the networks will pull again.

You managed to get a debate before Dementia Joe even had the nomination. You pulled off a coup after his con game was exposed

What's she going to do differently than she's done...or not done...for the last 4 years?
She's an idiot if she believes that she can redefine herself...
As VP? Would you ask Pence what he did during the trump reign of terror? Aside from staring adoringly at him?


If Kamala Harris were truly running away with this race, as public polls purport, there’s no way she would be clamoring for another debate.​

The need for a second debate, as well as the continued attempts at assassinatingTrump ,tell us the deep state knows what the real poll numbers are.
The Federalist :rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2:
Well, then...She's not running for prosecutor of anything, however...
And anyone can memorize things to say...but if you don't say them at the right time, they're not very effective...;)
Well, you support a candidate who panders to the under educated, so your post makes perfect sense. Intelligent people have no place in politics it seems.
Well, you support a candidate who panders to the under educated, so your post makes perfect sense. Intelligent people have no place in politics it seems.
when your platform involves making sure those so uneducated that obtaining an ID is a major barrier to entry, you really should get out of your glass house with that rock in your hand
I doubt that the Regime wants to do another one....they know Trump will never agree to one at CNN after the last one was so rigged and after all the things Trump has said about CNN over the years......they will sell this as Trump being afraid....that was the plan from the jump.

80% confidence.
my side - Decent Americans - only want a fair election.

We don't need an opportunity for Scamala to present some bullshit letter of 50 top deep state swamp fucks to say Hunters laptop is Russian disinformation or whatever bullshit you and the networks will pull again.

You managed to get a debate before Dementia Joe even had the nomination. You pulled off a coup after his con game was exposed

Here you are talking about Dementia Joe, but apparently you're not looking at Trump's state of mind.

If Kamala Harris were truly running away with this race, as public polls purport, there’s no way she would be clamoring for another debate.​

The need for a second debate, as well as the continued attempts at assassinatingTrump ,tell us the deep state knows what the real poll numbers are.
This has got to be one of the stupidest attempts at a "rational/logical" shot against the Harris campaign I've ever seen.

Now let's see: you're winning in the polls by a slight margin, and the more the opposition opens their respective mouths, the more voters they lose to you.

But the MSM reminds everyone that you are not really all that clear to the nation as a whole as to what specifics you have on policy and such, and how can you explain away the current administration's (of which you are VP) economic record.

So, you are on the campaign trail with your running mate, stumping in various states to make your case known beyond just being a counter to your opponent.

Meanwhile, you're opponent is screaming bloody murder about how the candidate he initially ran against (and was winning against) is no longer there, and he now is facing a more competent (and popular) opponent. So he and his running mate are on the stump consistently wailing about your incompetence, how you lost the first debate (despite evidence and general consensus to the contrary), and how nobody knows your stances or who you are, etc.

So it would be in your best interest to "seal the deal" by having another debate and effectively burying the opposition with their own words & actions.

So now the oppositions stance is that you want another debate because you are "losing".

Any rational, objective adult in America who just gives medium attention to current events would see how absurd the Orange Oaf's latest ploy is. But then again, logic has never been his strong point. So he'll just blow any type of repetitive smoke at his "base" and media mouth pieces in a vain attempt to garner the perception of "winning".

Pathetic, but not unexpected.

And the band played on.
This has got to be one of the stupidest attempts at a "rational/logical" shot against the Harris campaign I've ever seen.

Now let's see: you're winning in the polls by a slight margin, and the more the opposition opens their respective mouths, the more voters they lose to you.

winning in national polls by the margin of error. In swing states, I would not say she has a slight margin at all.

Letting her again be in a "debate" with friendly moderators only helps her vibe campaign of no substance.
This has got to be one of the stupidest attempts at a "rational/logical" shot against the Harris campaign I've ever seen.
This has got to be one of the lamest attempts at self-delusion I've ever seen. You're in heavy denial. I feel sorry for you.

Now let's see: you're winning in the [fake] polls by a slight margin,
The trick to accurately reading the fake polls is to subtract between 5 to 6 points from Kriminala and give them to Trump ... then you'll have a more accurate reflection of reality.

Trump is probably winning 58 - 42, or thereabouts.

But the MSM reminds everyone that you are not really all that clear to the nation as a whole as to what specifics you have on policy and such,
But We the People can't help but realize that Donald Trump and J. D. Vance have been absolutely prolific in advertising the platform all across the country in numerous rallies and interviews, and publishing it on his official website, i.e.

1 - Seal the border and stop the migrant invasion
2 - Carry out the largest deportation operation in american history
3 - End inflation, and make america affordable again
4 - Make america the dominant energy producer in the world, by far!
6 - large tax cuts for workers, and no tax on tips!
7 - Defend our constitution, our bill of rights, and our fundamental freedoms, including freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the right to keep and bear arms
8 - Prevent world war three, restore peace in europe and in the middle east, and build a great iron dome missile defense shield over our entire country -- all made in america
9 - End the weaponization of government against the american people
10 - Stop the migrant crime epidemic, demolish the foreign drug cartels, crush gang violence, and lock up violent offenders
11 - Rebuild our cities, including washington dc, making them safe, clean, and beautiful again.
12 - Strengthen and modernize our military, making it, without question, the strongest and most powerful in the world
13 - Keep the U.S. dollar as the world's reserve currency
14 - Fight for and protect social security and medicare with no cuts, including no changes to the retirement age
15 - Cancel the electric vehicle mandate and cut costly and burdensome regulations
16 - Cut federal funding for any school pushing critical race theory, radical gender ideology, and other inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content on our children
17 - Keep men out of women's sports
18 - Deport pro-hamas radicals and make our college campuses safe and patriotic again
19 - Secure our elections, including same day voting, voter identification, paper ballots, and proof of citizenship
20 - Unite our country by bringing it to new and record levels of success

... whereas Kamala won't say a peep on any of her positions, won't hold interviews, won't answer any questions, and uses weasel wording to obscure those positions we do know, e.g. confiscate guns and abolish the 2nd Amendment, throw as many blacks in jail as she can for tiny infractions so she can look tough, allow all illegal immigrants to enter the country freely to take jobs that are currently held by blacks, to jack up food prices as high as possible and hopefully set a world record, give the finger to the American people by never answering any questions, etc ...

Meanwhile, you're opponent is screaming bloody murder about how the candidate he initially ran against (and was winning against) is no longer there, and he now is facing a more competent (and popular) opponent.
Trump knows that he has already won, and that he doesn't have to do anything else. Kriminala's supporters are desperate, but she doesn't appear to have anything left in the tank.

So it would be in your best interest to "seal the deal" by having another debate and effectively burying the opposition with their own words & actions.
Kriminala has effectively lost. If the DNC can't pull off another steal, this one is as good as in the history books.

So now the oppositions stance is that you want another debate because you are "losing".
That's what We the People have noticed. It's not a "stance."

Any rational, objective adult in America who just gives medium attention to current events would see how absurd the Orange Oaf's latest ploy is.
It's a smart move. The election is Donald Trump's to lose. He really shouldn't debate.
Here you are talking about Dementia Joe, but apparently you're not looking at Trump's state of mind.
YES they talk about Dementia Joe saying he isn't all there but they will not even take a close look at the mental health of their Orange GOD, it seems to be almost as bad as Joe's is.
These morons have to wake up SOON before it is way too late.
As I have said once you get what you THINK you want and it turns on you and bites you in the ass it is too late to go back.
Have a nice day
YES they talk about Dementia Joe saying he isn't all there but they will not even take a close look at the mental health of their Orange GOD, it seems to be almost as bad as Joe's is.
These morons have to wake up SOON before it is way too late.
As I have said once you get what you THINK you want and it turns on you and bites you in the ass it is too late to go back.
Have a nice day
They are going down......MAGA needs to wake up and smell the coffee.
They are going down......MAGA needs to wake up and smell the coffee.
As I have said once they get what they THINK they want and it turns on them and bites them in the ass it is way too late.
I have asked them many of times what are you going to do when Trump is all done taking left leaning peoples CONSTITUTIONAL rights away and starts coming after yours ? CRY ?
Have a nice day
YES they talk about Dementia Joe saying he isn't all there but they will not even take a close look at the mental health of their Orange GOD, it seems to be almost as bad as Joe's is.
These morons have to wake up SOON before it is way too late.
As I have said once you get what you THINK you want and it turns on you and bites you in the ass it is too late to go back.
Have a nice day
President Biden’s cognitive decline is in no way as bad as Donald Trump’s.