Kamala Is Begging For Another Debate Because She Knows She’s Losing

Oprah will never be the same.... and if Oprah can't help you no one can... That was a complete disaster... I'd like to see them both Go through two hours of light detector tests...;)
"Light detector tests"? To show how much, if any, they have of that "superior" Caucasian strain that matters so for you people?
"Light detector tests"? To show how much, if any, they have of that "superior" Caucasian strain that matters so for you people?
LOL....thanks...I think you know what I meant...;) Would that be a great idea, or what? What is this "superior Caucasian strain" you speak of?
What's she going to do differently than she's done...or not done...for the last 4 years?
She's an idiot if she believes that she can redefine herself...
Did you watch it? I guess not...She tried, but she couldn't help.... Kam was a disaster...she's was an insult to all sane and intelligent American...
I think protector was the perfect choice of word ...that's what we all want for our families....our community...our country....
Not a word you'll find served up on the salad bar buffet...
If you want an abortion, they're guys, though....
Nope. Didn't watch it. I wasn't really interested in a town hall with a celeb.. A prosecutor is the perfect candidate to challenge a criminal, so there is that.

trump is stupid. When you cut through all of the bluster, there's no 'there' there. He damn near failed out of Wharton, but he's threatening lawsuits if his alma maters provide his records.

Why is that?
Nope. Didn't watch it. I wasn't really interested in a town hall with a celeb.. A prosecutor is the perfect candidate to challenge a criminal, so there is that.

trump is stupid. When you cut through all of the bluster, there's no 'there' there. He damn near failed out of Wharton, but he's threatening lawsuits if his alma maters provide his records.

Why is that?
Well, then...She's not running for prosecutor of anything, however...
And anyone can memorize things to say...but if you don't say them at the right time, they're not very effective...;)
ABC was more biased in favor of Harris, and Fox would be more biased in favor of Trump. Harris benefitted from that. Why would she want to do something that benefits Trump more?

That wouldn't be smart.
Because if she's that good, it shouldn't matter...
and She's not...
I mean, she'd be fine - but you're moving the goalposts now.

Candidates don't need to be "brave." They need to win elections.
Candidates shouldn't be cowardly ofrfake....she's not running for president of her sorority...
I think she thinks she is...lol...the multiple accents are killer, though...;)
Interesting spin.
Refreshing clarity.

She's definitely not losing right now.
She's definitely losing. She has no chance. Trump has a landslide coming. There is nothing she can do at this point. Nobody wants to vote for her. Everybody except you TDS-driven delusionals is chomping at the bit to rush Trump into the White House.

But it's closer than Dems are comfortable with.
Right, Grand Canyon close.

Since the previous debate was so one-sided,
That's not how they saw it. Both Trump's campaign and Kriminala's campaign understood the clear damage to Kriminala campaign by the debate going as it did. Not only did Kriminala conspicuously EVADE/DODGE all questions about her positions or what she would do, not only did Kriminala come off as an immature teenage girl who has nothing but childish facial expressions, but Trump came off as "Watch me kick your ass, you and whatever army of moderators you have with you."

Trump knows that he has already won, hence he has no need to debate Kriminala or otherwise afford her any opportunities.

A landslide Trump victory is imminent. How will you celebrate when he wins?

I'm sure they feel they can gain more ground with another one.
Kriminala has a guaranteed loss unless she can pull out a miracle ... or a stolen election, one or the other.

If Kamala Harris were truly running away with this race, as public polls purport, there’s no way she would be clamoring for another debate.​

The need for a second debate, as well as the continued attempts at assassinatingTrump ,tell us the deep state knows what the real poll numbers are.
Ah, no, rather she knows she can embarrass him again, Trump won’t even debate on Fox, and the too “late lie” is bullshit, he debated in October in 2020
Refreshing clarity.

She's definitely losing. She has no chance. Trump has a landslide coming. There is nothing she can do at this point. Nobody wants to vote for her. Everybody except you TDS-driven delusionals is chomping at the bit to rush Trump into the White House.

Right, Grand Canyon close.

That's not how they saw it. Both Trump's campaign and Kriminala's campaign understood the clear damage to Kriminala campaign by the debate going as it did. Not only did Kriminala conspicuously EVADE/DODGE all questions about her positions or what she would do, not only did Kriminala come off as an immature teenage girl who has nothing but childish facial expressions, but Trump came off as "Watch me kick your ass, you and whatever army of moderators you have with you."

Trump knows that he has already won, hence he has no need to debate Kriminala or otherwise afford her any opportunities.

A landslide Trump victory is imminent. How will you celebrate when he wins?

Kriminala has a guaranteed loss unless she can pull out a miracle ... or a stolen election, one or the other.
Oh, oh, another Red Tsunami is promised by MAGA