Kamala Is Begging For Another Debate Because She Knows She’s Losing

If Kamala Harris were truly running away with this race, as public polls purport, there’s no way she would be clamoring for another debate.​

The need for a second debate, as well as the continued attempts at assassinatingTrump ,tell us the deep state knows what the real poll numbers are.

She should have debated on Fox. She had her chance she blew it. Just like she did with Willie.
Not according to Fox.

She knows the Oprah STORY interview was a huge miss. Trump putting it on the jumbo screen was genius.

How do you know Oprah didn't help? Women across the nation love them some Oprah, and women will go a long way in deciding this election.

trump just insulted every intelligent woman in the nation when he claimed he is their protector.

Only voter suppression, and vote tally manipulation will put him in office again.
Toxic hates Oprah -- and Harris -- because they are everything she is not: Accomplished, well-off/wealthy, attractive, intelligent, popular, and not-white.
Hannity, Carlson and Kimberly Guilfoyle should be the moderators.

It would be amusing to watch Harris make an ass of herself.
She would never do it... Or she would have accepted the Invitation for the first one... To be honest though they wouldn't let her accept it... I wonder if she realizes that her own team doesn't respect or trust her....
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