Kamala Proves Again Why She is Not a Better Candidate Than Grandpa Joe

Trump sycophants think Trump is honest, poingnant and unforgettable.

Lie, lame and stupid. But alas, you're a liar, you're very lame and very stupid.

The majority of Americans see him as an old man that has little grasp of reality.

How amusing, a leftist in the minority pretending to speak for the majority. Stupid people seldom know how stupid they look nor do they know they are stupid.

The choice will be between a man almost 80 who is a convicted felon and an adjudicated rapist and a younger non felon on the Democratic side.

Wrong. The choice will be between someone who has accomplished great things in his life, had a successful four years as President and overcome every despicable smear, lie and effort to kill and imprison him versus and unaccomplished, far left, giddy fool who never received a single delegate vote.
Harris is without any sane question the best candidate to become POTUS right now.

Because you say so. The reality is that she is a far less liked and worse candidate than dementia Joe.

Not enough of the electorate is anything close to sane, unfortunately.

This is true. We call them devoted leftist Democrat voters.

As I've always said, too many Americans are the descendants of people who couldn't cut it where they came from .
Our gene pool has done us in.
You being the best example of that statement. :palm:
I expect the Regime to pick a woman VP, and then make this so-called election all about supporting WOKE Death Cult ideology....separating the good people from the unclean.

Trump will be killed.
I am comforted by the fact that you are seldom right and suffer from serious delusional cynicism.
Is that supposed to be a joke?
No, you are the joke. Can't you see everyone pointing and laughing at you?

On Thursday night, from the convention in Milwaukee, former President Donald Trump held the attention of the world.

Trump’s account of the attempt on his life one week ago was honest, poignant and unforgettable.

His successful efforts at unifying his party and his promise to unify the country reverberated far beyond the Milwaukee convention center.


On Thursday afternoon, she addressed supporters at Westover High School in North Carolina.

Never mind the world watching — it’s not clear that all the people at Westover High school were watching.

So how did she do?

In a word: terribly.

From the moment she bounded onto the stage, Harris reminded people of why this November’s election is Trump’s for the losing.

First came the fake hysteria of finding herself on a stage in front of all these people: the almost-hyperventilating note Kamala hits when she wants to sound as if she is really excited about something.

more at link
One point I'd make is that the Democrat power-brokers who forced Grandpa Joe to stand down as the Democratic Party's Presidential nominee for the 2024 election had no option. American Presidential elections have always been very difficult to predict with any degree of certainty. In the lead-up to a General election it is always possible that the political landscape can change in sudden and/or unexpected ways. EVEN for the Presidential candidate who has been consistently judged by all of the "wisest" pundits in the national, political commentariat as an extremely long - odds underdog going into the election - "Its never over till the fat lady sings."

With Biden this was not the case. He had ZERO chance of winning the 2024 election against Trump. It was a MATHEMATICAL CERTAINTY that he would lose the election very like cost the Democrat control of the House and the Senate in Congress.

Why the "Palace Coup" that ousted Biden has seemingly replaced him with Kamala Harris is a mystery. Harris has zero in way of sound political instincts; as Biden's Vice President she did (almost literally) nothing - certainly nothing of any of worth. Instead, she managed to cultivate a public image of herself as an off-beat, cackling, cretin.

Perhaps the Democrat elite are banking on a non-stop super-charged, pro-Kamala, propaganda offensive from their mainstream media? I don't know ?

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound !!

Carville: Democrats’ ‘Giddy Elation’ over VP Harris Won’t Be ‘Helpful Much Longer’​

Democratic strategist James Carville said Thursday on MSNBC’s “The Beat” that Democrats were too “giddy” over Vice President Kamala Harris after President Joe Biden dropped his reelection bid.

Carville said, “I have to be the skunk at the garden party. This is too triumphalist, ok? This is everybody’s giddy. I look at the coverage and it’s great.”

He continued, “Get ready. They’re coming. All right? And it’s good. Everybody should feel good and liberated and everything else. But if we don’t win the election we haven’t done anything.”

He added, “They are coming at us, and they are going to keep coming. This kind of giddy elation is not going to be very helpful much longer because that’s not what we’re going to be faced with. I think the vice president put it in athletic terms and needs a really good cut man in the corner because she’s getting ready to get cut.”


Carville: Democrats’ ‘Giddy Elation’ over VP Harris Won’t Be ‘Helpful Much Longer’​

Democratic strategist James Carville said Thursday on MSNBC’s “The Beat” that Democrats were too “giddy” over Vice President Kamala Harris after President Joe Biden dropped his reelection bid.

Carville said, “I have to be the skunk at the garden party. This is too triumphalist, ok? This is everybody’s giddy. I look at the coverage and it’s great.”

He continued, “Get ready. They’re coming. All right? And it’s good. Everybody should feel good and liberated and everything else. But if we don’t win the election we haven’t done anything.”

He added, “They are coming at us, and they are going to keep coming. This kind of giddy elation is not going to be very helpful much longer because that’s not what we’re going to be faced with. I think the vice president put it in athletic terms and needs a really good cut man in the corner because she’s getting ready to get cut.”

Carville has always been an astute politician strategist. He is correct this time too.
You posted that he is a convicted rapist, you lied.

The jury did not convict him of rape, Pobre.
LOL. Care to link to a post where I said a jury convicted Trump of rape?
It seems you are the one that is lying.
Trump is a convicted felon. Trump is a rapist. Trump is a convicted felon and rapist.
Reading comprehension seems to be difficult for you.
Lie, lame and stupid. But alas, you're a liar, you're very lame and very stupid.

How amusing, a leftist in the minority pretending to speak for the majority. Stupid people seldom know how stupid they look nor do they know they are stupid.

Wrong. The choice will be between someone who has accomplished great things in his life, had a successful four years as President and overcome every despicable smear, lie and effort to kill and imprison him versus and unaccomplished, far left, giddy fool who never received a single delegate vote.

On July 11, an ABC News/Washington Post/Ipsos survey of 2,431 adults found that 60 percent believe the 78-year-old Republican is too old for a second term in office.

60% is a majority. Math seems to be hard for you. Or is it reality that is difficult for you to accept?
Trump is a rapist. Trump is a convicted felon.