Kamala Proves Again Why She is Not a Better Candidate Than Grandpa Joe

It's cute how you still believe that Joe Biden is mentally capable of making any such decisions on his own. It's also cute how you still believe that the DNC is the party of "democracy" even though their oligarchy system chooses Presidential candidates over a decade in advance and lines them all up for "their turn", all the while pretending that "You The Democrat Voters" have any say in the matter, making use of "superdelegates" to guarantee THEIR selected candidates are the ones who get the nomination. "Democratic" my ASS!

After all, there's a reason why Donald Trump decided to run for President under the RNC wing of the Uniparty bird. That's the wing in which he actually stands a fighting chance of getting the nomination since that wing doesn't make use of superdelegates. With that being said, the RNC still doesn't fully allow for a "democratic" selection process. Instead of being openly "in your face" about it via using superdelegates, the RNC rather makes use of something called the "splitter strategy" (since conservatives aren't "hive minded" like libtards are). The "splitter strategy" is used to sow division amongst conservative voters so that the RINO candidate squeaks by with 25% support (yes, the RNC also lines up several RINO candidates for "their turn", same as the DNC does).

:rofl2: TOO FUNNY!

:rofl2: You seriously believe that BIDEN made that decision... :rofl2:

:rofl2: Keep telling yourself that.
The RNC used to be just as corrupt. I watched in person as they cheated Ron Paul out of delegates. Fox News lied abut results on the media graphics and on and on
Sorry about that, but I have always considered you to be all ass.
I figured that you'd be angry after being informed that there is nothing "democratic" at all about "Team Democrat", but there's no need to shoot the messenger.
In any case, I am not a Democrat, but these days I would choose the Dems over the filth of the GOP even if they ran a sack of asparagus.

:rofl2: "I am not a Democrat" :rofl2:
Thank you for confirming my impression that you are all ass.
More insults. Lovely.
I am just about positive Joe Biden made that decision. He was definitely pressured into it, but I understand the reason for the pressure...and I think it worked out better for him; better for the Democrats; and much worse for the Republicans. To me...that is an inside the park home run.
:rofl2: You're just TOO funny.
I figured that you'd be angry after being informed that there is nothing "democratic" at all about "Team Democrat", but there's no need to shoot the messenger.

I wouldn't shoot anyone...especially a messenger with a faulty message.

The Democratic Party is, at least, a more democratic organization than the GOP. Trump call the shots for your side. All of them. What he says...GOES. And it GOES with the blessings of the flock.


:rofl2: "I am not a Democrat" :rofl2:
No lie there. I am NOT a Democrat. I am a registered Independent.
More insults. Lovely.

Glad you like them. I'm going to give you more of them.
:rofl2: You're just TOO funny.

I am. Maybe I should do stand-up.
The RNC used to be just as corrupt.
The RNC is STILL just as corrupt. They just have different methods re: how they go about their corruption.
I watched in person as they cheated Ron Paul out of delegates. Fox News lied abut results on the media graphics and on and on
Right. They definitely DIDN'T want Ron Paul to win anything... same with Donald Trump. Except, Donald Trump 'trumped' them.
The RNC is STILL just as corrupt. They just have different methods re: how they go about their corruption.

Right. They definitely DIDN'T want Ron Paul to win anything... same with Donald Trump. Except, Donald Trump 'trumped' them.
Campaign for Liberty focused on local grassroots. all the criminals in the state party headquarters were replaced by those that care about freedom AND fairness. The only reason Trump had a chance vs the Jeb Bush's and so on in 2016 is because of the work of Ron Paul's people in 2008 and
Sorry about that, but I have always considered you to be all ass.
Argument of the Stone fallacy.
In any case, I am not a Democrat, but these days I would choose the Dems over the filth of the GOP even if they ran a sack of asparagus.
I am just about positive Joe Biden made that decision.
...signed by someone other than Joe, on a PDF, and Joe hasn't been seen since he deplaned in Delaware.

No need. My memory is reasonable for someone my age.
Just what Biden said! :laugh:
Joe had all the power. He had pledged delegates and could have run if he chose to. He listened to advice from others ,including doctors, and decided to drop.
I am Joes age and I do nit have mental problems .I have friends who got Alzheimer's in their 50s. and showed signs before that.
You have mental problems, Sybil. There is no cure for them.
And Harris can now try his other crimes in the press, even though Cannon is doing her best to protect trump. It isn't a secret that he stole top secret documents.

It's an election. She can presume that Kushner got $2 billion in exchange for classified information.
Maybe if you used bold letters as well as all caps it might make it seem more true for you.
In the real world, Trump is a convicted felon found guilty by an impartial jury in a court that followed the legal procedure.
The judge broke the law, dumbass. So did the prosecutor. The case isn't completed. There is no conviction.
Aren't you cute with your complete ignorance of how the judicial system works. When the jury returns a guilty verdict and the judge accepts the guilty verdict, the person on trial has a standing conviction. They can appeal that conviction but the conviction doesn't go away just because they filed an appeal. Only an idiot would think the conviction doesn't stand during the appeal.
A kangaroo court is not the judicial system. The jury was tainted by the judge. The judge broke the law. The prosecutor broke the law. There is no standing conviction. The case is not completed yet.

“I took on perpetrators of all kinds: predators who abused women, fraudsters who ripped off consumers, cheaters who broke the rules for their own gain. So hear me when I say: I know Donald Trump’s type.”
You took on no one, Pretender. You don't know anything.
I wouldn't shoot anyone...especially a messenger with a faulty message.

The Democratic Party is, at least, a more democratic organization than the GOP.
Super Delegates are not democracy. Voting for someone that did not win the primaries is not democracy.
Trump call the shots for your side. All of them. What he says...GOES. And it GOES with the blessings of the flock.
Nope. Trump won all the delegate votes in the primaries and caucuses. Every...single...one.
No lie there. I am NOT a Democrat. I am a registered Independent.
You are a Democrat.

There is no democracy in the United States (or anywhere in the Americas). There never was.

Super Delegates are not democracy. Voting for someone that did not win the primaries is not democracy.

Nope. Trump won all the delegate votes in the primaries and caucuses. Every...single...one.

You are a Democrat.

There is no democracy in the United States (or anywhere in the Americas). There never was.

Are you claiming the United States is a democracy?