Kerry: Our Troops are Uneducated Idiots!

Dixie put a quarter in the can being held by a little leaguer outside the supermarket..... he served his country by doing so....and he served it well!

Dixie needs to spend some time at the VA hospital in his area, working with the vets....
You get the truth there, not Faux news stuff.
It was pretty funny / sad when a Republican Senator showed up....Talk about the cold shoulder. I was talking with a wounded soldier, and reading his mail to him and writing letters to send for him, since he has no arms....the Senator came up and sudden silence from the vet, After some small talk from the Senator the VET said I would shake you hand but your party seems to have gotten both mine blown off....the senator just turned and ambled off.
So what about it usc? Have you recanted on your statement from yesterday? Do you now "feel" that Kerry was misinterpreted? Do you now "feel" that Kerry was talking about Bush? I'm just curious, becuase yesterday you lamented on how this "uneducated troops" thing was common knowledge. Have you flip-flopped yet? And speaking of flip-flops, when Kerry is ultimately pressured into apologizing for what he said, does that mean that Maineperv is a liar, and that Kerry really did have a reason to apologize? kettle.... you are ignoring me, Dixie.... which is pretty lame. But then, you have, I suspect, gotten weary of me wiping the floor with you all these years.
**chirp chirp**

LMAO... Oh, this is sooooo rich! I love it when liberals open the door into their own nose and bloody the hell out of it! It never gets old to me! I wonder how long it will be before we hear how Karl Rove secretly replaced Kerry's speech while he wasn't looking, resulting in the now infamous blunder? I know that one is coming!

I just had to repost the cricket chirping. ;)
Dixie needs to spend some time at the VA hospital in his area, working with the vets....
You get the truth there, not Faux news stuff.

How much time have you spent at the VA Hospital? I doubt you even know where it is in your area. You've gulped down the koolaid from some left-wing propagandists, and believe this contrived lying bullshit. I know veterans, I know Iraq war veterans who are in the VA. I have yet to meet a Democrat in the military, or anyone who spews the kind of bile the liberals like to spew. I've not met them all, and I am sure there are some Democrats in the military, I've just not met any, and I've yet to find anyone with the twisted and distorted view of the left. Most of them return home, and are utterly shocked to hear how the war is being played on the liberal media. They don't understand why no one seems to want to report on the successes in Iraq, the 'good news' part is largely ignored, and we are getting a totally false perception of how things are going overall.

There are at least 300,000 veterans of this war, and their families, either currently in Iraq or back home, who will be voting on Tuesday. I doubt the weekly liberal opinion poll manipulation will have accounted for them in total. haven't been to the VA hospital, but you know some guys who have, and yet, you can state that liberals are scarce in the ranks of the veterans...and you base this OPINION on not much more than USCitizens... or MINE....except, of course, that he and I ARE actually veterans who actually DID serve our country in uniform in harm's way.... so your opinion isn't worth a bucket of warm are a chickenshit chickenhawk who no self respecting veteran could get NEAR without experiencing nausea. haven't been to the VA hospital, but you know some guys who have, and yet, you can state that liberals are scarce in the ranks of the veterans...and you base this OPINION on not much more than USCitizens... or MINE....except, of course, that he and I ARE actually veterans who actually DID serve our country in uniform in harm's way.... so your opinion isn't worth a bucket of warm are a chickenshit chickenhawk who no self respecting veteran could get NEAR without experiencing nausea.

I never said that I hadn't been to the VA Hospital, I asked if he had been. As I said, I know people there, and yes, I have been to see them. I know quite a few Iraq Vets, and you didn't serve in the Iraq war, so you probably don't know many. I understand. All I can say is, they don't appreciate you and John Kerry putting words in their mouth, they are fed up with the bullshit whining and moaning from the left who want to LOSE the war and turn it into Vietnam, and they are about as motivated to vote in this election as anyone can get. I've yet to meet an Iraq War Vet, who espouses anything remotely close to the bile and garbage I hear from the left on this board.
I sounds like to me all the democrats wanting all the armchir republicans to jion would further drop the intelligence level of our armed forces if they did join up.

Be patriotic and keep our defense strong , keep the armchair republicans out of the military.
I take it that Dixie is belittling my helping Vets ? I can't say for sure though as I have him on ignore, much nicer that way ;)
I take it that Dixie is belittling my helping Vets ? I can't say for sure though as I have him on ignore, much nicer that way ;)

No, if you have actually been to the VA and worked with wounded vets, my hat is off to you, and I commend you for doing something wonderful. Personally, I don't believe any of you have been, nor will you go. Much like this sudden rash of liberals who have served in the military, I think it's a bunch of hogwash you want us to buy, so you can bash people over the head who are honest enough to tell the truth. You people prove daily, you will lie through your teeth to regain power, so I have a hard time believing so many of you actually did put on a uniform at some time, or went to visit vets at the VA, especially given your propensity to trash the troops and denigrate the military.
Liberals sure aren't scarce in the ranks of Iraq war veterans returning and running for office, are they Dix?
Dixie.....given the fact that you obviously do not know the distinction between fighters and attack aircraft, if I were you, I'd find some new pinhead quote of the moment....ROFLMFAO!
No, if you have actually been to the VA and worked with wounded vets, my hat is off to you, and I commend you for doing something wonderful. Personally, I don't believe any of you have been, nor will you go. Much like this sudden rash of liberals who have served in the military, I think it's a bunch of hogwash you want us to buy, so you can bash people over the head who are honest enough to tell the truth. You people prove daily, you will lie through your teeth to regain power, so I have a hard time believing so many of you actually did put on a uniform at some time, or went to visit vets at the VA, especially given your propensity to trash the troops and denigrate the military.

there is a VA hospital in my home town.... my wife volunteers there twice a month and I go out there at least that often.

You, on the other hand have never been in uniform and barely know how to SPELL VA, let alone know where your nearest VA hospital is or have ever gone there...and you have the gall to call the liberal veterans on here LIARS? Who the fuck are YOU kidding?