Kerry: Our Troops are Uneducated Idiots!

i just dont get why he wouldnt apologize to the people who aprently "missunderstood" what he had said....

why didnt he just say .. hey i just want to apologize too all the idiots out there that i call idiots ?
Well, either you are lying, or the Democrats calling for Kerry to apologize are lying, and since they are running for office and you're not, it would seem you'd be willing to take the bullet here.

Yes, you are lying through your teeth. You know damn well what Kerry meant, and you know that it was a totally stupid thing for him to say a week from the elections, this is why you feel so compelled to come here and try to lie your way out of it and make excuses for it.

As I said, the two pinhead comments in the opening of this thread, is proof that Democrats fully understood what Kerry said... hell, they even agreed with it! Now, after it's obvious this thing has legs, and is not going away, you all come out of the woodworks with your lies and distortion, trying to claim he said something entirely different. Ornut and usc busted you, without a doubt!

As much as you may like to stuff John Kerry's words back in his mouth and spit them back out for him, you simply can't. You'll have to live with it now.

Nothing Kerry ever says will compare with this gem though:

"I did serve, I just wasn't physically qualified to serve in an enlisted role."


Another Armchair Warrior--"Why don't you and him go fight!!!!!!"

Hey, Chicken Hawk, how low can you fly??????

Way to Go BILLO!

"I did serve, I just wasn't physically qualified to serve in an enlisted role."

I still can't think about this quote without laughing my ass off...
i just dont get why he wouldnt apologize to the people who aprently "missunderstood" what he had said....

why didnt he just say .. hey i just want to apologize too all the idiots out there that i call idiots ?

Oh that's easy... because John Kerry apologizes to no one!

And BTW... you calling usc and Ornut idiots? You calling Harold Ford Jr. and idiot? You calling the leader of the American Legion and idiot? I think that is wonderful! It's a brilliant strategic political move to call everyone an idiot who didn't get John Kerry's "joke." I'm sure that will win a lot of votes for you!

The way I see it, regardless of how John Kerry meant it, he was wrong. Making jokes about Iraq when young men and women are dying over there, is totally inappropriate. So, you fucktards keep up the spin and hype, I think you are currently doing more to show America what a bunch of scum you really are, than explaining Kerry's idiotic statement. The best thing any of you can do at this point, is to shut your yap and hope this blows over... of course, it won't, but that would be better than this lame attempt to spin what was said.
"I did serve, I just wasn't physically qualified to serve in an enlisted role."

What does that mean anyway, that he went straight to officer status ?
"I did serve, I just wasn't physically qualified to serve in an enlisted role."

I still can't think about this quote without laughing my ass off...

You can laugh all you like, do you think the only way one can serve their country is to enlist and wear a uniform? You think the wives of the soldiers serving in Iraq, who are having to raise their children without their husbands, and who are making enormous personal sacrifices, are not serving their country? What about the mothers and fathers who have lost their sons and daughters, are they not serving their country with their personal sacrifice? How about those in the USO, or working in the Veteran's Hospitals? They not "serving their country" either, Prik? How about people like Micheal J. Fox, who has a debilitating disease which prohibits him from service? Is he a chickenhawk too?

Let's see if we have this straight... if you enlist and serve in uniform, you are an ignorant uneducated boob who couldn't do any better with their life... if you didn't enlist and serve in uniform, you are a cowardly chickenhawk who doesn't support their country... So, I suppose, the only people who really are patriots are the ones like Bill Clinton, who avoided service and ran off to Oxford and protested against his country... is that what you believe?
And then there is this gem from the latest BILLO post: "You calling Harold Ford Jr. and idiot? You calling the leader of the American Legion and idiot?"

I put it in bold, because BILLO likes to bold: So no Billo, I wouldn't call either Harold Ford or the leader of the American Legion idiots. I wouldn't necessarily call Harold Ford a Democrat but I wouldn't call him an idiot.

But I also wouldn't say this either:

"I did serve, I just wasn't physically qualified to serve in an enlisted role."

See above reason for bolding this...

Hey BILLO, I think the definition of serving is in an enlisted role, that is you have to be in the military to serve in the military.

Just one more question:

You say: "I did serve, I just wasn't physically qualified to serve in an enlisted role."

Are you sure it was physical, and not mental?????
"I did serve, I just wasn't physically qualified to serve in an enlisted role."

What does that mean anyway, that he went straight to officer status ?

Well, it's really none of you business how I served my country. The fact of the matter is, when I wasn't physically qualified to serve in uniform as an enlisted soldier, I found another way to serve my country, as many people do. Some people serve by being firemen, some serve by being police, some serve by joining the peace corps... there are a number of ways to serve your country besides wearing a military uniform. To denigrate people you don't know, on this basis, is to assume the only way to serve your country is being in enlisted service, and that is a slap in the face to every American who has ever served their country in any capacity, including the ones fortunate enough to wear the uniform.
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**chirp chirp**

LMAO... Oh, this is sooooo rich! I love it when liberals open the door into their own nose and bloody the hell out of it! It never gets old to me! I wonder how long it will be before we hear how Karl Rove secretly replaced Kerry's speech while he wasn't looking, resulting in the now infamous blunder? I know that one is coming!
Well, either you are lying, or the Democrats calling for Kerry to apologize are lying, and since they are running for office and you're not, it would seem you'd be willing to take the bullet here.

Yes, you are lying through your teeth. You know damn well what Kerry meant, and you know that it was a totally stupid thing for him to say a week from the elections, this is why you feel so compelled to come here and try to lie your way out of it and make excuses for it.

As I said, the two pinhead comments in the opening of this thread, is proof that Democrats fully understood what Kerry said... hell, they even agreed with it! Now, after it's obvious this thing has legs, and is not going away, you all come out of the woodworks with your lies and distortion, trying to claim he said something entirely different. Ornut and usc busted you, without a doubt!

As much as you may like to stuff John Kerry's words back in his mouth and spit them back out for him, you simply can't. You'll have to live with it now.

Look shithead.... here is the deal: I think that what Kerry's prepared remarks read and what he said are two slightly different things. I think that what he said was misconstrued to make it seem as if he intentionally implied that folks in the military in Iraq were not smart.... and I fully believe that what he meant to say - what his prepared remarks actually said - was not that at all but an indictment of Bush and his ignorant bunch of incompetent cronies. You can call me a LIAR all you like, but I am not lying one bit. That is what I believe based upon what I heard and what I read. regards to the democrats who call for an apology.... I think that is a delightfully pragmatic political move on their part. It does no real damage to Kerry or to the democratic party and it helps them significantly with swing voters. They can distance themselves from the remarks as perceived attacks on the troops, distance themselves from the far left - who will vote for them anyway - and improve their standing with the middle. It is a win-win for them. And I applaud their quickness and their pragmatism in seizing the opportunity to score points with the undecided and swing voters in their states. about you not calling me a liar anymore just because we have different opinions?
Well, it's really none of you business how I served my country. The fact of the matter is, when I wasn't physically qualified to serve in uniform as an enlisted soldier, I found another way to serve my country, as many people do. Some people serve by being firemen, some serve by being police, some serve by joining the peace corps... there are a number of ways to serve your country besides wearing a military uniform. To denigrate people you don't know, on this basis, is to assume the only way to serve your country is being in enlisted service, and that is a slap in the face to every American who has ever served their country in any capacity, including the ones fortunate enough to wear the uniform.

there really is only one way to serve in harm's way in defense of your country, however...and that is to raise your hand and serve - as an enlisted or an officer - in the ARMED FORCES. Serving mcdonald's hamburgers at the base PX does not really count as serving your really is only serving food, regardless of the clietele.
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"I did serve, I just wasn't physically qualified to serve in an enlisted role."

I still can't think about this quote without laughing my ass off...

You can laugh all you like, do you think the only way one can serve their country is to enlist and wear a uniform? You think the wives of the soldiers serving in Iraq, who are having to raise their children without their husbands, and who are making enormous personal sacrifices, are not serving their country? What about the mothers and fathers who have lost their sons and daughters, are they not serving their country with their personal sacrifice? How about those in the USO, or working in the Veteran's Hospitals? They not "serving their country" either, Prik? How about people like Micheal J. Fox, who has a debilitating disease which prohibits him from service? Is he a chickenhawk too?

Let's see if we have this straight... if you enlist and serve in uniform, you are an ignorant uneducated boob who couldn't do any better with their life... if you didn't enlist and serve in uniform, you are a cowardly chickenhawk who doesn't support their country... So, I suppose, the only people who really are patriots are the ones like Bill Clinton, who avoided service and ran off to Oxford and protested against his country... is that what you believe?

Oh, I get it, your husband served and you waited for him with the kids to return, why didn't you just say that??? And thanks for clearing that up. But doesn't being in Dixie make it kind of hard on you and your husband???

And as far as Michael J. Fox goes, he's a Canadian BILLO, born in Alberta and raised in Vancouver, British Columbia.

And of course Clinton served his country as President, but he doesn't claim to have been in the military. And I have never heard him say, "I did serve, I just wasn't physically qualified to serve in an enlisted role."!!!!
Well, it's really none of you business how I served my country. The fact of the matter is, when I wasn't physically qualified to serve in uniform as an enlisted soldier, I found another way to serve my country, as many people do. Some people serve by being firemen, some serve by being police, some serve by joining the peace corps... there are a number of ways to serve your country besides wearing a military uniform. To denigrate people you don't know, on this basis, is to assume the only way to serve your country is being in enlisted service, and that is a slap in the face to every American who has ever served their country in any capacity, including the ones fortunate enough to wear the uniform.

Very Poor Choice of Words There, BILLO!

Sorry BILLO I never felt like I was fortunate to have served in Vietnam. Still don't!!! If that was fortunate, I would never wish such forture on anyone not even you BILLO. And I question the sanity of anyone who would say that someone who was forced into that siutuation was fortunate to have had to do it.. Being put in a position of either "him or me" in a life and death situation is purely evil and could never under any circumstances be considered "fortunate"!!!!

You perhaps should go to make-up now!!! I think one of your guests wants to speak to you in the green room BILLO!!!
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and Dixie....not only were you not physically qualified to serve in an enlisted role, I am pretty certain you were not mentally qualified to serve in a commissioned role. How, for example, could you ever divide a search sector up for three destroyers to patrol if you were incapable of dividing anything into thirds?

I think it is just as well that your lack of overall qualification - physical and mental - has kept you from bunging up the military. The thought of brave young men being put in jeopardy by having to rely on your sorry ass for anything in a combat situation could keep me awake at night.
And of course Clinton served his country as President, but he doesn't claim to have been in the military.

LMAO... Oh really? How does that work? Only DEMOCRATS can serve their country in some capacity other than enlisting? I've never claimed to be in the military, but I did indeed find a way to serve my country.

Let me ask you... The people who overcame the hijackers on Flight 93... did they "serve their country" by their actions or not? Yes or no?

Do you feel that Martin Luther King, Jr. "served his country" in the struggle for Civil Rights? Yes or no?

Finally, the people who volunteer countless hours to the Red Cross, disaster relief efforts, and military support services agencies... Are they "serving their country?" Yes or no?

Let's clarify exactly who you think is "serving their country" and who isn't. I think that is vitally important for people to understand, regarding your position on America. It seems you've really managed to box yourself in with this, either people serve in uniform and are uneducated boobs who couldn't do any better in life, or they didn't "serve their country" to hear you tell it.