Kerry: Our Troops are Uneducated Idiots!

and quite frankly, they haven't even taken baby steps during the 12 years in power

Well, you see Care, we had this little problem of Democrats wanting to gum up the works with filibusters and require super-majority votes to get anything passed. I think that was the main problem, the legislation was written, and Republicans would have voted for it, but Democrats obstructed anything they tried to do, and insisted it was their Constitutional right to do so... you even made that very point to me. So, don't go lashing out at Republicans for failing to do anything with their "power" when it was Democrats who prevented anything from being done.

they tried to filibuster some NOMINATIONS of a couple of people, that's it...all legislation that the republicans wanted the republicans got, with no filibuster stopping them in 6 years...

so cry a river if you like, but the republicans were not stopped by the democrats at fact, the democrats DID NOT DO THEIR JOB and filibuster the whole lot of illegal actions of the president and the republican congress....

you reap what you sow, and this congress controlled by republicans for 12 years, is giving us nothing but illegal, unconstitutional, lawlessness.
Hey Maine, shut up! According to Kerry, you are an uneducated idiot. You see, you didn't do your homework or work very hard, and you wound up stuck in the Navy. It is such a shame too... you coulda been a politician... as I listened to the self-aggrandizing Kerry issue his defiant statement today, it sounded just like some of the shit you spew here. It's too bad you are an ignorant uneducated swabbie, you could have ran for president with your mouth!

no...according to is uneducated idiots like YOU that get us bogged down in Iraq.

How is that going these days? How does it feel to know that your president just abandoned the search for a kidnapped American soldier in Sadr City because the Iraqi leader ordered him to take down the checkpoints put up specifically to find the soldier? How does it feel to have your president slapped like a girlieman by an Iraqi? (for that matter, how did it feel when he was slapped like a girlieman by a north korean google eyed maniac?) How does it feel to be one of a lonely diminishing handful of koolaid drinkers who still keep spewing the crap about how great the vibrant multicultural democracy is going in Iraq? How does it feel to know that you assinine predictions back in December about peace and calm in Iraq have blown up in sectarian carnage that our boys are caught in the middle of? How does it feel to know that you are only six days away from having to send me $100?

and isn't it embarrassing to, on one hand, claim to be so supportive of troops, but, on the other hand, know that you yourself sheepishly failed to answer the call, and that you yourself continue to attack men who did serve long and well? When you look in the mirror, how DO you control the gag reflex?
and I'll match my undergraduate and graduate education up against your certificate of satisfactory course completion from the southern alabama one hour photo developer's training class any day.
John could have devalued this easily by simply saying, "I'm sorry that I miscued and forgot the word "us" and it made it appear as if I were denigrating the troops. Truly, I meant to denigrate the Administration."

It would already be over.

Instead the first words out of his mouth were, "I apologise to noone..."
The oh so conservative pawn media on every channel is CUTTING OFF Kerry's statement, where you heard the laughter in the crowd....they cut off the laughter and they cut off his discussion before this one liner...

the crowd knew he was speaking about Bush and his Cronies.....they got the joke and laughed.... this has been cut off in every airing of kerry's statement, except on countdown and c-span where you can see the entire speech....

It is appalling that the Republicans have so little respect for our troops to twist this statement to MAKE OUR TROOPS FEEL BAD....AND ONLY FOR POLITICAL PURPOSES....the republicans are SPITTING ON OUR TROOPS, once again....

yep, the republicans and the president look up at our earths worms...they can go no lower, than to do this to our troops who are giving their lives, for our president and the repugs whims of world rule....

Shame on you, Mr. President, SHAME ON YOU!
It's too bad that Kerry was too much of a coward to do the right thing and apologize for his inappropriate remarks. It's a shame he left it up to the pinheads to defend him and make excuses for him. I know this must really suck for Dummycrats who were busy celebrating victory, and I know you wish this would just blow over, but it doesn't look like it will, and it doesn't look like anyone is buying the spin that he was really talking about Bush, he has played that card too many times. Pinhead candidates out stumping for votes, are dropping him like a hot potato, cancelling appearances with him left and right... apparently, they didn't interpret his words to be about Bush either.

People know how he feels about the troops, just like they know how all liberals feel about anything military. I think America is starting to realize how dangerous it would be to have these people in charge of anything right now.
Shame on us as a country for electing bush, TWICE!!

Which brings up an interesting point. Read Kerry's statement again...
“You know, education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq.”

Bush did, in fact, make the most of his education, he studied hard to earn degrees from Harvard and Yale, he made an effort to be smart in earning an MBA, and he did fairly well in being elected governor of Texas twice, as well as being elected to the presidency of the US twice. Kerry's comments couldn't apply to Bush if he wanted them to... (which he desperately does at this time.) The comments were an insult to the troops, even the director of the American Legion has denounced them, which should be enough on its own to warrant an apology... but John Kerry apologizes to no one!
People know how he feels about the troops, just like they know how all liberals feel about anything military.

Dixie, that's brave talk for a loud-mouth chicken-hawk who hasn't served, talking about people who have served.
I don't know about the intelligence of the troops in Iraq (except the ones who voted for Bush) but the commanders in the field must be virtual retards, given the tactics they have chosen to use in Iraq....
“You know, education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq.” --John Kerry

WOW.... the Republican's October Surprise is John Kerry's mouth! That Karl Rove is a fucking genius, I don't know how the hell he does it! They are trying to reach Nancy Pelosi for a statement, but she is nowhere to be found, an Amber Alert has been issued. Apparently, liberals were told to lay low until after the election... I guess Lurch didn't get the memo?

I think there is so much said in this statement, as it illustrates how the liberal elite really feel about our armed forces. Maybe it also explains why the armed forces aren't so hot on the liberal elite, as well?

Okay then, DIXIE is an idiot and thinks Lincon debated FREDERICK DOUGLASS. If we are going to pretend mistatements are not, for political reasons.

Bush clearly knew what Kerry ment and is exploiting the troops, throwing them under the bus for political reasons!
I don't know about the intelligence of the troops in Iraq (except the ones who voted for Bush) but the commanders in the field must be virtual retards, given the tactics they have chosen to use in Iraq....
I think they've been limited to those tactics by the limited foresight of a politician-run war.
People know how he feels about the troops, just like they know how all liberals feel about anything military.

Dixie, that's brave talk for a loud-mouth chicken-hawk who hasn't served, talking about people who have served.

I did serve, I just wasn't physically qualified to serve in an enlisted role. This was not my fault, it's just the breaks in life, like Micheal J. Fox having Parkinson's, he can't really do anything about that, can he?

Nevertheless, Kerry only served to fluff up his political ambitions.
President Bush DID NOT DO HIS HOMEWORK regarding Iraq...he said he did NOT EVEN KNOW that there were both Sunnis and Shiites in Iraq or the difference between the two, until AFTER he took us to war....

He and his cronies said that we would be treated as liberators there....

He and his cronies said that this would be a slam dunk, a cake walk, in Iraq....

he and his cronies said that 150k troops would be enough for this cake walk....

All of this and much more show that the president and his administration did not DO THEIR HOMEWORK, regarding the war and occupation of Iraq.

And because they did not do their homework and use their brains regarding this war in Iraq, we are stuck there, and in a major quagmire and civil unrest.
Kerry flubs a zinger at the president... everyone upset and offended.

Bush's falied policies lead to the death of 2700 plus Americans troops... so what.
Once again, rubbish. I have simply applied my personal political knowledge to what was said and what would have deflected it. Personally, what Kerry has to say about the troops has limited effect on me.
Maybe not you Damo, but open your eyes. Look at the "liberal" media. Look at your buddy Dixie!
I did serve, I just wasn't physically qualified to serve in an enlisted role. This was not my fault, it's just the breaks in life, like Micheal J. Fox having Parkinson's, he can't really do anything about that, can he?

Nevertheless, Kerry only served to fluff up his political ambitions.

you served? no.... you didn't. if you "served" then the guy who makes hamburgers at the McDonald's at the base PX also "serves".

when your day job is developing film for the military, you are a contractor who develops film for the do not serve your country.... anymore than the guy in the factory where the film is made is serving his country.

And you are really despicable to castigate Kerry, who volunteered for Vietnam, when you yourself successfully avoided service by feigning some strange blood "illness" that mysteriously disappeared - it's funny that you didn't go back to sign up after the "illness" cleared up.... real funny.

are you going to attack Jim Webb next? Are you going to suggest that HE attended the Naval Academy, became a marine corps officer, went to Vietnam, won the Navy Cross, and then went on to be Reagan's SECNAV just to "fluff up HIS political ambitions"???
I did serve, I just wasn't physically qualified to serve in an enlisted role. This was not my fault, it's just the breaks in life, like Micheal J. Fox having Parkinson's, he can't really do anything about that, can he?

Nevertheless, Kerry only served to fluff up his political ambitions.

A BILLO quote for the ages: "I did serve, I just wasn't physically qualified to serve in an enlisted role."

BILLO didn't really write this did he????? Somebody hacked the board and posted this for him right????

"I did serve, I just wasn't physically qualified to serve in an enlisted role."


Way to Go BILLO!!!!! Got any more gems for the most quotable list?????

I was physically qualified. Does that mean I didn't serve???
People as manipulative and slanderous as Dixie are the reasons half of America thinks Al Gore said he invented the internet!