Kerry: Our Troops are Uneducated Idiots!

I disagree with your opinion on this...I think that Bush may have gone to college, but he is hardly "educated".... he is profoundly incurious and dull and incaring about learning much about the world around is that lack of "education" that I think Kerry was referrring to. I am not being disingenuous in the least. I simply disagree with you.... and if you want to continue to call me names for that, go fuck yourself.
I have not called you even one name. So the whole "F" yourself thing? Well, let your mind go where it will.
yep, my bad I did not spot that.
point to Maine.
btw Maine I heard you guys arrested OBL beside a freeway up there.
Great work.
Tom Connolly....what a bozo..... he was our sacrificial lamb that ran for governor against an uber-popular ken doll republican a long time ago..... what an idiot!

He was the same guy, however, that pulled up Dubya's drunk driving record.
I am starting to wonder if Bush was set up here...

In what seems like a coordinated ballet McCaskill, Webb and Ford are all calling on Kerry to apologise... giving them an oppertunity to sepperate themselves from the party's more "liberal" core in conservative states!

If it was not intentional it should have been. I bet some numbers JUMP this week for these canidates! Especally Webb whose opponant achually sat by while a member of his campaign beat up a vet!
Where I come from an adjective such as "disingenuous" is not a proper noun like a "name".

why...I think that such a statement is moronic.

But that is certainly a far cry from calling you an actual, for example.

why...I think that such a statement is moronic.

But that is certainly a far cry from calling you an actual, for example.

Exactly. The statement can be "moronic", what I am saying might be "disingenuous" but it does not mean that I am a "moron".

It becomes inane if we cannot simply state that what another has said is wrong or foolish because we are afraid we are going to be accused of "calling them names"...
The first two responses to this thread.....

You ever read Jarhead, by Anthony Swofford, Dix? Without rancor -- or a political agenda -- he does a pretty convincing job of demonstrating that only a moron, a loser or someone desperately confused is likely to join up these days.

Kerry didn't say anything that most of us don't know already. Chill, dude.

Yep many of them are uneducated, that is one of the reasons they joined, to get educational assistance.
But their Commander and chief is the stupidest one of all ;)

This is all the evidence anyone needs to show that the comments Kerry made were indeed about the troops and not Bush. Why are liberals running away from how they really feel? Why are you now trying to claim Kerry said something different? Ornut and usc didn't interpret anything different, they clearly understood Kerry, and essentially agreed with what he said. Why don't the rest of you have the courage to do the same? Why do you continue to run away from this and make lame excuses?

Harold Ford Jr. is now calling on Kerry to apologize, he apparently didn't think Kerry was talking about Bush, nor did any of the Democrats who have cancelled campaign appearances with Kerry. The leader of the American Legion said it was insulting and offensive, he obviously didn't think the comments were about Bush. Why are we supposed to pretend here? Why are the liberals running in circles, trying to play this down and spin it into something else? Why should America listen to you tell us what Kerry really meant to say?
Exactly. The statement can be "moronic", what I am saying might be "disingenuous" but it does not mean that I am a "moron".

It becomes inane if we cannot simply state that what another has said is wrong or foolish because we are afraid we are going to be accused of "calling them names"...

there is a difference between saying you think something I said is wrong and saying that I was being disingenuous by saying it.
The first two responses to this thread.....

This is all the evidence anyone needs to show that the comments Kerry made were indeed about the troops and not Bush. Why are liberals running away from how they really feel? Why are you now trying to claim Kerry said something different? Ornut and usc didn't interpret anything different, they clearly understood Kerry, and essentially agreed with what he said. Why don't the rest of you have the courage to do the same? Why do you continue to run away from this and make lame excuses?

Harold Ford Jr. is now calling on Kerry to apologize, he apparently didn't think Kerry was talking about Bush, nor did any of the Democrats who have cancelled campaign appearances with Kerry. The leader of the American Legion said it was insulting and offensive, he obviously didn't think the comments were about Bush. Why are we supposed to pretend here? Why are the liberals running in circles, trying to play this down and spin it into something else? Why should America listen to you tell us what Kerry really meant to say?

two OTHER people's comments about Kerry's words are, in NO WAY evidence to show that the comments Kerry made were indeed about the troops and not Bush.

You really are fucking numb.
and I think that it is working out wonderfully.... Kerry's comments allow guys in tight races, like McCaskill, Ford, and Webb to appeal to moderate and republican voters by demanding that Kerry apologize.....
and I think that it is working out wonderfully.... Kerry's comments allow guys in tight races, like McCaskill, Ford, and Webb to appeal to moderate and republican voters by demanding that Kerry apologize.....

LMAO... Yeah? The problem is the major contradiction. You want to claim what Kerry said was nothing to apologize for, and they are calling for him to apologize. It pretty much proves you a liar.
And you claim to understand politics! I do think that he was speaking about Bush and not the troops....and therefore, he does not need to apologize for anything beyond messing up the joke, which he already has done.... but it does give democrats in close races a chance to woo the voters in the middle..... I have never lied about any aspect of this - or anything else, for that matter.
there is a difference between saying you think something I said is wrong and saying that I was being disingenuous by saying it.
No, there isn't. I didn't say you were always disingenuous, only in the one remark. It is the same as saying that something that I said is "moronic".
LMAO... Yeah? The problem is the major contradiction. You want to claim what Kerry said was nothing to apologize for, and they are calling for him to apologize. It pretty much proves you a liar.

I think they want you in make-up, BILLO!
And you claim to understand politics! I do think that he was speaking about Bush and not the troops....and therefore, he does not need to apologize for anything beyond messing up the joke, which he already has done.... but it does give democrats in close races a chance to woo the voters in the middle..... I have never lied about any aspect of this - or anything else, for that matter.

Well, either you are lying, or the Democrats calling for Kerry to apologize are lying, and since they are running for office and you're not, it would seem you'd be willing to take the bullet here.

Yes, you are lying through your teeth. You know damn well what Kerry meant, and you know that it was a totally stupid thing for him to say a week from the elections, this is why you feel so compelled to come here and try to lie your way out of it and make excuses for it.

As I said, the two pinhead comments in the opening of this thread, is proof that Democrats fully understood what Kerry said... hell, they even agreed with it! Now, after it's obvious this thing has legs, and is not going away, you all come out of the woodworks with your lies and distortion, trying to claim he said something entirely different. Ornut and usc busted you, without a doubt!

As much as you may like to stuff John Kerry's words back in his mouth and spit them back out for him, you simply can't. You'll have to live with it now.