Kerry reverts to his roots

clearly, I had some good shipmates and some less than good shipmates...even some bad ones. The point is, I KNEW them... I served with them... I stood watch with them... and, if one of them that WAS good asked me to speak on his behalf, I would. If one that was not so good or worse were to ask me, I would recommend to them that they search elsewhere for an endorsement.

aren't you contradicting yourself now?.....didn't you just get done saying you would vouch for all of them?......
a sailor who knows the difference between guys who served in the same port as someone else and a "shipmate".... and it makes you a stupid fuck who didn't serve and doesn't KNOW that difference.

ah, I thought it made you the same thing you accused me of.....actually, I still think so.....
run away from THAT, you fucking little PiMP.

Damn...I swear I wouldn't cross the street to piss on your sorry ass if you were on FIRE. I'd stand across the street and laugh my ass off and watch you fucking BURN.

lol.....I'd offer someone a match in similar circumstances.....
here's the deal with you and me... if you reply to one more post of mine with "so you say", I'm gonna put your stupid lazy ass on ignore. mmmkay? If you want to have any sort of dialog with me going forward, you know what you can no longer do. Up to you.

So you say. :)
One thing for sure about Kerry, he has proven himself a fool by flapping his gums on the proposal of Syria giving up their chemical weapons. No doubt about that now!

Trying to claim it was just rhetorical! Hahahahahaha!

Kerry flaunted his fluency in the language yesterday to deliver something of a love letter to France, one of the few world powers that seems likely to join the United States in any military action against Syria.

Speaking in French for eight minutes beneath the gold-painted cherubs of one of the Quai d’Orsay’s elegant salons, Kerry traced the history of US-French relations beginning from the American Revolution, while glossing over their many tiffs.

“Some of the very first lethal chemical weapons attacks happened here, on French soil, during the first World War and a large number of these victims of these deadly, indiscriminate weapons were young French soldiers, just 19 or 20 years old,” he said.

An IFOP poll published yesterday showed 68 per cent of French were against an intervention in Syria.

France took no part in the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003, which it strongly opposed.

What "tiffs" have there ever been in US-French relations? Besides that one stupid time W stupidly got the idea to conquer Iraq for no good reason, which they were, in retrospect, absolutely right about not joining in on, the French and Americans have always had good relations.
Kerry got a purple heart for getting a splinter, after he inappropriately fired his weapon.

John Kerry is a war hero, George W. Bush is a coward. The fact that rightists persist in this litre is a disgrace, it shows they have no respect for the military, and mock those who get shot defending their sorry, cowardly assess.
John Kerry's service in Vietnam lasted 4 months and 12 days, beginning in November 1968 when he reported to Cam Ranh Bay for a month of training.

His abbreviated combat tour ended shortly after he requested a transfer out of Vietnam on March 17, 1969, citing Navy instruction 1300.39 permitting personnel with three Purple Hearts to request reassignment.

So far as we are able to determine, Kerry was the only Swift sailor ever to leave Vietnam without completing the standard one-year tour of duty, other than those who were seriously wounded or killed.

It is clear that at least one of Kerry's Purple Heart awards was the result of his own negligence, not enemy fire, and that Kerry went to unusual lengths to obtain the award after being turned down by his own commanding officer.

John Kerry has long insisted that using the three-injury loophole to leave combat early was his own idea, but Kerry's fellow Swift officer Thomas Wright, who served on occasion as the OIC (Officer in Charge) of Kerry's boat group, contradicts that claim. Wright reports that he "had a lot of trouble getting Kerry to follow orders," and that those who worked with Kerry found him "oriented towards his personal, rather than unit goals and objectives." He therefore requested that Kerry be removed from his boat group. After John Kerry qualified for his third Purple Heart, Thomas Wright and two fellow officers informed him of the obscure regulation, and told him to go home. Wright concluded, "We knew how the system worked and we didn’t want him in Coastal Division 11."

Constructing a complete picture of Kerry's service is difficult due to gaps in the Naval records. These gaps include missing and incomplete fitness reports, missing medical records and missing records related to his medal awards.

It's not a fucking loophole, you should be shot like the dog you are, traitor.
John Kerry is a war hero, George W. Bush is a coward. The fact that rightists persist in this litre is a disgrace, it shows they have no respect for the military, and mock those who get shot defending their sorry, cowardly assess.

And we should listen to someone who's so stupid that they bike with their brake on. :palm:
do you think My Lai was the only incident? or were there others? two others? three others? twenty others? maybe not as bad as My Lai but instances where US forces intentionally killed innocent women and children on the false overall assumption that everyone in a particular village was an enemy? No? My Lai was the only one??? really??

I didn't say it was the only one. It wasn't the only one but in modern warfare and the way it's conducted, it's never the only one. Your boy Kerry was giving the impression at his winter soldier conference that these war atrocities were being committed by U.S. forces every day all the time and they were not in any way, every day occurrences.

Kerry and his associates wanted the communists to win that war in order to drastically change U.S. foreign policy so he lied through his teeth.
because his testimony was about OUR involvement in Vietnam... the atrocities of the VC had nothing to do with the flawed rationale for our involvement there. We ought not to have gone there... we ought not to have stayed there... and there were MANY people in uniform at the time - myself included - who felt that way. Kerry was trying to get congress to realize then what we all know now... that the war was a horrid waste of American blood and treasure.

Totally irrelevant. This is not a discussion on the merits of the Vietnam war. This is a discussion about Kerry lying in front of congress about American troops committing atrocities on a daily basis in the war which was the stepping off point of his political career.
Totally irrelevant. This is not a discussion on the merits of the Vietnam war. This is a discussion about Kerry lying in front of congress about American troops committing atrocities on a daily basis in the war which was the stepping off point of his political career.

Wasn't it later revealed that some of the "veterans" in Kerry's stable of "witnesses" were impostors?
Wasn't it later revealed that some of the "veterans" in Kerry's stable of "witnesses" were impostors?

Many of them were fakes. Kerry's outfit, the Vietnam Veterans Against The war were loaded with fake Vietnam veterans. Many of those who threw their medals over the WH fence never even served in Vietnam.