He has none. I voted for her, that makes me throw up in my mouth a little, lol.
I never heard of her before 2008 but maybe the thought of national power went to her head.
He has none. I voted for her, that makes me throw up in my mouth a little, lol.
Actually, PR, if you knock off the insults they object to, then they'll have nothing to smear you with. Worth a try?
Yeah let's talk about YOUR GIRLS. For sure I pity them, having you for a parent.
Let's hope when they're on the internet they never meet up with a foul, repulsive piece of shit who talks to them like you've talked to us.
Let's also hope that when they disagree with your opinions, they aren't on the receiving end of this vulgar, nauseating language that comes so easily to you.
And while you're at it, show any post of mine that refers to Palin in filthy dehumanized terms.
The four females in question are far left political operative feminists.
Rana is the veteran of the group and a leftover of the so called new left back then, the 60's counter culture, the Jane Fonda, Abbie Hoffman radicals. She is generally a nice person and apparently a loving wife to her husband but that doesn't excuse her Marxist world views or her radical feminism.
Christie fan is the brains of the foursome and manipulatively cunning and shrewd who plays a gosh me? princess role to disguise her radicalism and her nihilist egalitarianism.
evince is the storm trooper, the street fighter with limited intelligence and the most vile mouthed of the four.
Darla is a combination of the other three with the least inspiration from Christie fan's shrewdness but also with limited intelligence and is the typical leftist reactionary relying on the others responses and usually only knee jerk reacts with thank you's under their statements.
All four are leftist parrots who change hats whenever they attack their enemies to either confuse them or to gain sympathy such as in my case with the little kitten with crocodile tears dripping on her key board, they immediately become as innocent little victims of the big, bad white man who's picking on them because they're goils.
This is a blog post you gullible fool. It's not news; you wont find a credible source for this lie.
Good lord; no wonder you voted for Obama. You prove the low information voter claim.
Let us review what little kitten has stated here.
When I asked her to guess the percentage of U.S. forces in country who were committing war crimes regularly she refused to answer. When I pressed her for an answer, she still refused to answer.
When I asked her repeatedly if U.S. forces in country were generally war criminals as a whole and pressed her for an answer, she refused to reply.
When I asked her if communist forces were committing war atrocities then told her I saw them regularly happening by their aftermath, she refused to answer.
When I asked her why the media wasn't reporting atrocities by the communists and suggested they didn't because they were on the side of the communists, she refused to answer.
When I asked her if she thought the Vietnam War memorial in Washington DC should be dismantled because it contained the names of American war criminals, she refused to answer.
What she has said and she has been consistent in saying it.
This is without the slightest inkling that U.S. forces were not committing atrocities as a normal procedure and the occurrences were the exception and not the rule. This my friends is your typical left wing parrot strategy from this feminist operative who shrewdly avoided the tough to answer questions while still leaving the impression that U.S. forces in country were indeed barbarians as Kerry said they were committing war crimes and atrocities on a daily basis.
I answered every one of your questions but you refuse to admit it because you didn't get the answers you want. Go back and re-read the thread.
Little Kitten
I answered every one of your questions but you refuse to admit it because you didn't get the answers you want. Go back and re-read the thread.
Little Kitten
It's a CBS story:
I know it is See B.S. News, but it is "mainstream" and sometimes is pretty credible.
I only went back 2 pages and I didn't you see answer ANY of the questions....can you give a post number to get me one the right page ?
We have battle conduct, but when a 23 year old sees their fellow soldier horribly mutilated by the enemy, they are not thinking Geneva Convention and playing by the rules, they are thinking revenge.
women drive all over Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Egypt. Most women in Lebanon walk around with the heads uncovered. Women have freedoms in those countries that those in Saudi Arabia can only dream of. I know. I lived and worked there for two years. Clearly, it is YOU who don't get out much.
It's a CBS story:
I know it is See B.S. News, but it is "mainstream" and sometimes is pretty credible.
It was in also.
Another buffoons story that only the gullible and incredible stupid can believe. Does it ever occur to brain dead liberals that they are being spoofed? Or do they willingly wallow in blissful denial while spewing utter garbage being fed to them by the left? Perhaps they are really that stupid and merely spend every waking moment trying to remove all doubt?
Still haven't sobered up?
I'm not the "brains of the foursome"; every sister who posts here is uber-intelligent. It's not our fault that dinosaurs like you want to keep us in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant. If you want to sound smart (note i didn't say "smarter" because you're not) you'll drop the word "feminist" from your vocabulary. We don't need a label to know that we're equal to men and in many cases better. That was settled forever ago despite your attempts to keep us from exerting our power.
It's clear you're totally unused to dealing with strong women and you're threatened by us. You have to fall back on buzzwords and stereotypes because you can't wrap your pea brain around the fact that we're fiercer, smarter and better than you. It's probably too late for you to come into the 21st century and make peace with the fact that the world has changed, and women aren't going to be quiet and submissive anymore.
Maybe this forum is too much for you, consider a conservative one where dinos like you are of one mind and march in lockstep.