Kerry won't run

The first step is to ban ALL Paid lobbyists. Lobbyists can only be reimbursed for actual expenses. With a 10% of the companies net worth fine that violates these rules. No little smack on the wrist, just a cost of doing business fines.
Al Gore achually beat Bush in popular votes and the electoral votes are still questionable. Id say he ran a pretty good campaign. Had he embrased President Clinton instead of hide from him I belive Gore would be president today.
Al Gore achually beat Bush in popular votes and the electoral votes are still questionable. Id say he ran a pretty good campaign. Had he embrased President Clinton instead of hide from him I belive Gore would be president today.
Had he won his own state he'd be President today. I'm glad he wasn't. Even though I don't much like Bush, any person who loses their own state I'll expect them to lose. Those people know something about them that we don't.
Had he won his own state he'd be President today. I'm glad he wasn't. Even though I don't much like Bush, any person who loses their own state I'll expect them to lose. Those people know something about them that we don't.

Come on, he was born in Tenneessee but was it really his home state?

He got more votes than Bush. I would expect the person who got more votes to win more than I would expect the person who lost his "home" state to loose.
Come on, he was born in Tenneessee but was it really his home state?

He got more votes than Bush. I would expect the person who got more votes to win more than I would expect the person who lost his "home" state to loose.
It was where he was elected as a Senator. Come on... Those people knew something of him, and had a reason not to vote for him. I'll trust their judgment.
Right. However they had some real poor choices there, remember that they weren't alone in electing him...

However, when it comes to 25 electoral votes and the State that elected you Senator won't vote for your then you have done something wrong... the home state will usually vote across party lines for a homeboy...
I see Kerry was elected to the senate in 1985 and has held that seat since then.
Yep they really hate the guy :rolleyes:
When did Kerry become Senator, before or after the rise of the Bush neo's ?
Since we are talking about Gore and not Kerry, Tennessee and not Massachusetts I'd suggest not throwing around sarcastic smilies and actually hanging with the conversation...

we are talking about Gore? sorry then.
so what did gore serve in the house and then the senate at least a couple of times, yes thay apparently hated him ;)

Now more appropriate :D
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we are talking about Gore? sorry then.
so what did gore serve in the house and then the senate at least a couple of times, yes thay apparently hated him ;)

Now more appropriate :D
Then they wouldn't vote for him for President. Hence the people that voted for him before learned something of him that made them choose against the homeboy for the Governor of another state....

And nearly every time huge numbers in the home state cross the lines of partisanship to vote for the homeboy...
An assumption there Damo. Remember bush had Rove in his pocket. Or was it the other way around ? Anyway, lots happened since the time Gore became VP. In simple terms I just view you opinon on this as a bit to simplistic.
Attitudes on global warming for instance has changed substantially, Even Bush admits it is happening now. He does dispute the reason though...
the eco types are not viewed nearly as negatively now as in 2000, etc...
An assumption there Damo. Remember bush had Rove in his pocket. Or was it the other way around ? Anyway, lots happened since the time Gore became VP. In simple terms I just view you opinon on this as a bit to simplistic.
Attitudes on global warming for instance has changed substantially, Even Bush admits it is happening now. He does dispute the reason though...
the eco types are not viewed nearly as negatively now as in 2000, etc...
Let him run then, let's see how it works... Do you think Tennessee will vote for him now?
Let me put it this way. When Gary Hart was running, there were many many Republicans excited about voting for a Colorado President even though he was against most of what they stood for. There had to more of a reason than his party that those in the state that knew him best wouldn't vote for him...

Had he won his home state we would still be talking about the Gore Presidency and Florida barely would have hit the radar since there would be no huge question about who was the President....