Kerry won't run

"You also have not addressed the Butterfly ballot "

I'll take that... the butterfly ballots in Florida were created in a heavily Democrat county BY democrats. They are the idiots that made it so damn confusing and then tried to act like it wasn't their fault people were confused.


That makes it okay? What does the identity of the creator have to do with the fact that it caused the result to be skewed. Who cares who created the problem, the point is the problem happened and it skewed the results.

Thats like saying, all those people killed by that nuclear bomb we accidently sent to Florida dont matter because the guy who pushed the button was a Democrat.
"You also have not addressed the Butterfly ballot "

I'll take that... the butterfly ballots in Florida were created in a heavily Democrat county BY democrats. They are the idiots that made it so damn confusing and then tried to act like it wasn't their fault people were confused.


Hillsborough is not a heavely democratic county. They had butterfly ballots there !
I disagree in some circumstances. You also have not addressed the Butterfly ballot or the incorrect felon lists and the voter intimidation.
Because that held no part of the count. Other than the people who voted for an incorrect candidate. However, one cannot determine the clear intent of the voter when they have marked the wrong candidate. To say that they should change those votes to somebody else because it is presumed they meant to vote that way is more guesswork and psychic determination.

The other issues are not in the count and in the clear intent category. Both parties tend to do these things as some die-hards will slash tires, etc and work to keep people from the booth. In Colorado the D party, I posted the stories back then, actually took registrations for both parties at the grocery stores then sent in the R registrations too late for them to vote. However, they were allowed to get emergency registrations when it was realized what had been done.

Each case has to be taken, then the law changed to reflect the need to allow people that are supposed to be allowed to vote a vote. These people nowadays could fill out Provisional ballots, most of which actually get counted when they are checked into... those who were not supposed to vote do not, but most of them actually count nowadays.
"That makes it okay? What does the identity of the creator have to do with the fact that it caused the result to be skewed. Who cares who created the problem, the point is the problem happened and it skewed the results. "

I am saying that the Dems have no right to be complaining because...

1) They created the problem

2) If the voters were confused they are supposed to ASK the election workers.

3) There is NO clause to my knowledge that says if you are too stupid to vote correctly that we are going to have a do over.

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Because that held no part of the count. Other than the people who voted for an incorrect candidate. However, one cannot determine the clear intent of the voter when they have marked the wrong candidate. To say that they should change those votes to somebody else because it is presumed they meant to vote that way is more guesswork and psychic determination.

The other issues are not in the count and in the clear intent category. Both parties tend to do these things as some die-hards will slash tires, etc and work to keep people from the booth. In Colorado the D party, I posted the stories back then, actually took registrations for both parties at the grocery stores then sent in the R registrations too late for them to vote. However, they were allowed to get emergency registrations when it was realized what had been done.

Each case has to be taken, then the law changed to reflect the need to allow people that are supposed to be allowed to vote a vote. These people nowadays could fill out Provisional ballots, most of which actually get counted when they are checked into... those who were not supposed to vote do not, but most of them actually count nowadays.

I understand what you are saying, however, I do belive after studying the numbers, that more people in Florida intended to vote for Gore than Bush. I also know that had the ruling come down allowing different types of voted to be counted Gore would have won officially. So it all comes down to a judgement call. My judgement is different than the person who made the call, thats all.
Hard to believe that six years into the Bush disaster, republicans are still emotionally-invested in defending his flawed, and perhaps bogus, victory in florida in 2000.

Bush is destroying the republican party, ruining the credibility, and he LOST congress for them. I would think republicans at this point, would have prefered Gore won, to prevent the apocalypse Bush is inflicting on the GOP.

Heck, at this point I THANK GOD almost every day that Kerry lost in 2004: He would have been saddled with Bush's failed war, and he would have taken the blame for it.
Hard to believe that six years into the Bush disaster, republicans are still emotionally-invested in defending his flawed, and perhaps bogus, victory in florida in 2000.

Bush is destroying the republican party, ruining the credibility, and he LOST congress for them. I would think republicans at this point, would have prefered Gore won, to prevent the apocalypse Bush is inflicting on the GOP.

Heck, at this point I THANK GOD almost every day that Kerry lost in 2004: He would have been saddled with Bush's failed war, and he would have taken the blame for it.
What I would prefer at this point does not reflect reality, I prefer to dwell there.
I hope he works out well for you guys down there. I really don't know much about him. I always just thought his tan obsession was pretty funny.
I have always found overly vain guys to be humerous.
He seems to be truely taking a bipartisen approach, and I think he is truely interested in whats best for the citizins of FLorida... Unlike Jeb.
I think Kerry made the right decision.
I think Gore should go collect his Oscar...

We need new blood!