Kid Rock for Senate.....

On Gun Control
"Getting rid of them is not the answer. The guy who got Osama bin Laden was on Fox News. His daddy raised him in Montana, hunting, fishing. He got it from hunting. What that kid knows is fucking valuable. Shooting 200 yards is hard. To be able to make 1,000-yard shots? I'm glad we have some people like that on our side." – Rolling Stone, February 2015
On Gay Marriage and Abortion
"I am definitely a Republican on fiscal issues and the military, but I lean to the middle on social issues. I am no fan of abortion, but it's not up to a man to tell a woman what to do. As an ordained minister I don't look forward to marrying gay people, but I'm not opposed to it." – The Guardian, January 2015
On Freedom of Speech
"Rap-rock was what people wanted at the time, and they still love those songs at shows. But it turned into a lot of bullshit and it turned out to be pretty gay … If someone says you can’t say 'gay' like that you tell them to go fuck themselves. You're not going to get anything politically correct out of me." – The Guardian, January 2015
On His Wealth
"I'm not just wealthy, I'm loaded. I can say that because I'm not embarrassed – I've made a fuck-ton of money, but I've never made a dishonest dollar. I try to do right by the people around me." – The Guardian, January 2015
On Barack Obama's Win in 2008
"I'm patriotic so I'm just happy the people's voice has been heard. I will support him until I have reason not to. It's a great thing for black people. Black people were kind to me growing up and taught me hip-hop and the blues, so it's good the U.S. has proved it's not as racist as it's sometimes portrayed." – Metro, November 2008

post 7
he said so himself wack

Ignorant and dumb.

He's a republican. All republicans are racist right Desh? All republicans hate blacks right Desh?

But when liberal whites call the police on blacks you don't believe the black folks.
You've proven yourself to be just another ass kisser of an unqualified black in a government job because people thought black = qualified.

Pucker up, NL.

I'd have supported Obama no matter what his skin color was.

Creep who Fucks his Mother.
yes hes republican

I dont think they guy is racists after hearing him say black people taught him most of what he knows about music.

say what you will about him but when you love music like he does... who taught you about it is godlike.

he would take to heart what those same people who would come to him and explain it from their persepctive.

its YOU who doesnt understand what racism is.

because you refuse to believe what black people tell you about it.

you act like all black people have to get together and come up with some conseness about what racism is to be taken seriously.

that is not what the human experience is.

racism is done to in dividual human beings.

they feel that impact as a single human would.

racism dosent just harm the greater population of any one set of humans.

its one person being effected you have to think about to understand it for real.

compassion for the ONE human standing in front of you.

look into their face and listen to them tell you their personal experience.

If it comes from someone you had connection to

someone you had a quitar crush on ( you know they are superior to you and you both know it)

someone like that who takes you under their wing and says "heres how you do this"

someone that always showed up to the gig

someone who always came prepaired

some one that found friends instead of enemies where ever you traveled.

you are going to believe them.
yes hes republican

I dont think they guy is racists after hearing him say black people taught him most of what he knows about music.

say what you will about him but when you love music like he does... who taught you about it is godlike.

he would take to heart what those same people who would come to him and explain it from their persepctive.

its YOU who doesnt understand what racism is.

because you refuse to believe what black people tell you about it.

you act like all black people have to get together and come up with some conseness about what racism is to be taken seriously.

that is not what the human experience is.

racism is done to in dividual human beings.

they feel that impact as a single human would.

racism dosent just harm the greater population of any one set of humans.

its one person being effected you have to think about to understand it for real.

compassion for the ONE human standing in front of you.

look into their face and listen to them tell you their personal experience.

If it comes from someone you had connection to

someone you had a quitar crush on ( you know they are superior to you and you both know it)

someone like that who takes you under their wing and says "heres how you do this"

someone that always showed up to the gig

someone who always came prepaired

some one that found friends instead of enemies where ever you traveled.

you are going to believe them.

left you practically speachless huh wack

he nwoud know folks that would come back into his life and explain things like only a exband mate could.

he would believe them and not SCREAM

Anyone who has followed kid Rock knows he's down with black folk. This is new only to you. You are just ignorant and racist that's all. It's why you miss it
That's the kind of snobbish elitist remark that motivates Middle America to vote against the Democucks.

Keep 'em coming, will you?

Fuck trash is well known amongst trash thoughout America & is personally responsible for inspiring millions of trash to vote against "Democuks":evilnod:

Maybe if you ask him nice, he will give you an autograph...:awesome:
Fuck trash is well known amongst trash thoughout America & is personally responsible for inspiring millions of trash to vote against "Democuks" Maybe if you ask him nice, he will give you an autograph..

