I'd have supported Obama no matter what his skin color was.
Creep who Fucks his Mother.
Whatever makes you feel better, NL.
I'd have supported Obama no matter what his skin color was.
Creep who Fucks his Mother.
Funny the democrats claim to be the party of the poor yet hate trash.
And so this proves what? That wealthier people tended to vote for the guy they felt would try to make them wealthier at the expense of the less wealthy, working class and the poor. No surprise that an asshole like Trump, or any Republican for that matter, would appeal to greedy people.
That's the kind of snobbish elitist remark that motivates Middle America to vote against the Democucks.
Keep 'em coming, will you?
It's the only song of his that I know. Never did get into him.
And so this proves what?
That wealthier people tended to vote for the guy they felt would try to make them wealthier at the expense of the less wealthy, working class and the poor.
No surprise that an asshole like Trump, or any Republican for that matter, would appeal to greedy people.
what percent of Middle America makes 50 thou or under.
you just insulted them
I can tell you what percent of blacks use food stamps. Currently, it's about 1 in every 3 1/2 or around 28%. Just to be fair, on 1 in every 12 - 13 whites use them.
CFM is a proud member of the 7.7-8.3%
Seems the poorer people turned out to vote for the gal they felt would try to hand them more and more for doing nothing which would be taken from those that earned it.
No surprise that a bitch like Hillary, or any bleeding heart Liberal for that matter, would appeal to freeloaders.
Sorry, as much as you may want to believe it, wanting to keep what you earned doesn't make one greedy. Sorry, as much as you don't want to believe it, demanding a portion of what someone else earned does make you greedy.
Is that the percentage range of people that actually don't believe the government should do for them what they should be doing for themselves?
As for the percentages I posted, they are fact.
Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel superior to those who have more than you.
Yes it does.
and is it your belief that those who have more than me are more superior than me?
Of course not. Why do you ask?
just looking for confirmation.
no, it doesn't.