Killing deer w an AR!

Well, my Twitter says “the page doesn’t exist, try something else.” But I have plenty of friends and relatives who kill plenty of deer (and hogs) with an AR…usually with one well placed shot. Not my cup of tea. I prefer a cross bow or a muzzleloader these days. But my dad killed deer with an M1 30 Carbine…kind of a pre-AR. When I was younger and hunted with rifles more I killed plenty with an SKS…kind of a mid-AR. I don’t see a problem with it.
Well, my Twitter says “the page doesn’t exist, try something else.” But I have plenty of friends and relatives who kill plenty of deer (and hogs) with an AR…usually with one well placed shot. Not my cup of tea. I prefer a cross bow or a muzzleloader these days. But my dad killed deer with an M1 30 Carbine…kind of a pre-AR. When I was younger and hunted with rifles more I killed plenty with an SKS…kind of a mid-AR. I don’t see a problem with it.
A good point. Primitive weapon season is usually safer than being in the same woods with yahoos who have more money than brains. LOL

I've used my AK to hunt hogs, but avoid deer season, especially the beginning of the season, to avoid the yahoos.
Why not, apparently giving 13 year old kid a semi automatic weapon is closure, why not a deer, least it would make the sport of hunting equal
Why not, apparently giving 13 year old kid a semi automatic weapon is closure, why not a deer, least it would make the sport of hunting equal
Mankind alters the ecosystem by eliminating predators. Without predators, the deer population would explode and there'd be massive die-offs as they starved. Aussies had a similar problem with rabbits since there are very few predators to keep their population down.

Hunters and fishermen help the support the US conservation as the link below notes. The "Don't shoot Bambi" mob doesn't understand the problem.

Despite opinion pieces to the contrary, hunters and anglers do indeed support the majority of wildlife conservation programs in America. But all outdoor recreation groups, hunters and non-hunters, anglers and non-anglers, consumptive users and non-consumptive users alike, should be welcome to the conservation funding table.

Every American benefits from abundant and healthy wildlife, and wildlife habitat. Every American should contribute in some form or another. Even if you just do some casual wildlife viewing every now and then. These are precious resources that need our help and protection.

Again, sportsmen and women continue to contribute the money, time, and resources to our wildlife and related natural resources. License fees are an important piece of the conservation puzzle, but they are only one piece.
Well, my Twitter says “the page doesn’t exist, try something else.” But I have plenty of friends and relatives who kill plenty of deer (and hogs) with an AR…usually with one well placed shot. Not my cup of tea. I prefer a cross bow or a muzzleloader these days. But my dad killed deer with an M1 30 Carbine…kind of a pre-AR. When I was younger and hunted with rifles more I killed plenty with an SKS…kind of a mid-AR. I don’t see a problem with it.
I use a AR to shoot hogs off my farm in East Texas. They are very destructive .


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Mankind alters the ecosystem by eliminating predators. Without predators, the deer population would explode and there'd be massive die-offs as they starved. Aussies had a similar problem with rabbits since there are very few predators to keep their population down.

Hunters and fishermen help the support the US conservation as the link below notes. The "Don't shoot Bambi" mob doesn't understand the problem.

Despite opinion pieces to the contrary, hunters and anglers do indeed support the majority of wildlife conservation programs in America. But all outdoor recreation groups, hunters and non-hunters, anglers and non-anglers, consumptive users and non-consumptive users alike, should be welcome to the conservation funding table.

Every American benefits from abundant and healthy wildlife, and wildlife habitat. Every American should contribute in some form or another. Even if you just do some casual wildlife viewing every now and then. These are precious resources that need our help and protection.

Again, sportsmen and women continue to contribute the money, time, and resources to our wildlife and related natural resources. License fees are an important piece of the conservation puzzle, but they are only one piece.
That as they do in my community, if the deer population get out of control, and they do monitor such, they hire licensed professionals, which is preferable to having amateurs with all kinds of weapons stumbling thru the woods in silly outfits shooting each other not to mention the unnecessary proliferation of guns in the society
That as they do in my community, if the deer population get out of control, and they do monitor such, they hire licensed professionals, which is preferable to having amateurs with all kinds of weapons stumbling thru the woods in silly outfits shooting each other not to mention the unnecessary proliferation of guns in the society
Please do the math on this: You are advocating using more tax payer money to keep down the deer population while also advocating losing all the money collected from hunters in the forms of licenses and stamps.

Like MAGAts, you are advocating increased spending while cutting revenue. That doesn't add up to me.
Hunting with an AR15 must require smaller man parts than I would want to imagine.
Even then, hunting a deer sized animal with a little 55 grain bullet
should result in a lengthy prison sentence.

How can a a nation even survive with the number of deplorable assholes we have?
Hunting with an AR15 must require smaller man parts than I would want to imagine.
Even then, hunting a deer sized animal with a little 55 grain bullet
should result in a lengthy prison sentence.

How can a a nation even survive with the number of deplorable assholes we have?
It used to be illegal to use such a small caliber bullet for big game hunting, but many states now allow it with more powerful loads and soft or hollow points.
Hunting with an AR15 must require smaller man parts than I would want to imagine.
Even then, hunting a deer sized animal with a little 55 grain bullet
should result in a lengthy prison sentence.

How can a a nation even survive with the number of deplorable assholes we have?
Commies need to pay attention. The kid used a 450 Bushmaster upper which fires a 45 caliber 240 gr. bullet in a case developed especially for those states that require a straight wall cartridge. I do not know if this upper was used in the school shooting.

As for small man parts, ask Mr. Tiny Penis as he is an expert on the subject.
As for deplorable assholes,
