Killing deer w an AR!

Seriously, does anyone really go out hunting with an AR15?
You should try performing a modicum of research. Hunting with an AR-15 is a thing.



Never said banning guns or hunting, rather, justifying the proliferation of guns in America by using loss revenue or hunting as a justification is a hell of an opportunity cost given the gun violence and deaths prevalent in the US today
Then what, exactly, do you think should be done?

IMO, better mental healthcare which starts with better mental health evaluations. Start with schools then branch to everyone as a part of an annual physical. Identify health issues and treat them. If the person is a danger to themselves (most often) or others, then have laws protecting them from themselves and protecting others. Don't let them drive, have access to firearms, vote or any other action that should be denied of a violent mentally ill person.
If they need a 30 round magazine to hunt deer they must be a terrible shot and need to first spend time on target practice at the shooting range
and did you notice in the comments Mom said he took down his first deer with one shot?.......guess that makes your opinion look pretty stupid......appropriate for Jarhead's stupid thread of the day......
Never said banning guns or hunting, rather, justifying the proliferation of guns in America by using loss revenue or hunting as a justification is a hell of an opportunity cost given the gun violence and deaths prevalent in the US today
we can smell the lies of you underwear from here.......
The hunters I grew up with weren't interested in running around the forest like wanna-be Navy Seals. They went out for the sport of it, not try to compensate for a little penis.
/ you grew up with a tiny penis and never got a chance to compensate.......why is that suddenly OUR problem?......
Well, my Twitter says “the page doesn’t exist, try something else.” But I have plenty of friends and relatives who kill plenty of deer (and hogs) with an AR…usually with one well placed shot. Not my cup of tea. I prefer a cross bow or a muzzleloader these days. But my dad killed deer with an M1 30 Carbine…kind of a pre-AR. When I was younger and hunted with rifles more I killed plenty with an SKS…kind of a mid-AR. I don’t see a problem with it.
I call bullshit.
No ethical hunter would use an AR for deer.
No old man like you is strong enough to pull and hold a cross bow on deer.
So long as they keep only 3 rounds in the magazine it is just as legal to hunt with an AR-15 as it is with any other semi-automatic rifle with 3 rounds in the mag...

I'm not sure what the issue is here other than some dude wants to cry over some kid on his first hunt.
Seriously, does anyone really go out hunting with an AR15? I know it's not that special of a weapon, primarily aesthetic, but I think if I saw someone out in the timber hunting deer with an AR15 I'd have to laugh.

The hunters I grew up with weren't interested in running around the forest like wanna-be Navy Seals. They went out for the sport of it, not try to compensate for a little penis.
Honestly it isn't better than other rifles that are more often used hunting, but it is also not all that different than those rifles either. Though it is likely they chose the AR-15 because of size and weight. That kid isn't that big, the smaller rifle makes sense. It is likely they used a block in the magazine to keep it to the 3 (sometimes 5) rounds allowed during a hunt.
I call bullshit.
No ethical hunter would use an AR for deer.
No old man like you is strong enough to pull and hold a cross bow on deer.
This just proves that you don't know what you are talking about. It depends on the caliber, using a .223 caliber AR during a hunt for larger game would be sux... but it is likely he's using a version that holds a 6.8 SPC round or a Grendel. There is nothing about the rifle that gives the kid an advantage over any other semi-automatic rifle and so long as they follow the law and use only the 3 to 5 rounds (depending on where they are hunting) there is nothing wrong with the rifle choice other than it hurts your feels.
If they need a 30 round magazine to hunt deer they must be a terrible shot and need to first spend time on target practice at the shooting range

In Florida, we're only allowed 5 round magazines for hunting, which I like because it makes hunting wild boar VERY exciting. We save the 30 round mags for communists.
I call bullshtye.
No ethical hunter would use an AR for deer.
No old man like you is strong enough to pull and hold a cross bow on deer.
I call “this guy doesn’t have a clue about weapons or hunting 😀” Any doofus with a modicum of sense knows a cross bow is held at draw and mechanically shot by a simple pull of the trigger. But you’re correct on one thing…I didn’t start using a cross bow until I reached “old man” status.

While we’re on the subject of “ethical” hunters, a single, well placed shot, whether from an AR type weapon or a long bow is whatever is a hunter’s weapon of choice is what it takes to dispatch a deer or any game animal. It’s what “ethical” hunters desire to accomplish, and the weapon has nothing to do with it.
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This just proves that you don't know what you are talking about. It depends on the caliber, using a .223 caliber AR during a hunt for larger game would be sux... but it is likely he's using a version that holds a 6.8 SPC round or a Grendel. There is nothing about the rifle that gives the kid an advantage over any other semi-automatic rifle and so long as they follow the law and use only the 3 to 5 rounds (depending on where they are hunting) there is nothing wrong with the rifle choice other than it hurts your feels.
ARs are designed for urban combat. Most hunters I know make their own lead for better accuracy. No one wants to wound a deer. I can see using an AR on pigs but not deer.
I call “this guy doesn’t have a clue about weapons or hunting 😀” Any doofus with a modicum of sense knows a cross bow is held at draw and mechanically shot but a simple pull of the trigger. But you’re correct on one thing…I didn’t start using a cross bow until I reached “old man” status.

While we’re on the subject of “ethical” hunters, a single, well placed shot, whether from an AR type weapon or a long bow is whatever is a hunter’s weapon of choice is what it takes to dispatch a deer or any game animal. It’s what “ethical” hunters desire to accomplish, and the weapon has nothing to do with it.
My bad on the crossbow but you still have to get within 30 yards. I stopped hunting because I can no long make the hike, let alone tote the meat back.