Killing deer w an AR!

Seriously, does anyone really go out hunting with an AR15? I know it's not that special of a weapon, primarily aesthetic, but I think if I saw someone out in the timber hunting deer with an AR15 I'd have to laugh.

The hunters I grew up with weren't interested in running around the forest like wanna-be Navy Seals. They went out for the sport of it, not try to compensate for a little penis.

I'll make you a deal. Buy me one of these at around $1800
and my $450 AR sits in the gun safe next to the $600 AK. Throw in a scope and I'll keep you in ham and venison for a year.


Dang! Never mind, that thing is beautiful! I'll just get one for myself.
ARs are designed for urban combat. Most hunters I know make their own lead for better accuracy. No one wants to wound a deer. I can see using an AR on pigs but not deer.

At a point early in our history, every long gun in America was designed for "urban combat"...and hunting. No reason a modern military weapon can't be a good hunter either.
As for handloading your own ammunition for better accuracy, that's great for big horn sheep and other game that frolic among the clouds at ranges exceeding 400 and 500 yards and using exquisite big bore bolt action rifles. Hand loading is also a lot of fun.
But most deer and boar hunting takes place within 100 yards or so.
At a point early in our history, every long gun in America was designed for "urban combat"...and hunting. No reason a modern military weapon can't be a good hunter either.
As for handloading your own ammunition for better accuracy, that's great for big horn sheep and other game that frolic among the clouds at ranges exceeding 400 and 500 yards and using exquisite big bore bolt action rifles. Hand loading is also a lot of fun.
But most deer and boar hunting takes place within 100 yards or so.
Anyone with the experience to get within 100 yards of a deer already owns a rifle specifically designed for hunting. I get tired of all the stories on rack size because the younger bucks and bulls make the best eating.

Don't get me started on what it takes to be a bow hunter.
If they need a 30 round magazine to hunt deer they must be a terrible shot and need to first spend time on target practice at the shooting range
In Oregon you are limited to 5 rounds capacity for hunting deer.

The large magazines are for 2A considerations, not hunting.

As for what it takes to kill a deer. Growing up on the farm and needing to keep meat in the freezer I can assure you a .22LR is sufficient to take down deer.
The purpose of the guns is to protect us from the government, which is why they will now be removed.

We the People are to be enslaved.
ARs are designed for urban combat. Most hunters I know make their own lead for better accuracy. No one wants to wound a deer. I can see using an AR on pigs but not deer.
They are not... AR is simply a manufacturer (Armalite, BTW).

This is idiotic, you literally know nothing at all about the subject. At some point when you know so little you should realize it and shut up and listen for a bit so you aren't entirely ignorant but continue to spout nonsense.
They are not... AR is simply a manufacturer (Armalite, BTW).

This is idiotic, you literally know nothing at all about the subject. At some point when you know so little you should realize it and shut up and listen for a bit so you aren't entirely ignorant but continue to spout nonsense.
You mad, Bro? Another one of your mods got caught telling fish stories. All the real hunters here on JPP saw it with their own eyes.
You mad, Bro? Another one of your mods got caught telling fish stories. All the real hunters here on JPP saw it with their own eyes.
lol. Geebus. This is like listening to Joe Biden telling you to shoot people through your front door with a shotgun (yeah, he really said it).

Listening to you on this topic is like listening to a child tell you that they "know" about your injury because their "mom is a doctor"... everything they say is just absurd, because they are children and know nothing... but their friend thinks they are an expert... You are both sides of that conversation though. Nobody who is an adult with a working brain continues to think you know what you are talking about at this point.
lol. Geebus. This is like listening to Joe Biden telling you to shoot people through your front door with a shotgun (yeah, he really said it).

Listening to you on this topic is like listening to a child tell you that they "know" about your injury because their "mom is a doctor"... everything they say is just absurd, because they are children and know nothing... but their friend thinks they are an expert... You are both sides of that conversation though. Nobody who is an adult with a working brain continues to think you know what you are talking about at this point.
There's a lot more to hunting than the weapon you choose. Many states allow for feeding or using dogs to chase the deer out of the woods. I question the ethicality of such laws. Americans pay to have a business dress and butcher their kill. How does that hone survival skills and keep us in tune with nature?
There's a lot more to hunting than the weapon you choose. Many states allow for feeding or using dogs to chase the deer out of the woods. I question the ethicality of such laws. Americans pay to have a business dress and butcher their kill. How does that hone survival skills and keep us in tune with nature?
There is more to hunting than what you want to be the reason for hunting. What you think about the ethicality of certain types of hunting literally has nothing to do with the price of rice in China, nor whether or not one might use this particular semi-automatic rifle over a different one that you think looks less scary.

The kid one shot this deer with a rifle you think is scary and therefore you came here to tell us how you know all about it because you think scary looking guns are bad and somehow unethical in some nonsensical way, and people like Biden tell you ignorant nonsense about them that you repeat without regard to reality. Instead of learning you just continue to repeat nonsense regardless of actual information given.

It's all good to me.

I always give this advice when someone has dug themselves this deep of a hole. It is better to keep your mouth shut and let people wonder if you are ignorant than to continue speaking and prove it beyond any shadow of a doubt. Or in more redneck terms, when you are stuck in a hole, stop digging.
My bad on the crossbow but you still have to get within 30 yards. I stopped hunting because I can no long make the hike, let alone tote the meat back.
No biggee. While I would never take a shot at a deer past 30-ish yards I can consistently hit your Skoal can out to 50 with my Jackal crossbow.

Sorry to hear you had to stop hunting due to health/physical reasons. I really dread the day time catches up with me but I know my day is coming.
You mad, Bro? Another one of your mods got caught telling fish stories. All the real hunters here on JPP saw it with their own eyes.
I’m guessing this is directed at me. Fish stories? Real hunters? Lol…
No biggee. While I would never take a shot at a deer past 30-ish yards I can consistently hit your Skoal can out to 50 with my Jackal crossbow.

Sorry to hear you had to stop hunting due to health/physical reasons. I really dread the day time catches up with me but I know my day is coming.
Once you put in enough miles, you know when to hang up your rifle and let the youngsters return the favor of decades of free meat. Hunting has always been a communal event. I can still dress and butcher if I know it was an ethical kill.
Anyone with the experience to get within 100 yards of a deer already owns a rifle specifically designed for hunting.

After some consideration, I can partially agree. Both of my modern military rifles are fitted with optical systems that might be too delicate for combat, but I can't afford those Trijicon RMRs or even the older ACOGs. But I have taken a few hogs at 75 yds or less.

I get tired of all the stories on rack size because the younger bucks and bulls make the best eating.

I agree

Don't get me started on what it takes to be a bow hunter.

No argument there. I haven't even shot a bow in 30 years.