Kiss Your Butt Goodby!

I think when it's an issue of life or death, they'll stop fucking around. At least on this one issue.


Hello and welcome freshsea,,

I agree with most of that. We know changes are coming. What we don't know is the extent. It is possible that one glacier melts faster than another. It is difficult to measure the atmosphere and the ocean temperature because it depends on where and when you measure. One thing is for sure. We have to change our ways the sooner the better. A certain amount of change is already locked in. At this point we are just hoping we can affect the extent of it. It is time for some radical approaches to the problem.

There is only one approach that will work. My avatar shows what that is. Think of one of those pikes having Trump skewered on it.
Hello freshsea,

There is only one approach that will work. My avatar shows what that is. Think of one of those pikes having Trump skewered on it.

I cannot endorse that. I do not believe it is necessary to compromise my ideals in order to deal with the 'very stable genius.' The law is all we need. That and enough support from the populace and the cult leader will face justice once and for all.
I don't know about that. A big denier trend is they believe that even if it's happening it's not on us.

Yeah, but they don't really believe that. They just act like they do because they like having a conservative identity. When it actually becomes a life of death situation, they won't be able to afford that kinda bullshit.
Yeah, but they don't really believe that. They just act like they do because they like having a conservative identity. When it actually becomes a life of death situation, they won't be able to afford that kinda bullshit.

Have you noticed that they've mostly gone from "It isn't happening, warming is a hoax" to "Yeah, but so what? It's not OUR fault, the planet gets hot sometimes and sometimes it gets cool"?
I'm hoping that when half of Florida is underwater, the Conservatards who deny climate change because they think it hurts their identity will grow up.

They are just going to deny they were ever deniers.

Anyone who is paying attention knows the Deniers have been incrementally moving the goal posts for years.
They are just going to deny they were ever deniers.

Anyone who is paying attention knows the Deniers have been incrementally moving the goal posts for years.

Trump has really trained them well,in lying,deflection,blame the other side,for what they do themselves.
Next they will be goose stepping down Pennsylvania Ave,with long ties.
Have you noticed that they've mostly gone from "It isn't happening, warming is a hoax" to "Yeah, but so what? It's not OUR fault, the planet gets hot sometimes and sometimes it gets cool"?

Yeah, that's because they want to seem less stupid without seeming liberal. Which is idiotic, but I guess it's still progress.
They are just going to deny they were ever deniers.

Anyone who is paying attention knows the Deniers have been incrementally moving the goal posts for years.

The Right has to do that a lot to keep up with the culture. They fought to keep slavery, now they're saying Liberals are the REAL racists. One day it'll be that Conservatives care about the Earth, it's the Liberals that are the real Deniers.

Up to half of recent Arctic warming can be attributed to CFCs in the atmosphere.


The rapid warming of the Arctic, perhaps the most striking evidence of climate change, is believed to have arisen from increases in atmospheric concentrations of GHGs since the Industrial Revolution. While the dominant role of carbon dioxide is undisputed, another important set of anthropogenic GHGs was also being emitted over the second half of the twentieth century: ozone-depleting substances (ODS). These compounds, in addition to causing the ozone hole over Antarctica, have long been recognized as powerful GHGs. However, their contribution to Arctic warming has not been quantified. We do so here by analysing ensembles of climate model integrations specifically designed for this purpose, spanning the period 1955–2005 when atmospheric concentrations of ODS increased rapidly. We show that, when ODS are kept fixed, forced Arctic surface warming and forced sea-ice loss are only half as large as when ODS are allowed to increase. We also demonstrate that the large impact of ODS on the Arctic occurs primarily via direct radiative warming, not via ozone depletion. Our findings reveal a substantial contribution of ODS to recent Arctic warming, and highlight the importance of the Montreal Protocol as a major climate change-mitigation treaty.
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