Kiss Your Butt Goodby!

They are just going to deny they were ever deniers.

Anyone who is paying attention knows the Deniers have been incrementally moving the goal posts for years.

This is the arsehole that claimed for years and years that Michael Mann's Hockey Stick was the absolute truth ffs. You never hear him mention it anymore and we all know why!! Hey Crypiss have you gone back to pretending that you don't read my posts?
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The Right has to do that a lot to keep up with the culture. They fought to keep slavery, now they're saying Liberals are the REAL racists. One day it'll be that Conservatives care about the Earth, it's the Liberals that are the real Deniers.

"War is Peace, Slavery is Freedom" etc. etc.
They are just going to deny they were ever deniers.

Anyone who is paying attention knows the Deniers have been incrementally moving the goal posts for years.

You don't have to deny something that isn't happening. That it's not happening is enough.
"War is Peace, Slavery is Freedom" etc. etc.

See post 40, I presume that you've heard of Nature! You'll probably just ignore this because otherwise your brain will.just short circuit and implode.

Up to half of recent Arctic warming can be attributed to CFCs in the atmosphere.


The rapid warming of the Arctic, perhaps the most striking evidence of climate change, is believed to have arisen from increases in atmospheric concentrations of GHGs since the Industrial Revolution. While the dominant role of carbon dioxide is undisputed, another important set of anthropogenic GHGs was also being emitted over the second half of the twentieth century: ozone-depleting substances (ODS). These compounds, in addition to causing the ozone hole over Antarctica, have long been recognized as powerful GHGs. However, their contribution to Arctic warming has not been quantified. We do so here by analysing ensembles of climate model integrations specifically designed for this purpose, spanning the period 1955–2005 when atmospheric concentrations of ODS increased rapidly. We show that, when ODS are kept fixed, forced Arctic surface warming and forced sea-ice loss are only half as large as when ODS are allowed to increase. We also demonstrate that the large impact of ODS on the Arctic occurs primarily via direct radiative warming, not via ozone depletion. Our findings reveal a substantial contribution of ODS to recent Arctic warming, and highlight the importance of the Montreal Protocol as a major climate change-mitigation treaty.
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We really are living in 1984 now. If Trump said 2 + 2 = 5 (which he might really believe) his supporters would agree.

If we were in the 1980's we saw bullshit predictions like this:

1988: James Hansen forecasts increase regional drought in 1990s

1988: Maldives completely under water in 30 years

1989: Rising seas to ‘obliterate’ nations by 2000

1989: New York City’s West Side Highway underwater by 2019
Liars do misuse graphs to try and push hoaxes.

They're real measurements you moron. Not hoaxes. As to the bullshit predictions that have been shown, who made them. Are they what the majority of scientists agreed on? Tell me they are. So I can have another reason to ridicule you. As to that documentary I mentioned, "Greedy Lying Bastards," did you watch it yet? It brings up an interesting question. Would a greedy lying bastard even watch a documentary that exposed greedy lying bastards?

Here is something else for your brainwashed, evil mind to consider. What if as you claim there is nothing to human caused global warming. What is the worst that can happen by doing something about it. Humans start living more morally and equitably within the environment. But what is the worst that can happen if it is real and we do nothing about it? You can prepare to kiss your ass goodby. And worse yet, most of the other lifeforms on the planet that aren't to blame.
I think when it's an issue of life or death, they'll stop fucking around. At least on this one issue.

By then, it will be far too late. The only thing they might be able to do is use some ground penetrating nukes dropped from space to set off some super volcanoes. Which indeed would cause much cooling. But it wouldn't be much better than doing nothing at all. Because mass extinctions would still happen.
Hello freshsea,

I cannot endorse that. I do not believe it is necessary to compromise my ideals in order to deal with the 'very stable genius.' The law is all we need. That and enough support from the populace and the cult leader will face justice once and for all.

You can't endorse that? Maybe if you were at a forum where it could be discussed, I could change your mind. As for the law, fuck the law. It only means what the wealthy says it means. As for your cult leader stuff, what are you getting at.
Previous brain dead alarmist predictions:

1967: ‘Dire famine by 1975.’

1969: ‘Everyone will disappear in a cloud of blue steam by 1989.’

1970: Ice age by 2000

1970: ‘America subject to water rationing by 1974 and food rationing by 1980.’

1971: ‘New Ice Age Coming'

1972: New ice age by 2070

1974: ‘New Ice Age Coming Fast’

1974: ‘Another Ice Age?’

1974: Ozone Depletion a ‘Great Peril to Life’

1988: James Hansen forecasts increase regional drought in 1990s

1988: Maldives completely under water in 30 years

1989: Rising seas to ‘obliterate’ nations by 2000

1989: New York City’s West Side Highway underwater by 2019

2000: ‘Children won’t know what snow is.’

Up to half of recent Arctic warming can be attributed to CFCs in the atmosphere.


The rapid warming of the Arctic, perhaps the most striking evidence of climate change, is believed to have arisen from increases in atmospheric concentrations of GHGs since the Industrial Revolution. While the dominant role of carbon dioxide is undisputed, another important set of anthropogenic GHGs was also being emitted over the second half of the twentieth century: ozone-depleting substances (ODS). These compounds, in addition to causing the ozone hole over Antarctica, have long been recognized as powerful GHGs. However, their contribution to Arctic warming has not been quantified. We do so here by analysing ensembles of climate model integrations specifically designed for this purpose, spanning the period 1955–2005 when atmospheric concentrations of ODS increased rapidly. We show that, when ODS are kept fixed, forced Arctic surface warming and forced sea-ice loss are only half as large as when ODS are allowed to increase. We also demonstrate that the large impact of ODS on the Arctic occurs primarily via direct radiative warming, not via ozone depletion. Our findings reveal a substantial contribution of ODS to recent Arctic warming, and highlight the importance of the Montreal Protocol as a major climate change-mitigation treaty.

Everybody knows that it was Cloral Floral Carbons being made and used by humans that caused the hole in the ozone layer over the antarctic.
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