Kiss Your Butt Goodby!

Along with being a "number 2," how would you like to be number 2 on my ignore list.

as you might suspect, I could give a won't stop me from pointing at you and saying "Look!....Stupid!" whenever you post something will just mean you won't benefit from the free education I am offering you......
as you might suspect, I could give a won't stop me from pointing at you and saying "Look!....Stupid!" whenever you post something will just mean you won't benefit from the free education I am offering you......

Talk about my ear and cocks, or some such shit again, and it will happen. And you won't be missed. It isn't as though you ever have anything intelligent to say anyway.
Talk about my ear and cocks, or some such shit again, and it will happen. And you won't be missed. It isn't as though you ever have anything intelligent to say anyway.

how is it you are totally mindfucked but you don't realize you have a penis in your ear?.......please stop being an idiot.....
By then, it will be far too late. The only thing they might be able to do is use some ground penetrating nukes dropped from space to set off some super volcanoes. Which indeed would cause much cooling. But it wouldn't be much better than doing nothing at all. Because mass extinctions would still happen.

The effects of climate change are going to become a lot more noticeable before it gets that bad. When half of Florida is underwater, there will still be enough time to save the Earth.
They're real measurements you moron. Not hoaxes. As to the bullshit predictions that have been shown, who made them. Are they what the majority of scientists agreed on? Tell me they are. So I can have another reason to ridicule you. As to that documentary I mentioned, "Greedy Lying Bastards," did you watch it yet? It brings up an interesting question. Would a greedy lying bastard even watch a documentary that exposed greedy lying bastards?

Here is something else for your brainwashed, evil mind to consider. What if as you claim there is nothing to human caused global warming. What is the worst that can happen by doing something about it. Humans start living more morally and equitably within the environment. But what is the worst that can happen if it is real and we do nothing about it? You can prepare to kiss your ass goodby. And worse yet, most of the other lifeforms on the planet that aren't to blame.

They're false claims and you know it. The people that made them are the same type idiots making them today.

I'm mocking you now, BOY, for many reasons. That you believe a hoax is just one of them. That you thought a black BOY was qualified to be President based on skin color is another one.

You idiots have been preparing for the doom for over 50 years and nothing you've said has occurred. If you are fool enough to continue doing so, do it without me. I don't waste my time of such foolishness.
The effects of climate change are going to become a lot more noticeable before it gets that bad. When half of Florida is underwater, there will still be enough time to save the Earth.

Previous dumb leftist alarmist predictions from the past:

1967: ‘Dire famine by 1975.’

1969: ‘Everyone will disappear in a cloud of blue steam by 1989.’

1970: Ice age by 2000

1970: ‘America subject to water rationing by 1974 and food rationing by 1980.’

1971: ‘New Ice Age Coming'

1972: New ice age by 2070

1974: ‘New Ice Age Coming Fast’

1974: ‘Another Ice Age?’

1974: Ozone Depletion a ‘Great Peril to Life’

1988: James Hansen forecasts increase regional drought in 1990s

1988: Maldives completely under water in 30 years

1989: Rising seas to ‘obliterate’ nations by 2000

1989: New York City’s West Side Highway underwater by 2019

2000: ‘Children won’t know what snow is.’
The effects of climate change are going to become a lot more noticeable before it gets that bad. When half of Florida is underwater, there will still be enough time to save the Earth.

We've been hearing the sky is falling nonsense for 50 years.