Know the difference

Subject is Israel is an apartheid state out to slaughter Palestinians.

I'm still trying to figure out why there is a contingent on JPP that absolutely and steadfastly refuses to place even the slightest blame on the terrorist organization Hamas for civilian casualties in Gaza.

You can guarantee massive harm to civilians when you use them as human shields or hide your armed forces in a civilian population.

The Poles in 1939, the South Koreans in 1950, the Ukrainians in 2022 sent their armed forces out into the field of battle against superior enemy forces, to try to keep them away from their civilian populations.

But not Hamas. The Poles, South Koreans, Ukrainians are not their role models.

I am sure IDF would much prefer it if Hamas militia stopped hiding in their urban enclaves, and met IDF toe to toe on the plains of Sinai
I'm still trying to figure out why there is a contingent on JPP that a absolutely and steadfastly refuses to place even the slightest blame on the terrorist organization Hamas for civilian casualties in Gaza.

You can guarantee massive harm to civilians when you use them as human shields or hide your armed forces in a civilian population.

The Poles in 1939, the South Koreans in 1950, the Ukrainians in 2022 sent their armed forces out into the field of battle against superior enemy forces, to try to keep them away from their civilian populations.

But not Hamas. The Poles, South Koreans, Ukrainians are not their models.

I am sure IDF would much prefer it if Hamas militia stopped hiding in their urban enclaves, and met IDF toe to toe on the plains of Sinai

I cannot understand why you think Israel has the moral right of genocide.
“Was” is the key word.
Before we start patting ourselves on the back,
Economic apartheid, racial discrimination, economic inequality, legal and environmental injustice has been, and continues to be serious issues in the United States.
Israeli citizens have the strongest democracy in southwest Asia, which includes a free press, free speech, and the right to vote for all Israeli citizens whether they are Jewish, Muslim, Christian, or Druze.

I believe in an equitable two state solution, but I'm not willing to lie and say Israel is an evil totalitarian state that is an enemy of democracy

Let's just say it, the problem Israel has, is it DEMOCRATICALLY elected an EXTREME RIGHT-WING RACIST THUG LIKE DONALD TRUMP TO BE THEIR LEADER, and after he re-gained power, he has since Corrupted it's military and all other branches of Israel's government including it's SUPREME COURT!

Does that ring any bells?

The same thing is going to happen here if Donald Trump gets re-elected again and we find ourselves at war with our neighbors and allies- even war within ourselves and our own states and territories.

Just look at the war on women the Trump TEAM and the remnants of his corrupted SUPREME COURT he left behind, has already started.

We must be truthful, face the reality, stand up to the AUTOCRAT and his base of anti-democracy traitors, and tell it like it really is, without pulling any punches.

Yes, stand up to "Our" very own wannabe AUTOCRAT DONALD TRUMP and his coup of TRUMPTARDS, and all the other autocrats around the globe like Netanyahu and POOTY BOY- who by the way- are trying their damnedest to get Donald Trump elected so they can all individually shape the world, the way they want in order to enrich themselves and their personal special interests and Hatreds- while harming everyone in their path of resistance!

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Yeah, but the US made that bed long ago. And now they’re having to sleep in it.
After WW2, American foreign policy was centered around protecting 'our' oil in the Mid East.

We told Saudi Arabia we had the technology to pump all of that newly discovered petroleum under the ground.

So we set up military bases to assure the the region would remain 'safe'.

Israel was the perfect puppet to prop up.
I support democracy, even flawed or emergent democracy, wherever it takes root and persists on the Earth. Especially when we are living in an era where the forces of totalitarianism is ascendant.

Israel has a free press, Israeli citizens whether Jewish, Druze, Muslim, or Christian can vote in legitimate elections, Israeli citizens can openly protest that actions of their government.

That doesn't mean the democracies in Israel, Turkey, Ukraine, India aren't seriously flawed in certain ways.
You forgot America

And the Arab Spring pipedream should have taught us that democracy cannot exist in many tribal societies
Now you're changing the subject

You declared that Israel is not a democracy.

They are universally considered a parliamentary democracy by impartial international NGOs that monitor democracy.

Given the state of the world today, I support even flawed democracies in the face of as ascendant totalitarianism.
Iraq will never function as a democracy, and upsetting their totalitarian govt. has destabilized the entire region.
Let's just say it, the problem Israel has, is it DEMOCRATICALLY elected an EXTREME RIGHT-WING RACIST THUG LIKE DONALD TRUMP TO BE THEIR LEADER, and after he re-gained power, he has since Corrupted it's military and all other branches of Israel's government including it's SUPREME COURT!

Does that ring any bells?

The same thing is going to happen here if Donald Trump gets re-elected again and we find ourselves at war with our neighbors and allies- even war within ourselves and our own states and territories.

Just look at the war on women the Trump TEAM and the remnants of his corrupted SUPREME COURT he left behind, has already started.

We must be truthful, face the reality, and tell it like it really is.

I would still rather have the existing parliamentary democracy in Israel, than a totalitarian dictatorship. Israeli citizens can still protest their governments actions, vote, and at least have the potential to influence their government's policies. There is a robust opposition to Bibi in Israel

Democracy is under threat at this point in the 21st century. If we are going to start culling out the democracies that we do not deem pure enough to be our peers, we are going to have start telling India, Ukraine, Colombia, South Africa, and a whole lot of others to take a hike