Dutch Uncle
* Tertia Optio * Defend the Constitution
Factor in the costs for TBI/etc. with veterans, and that number is much bigger.
War is costly. A good reason to avoid it, if possible, without conceding to the enemy.
Factor in the costs for TBI/etc. with veterans, and that number is much bigger.
Before we start patting ourselves on the back,
Economic apartheid, racial discrimination, economic inequality, legal and environmental injustice has been, and continues to be serious issues in the United States.
Subject is Israel is an apartheid state out to slaughter Palestinians.
And for no good reason the US is propping up Israel.
No good reason like them being our most powerful ally in the Middle East. Fucking idiot.
I'm placing at least half the blame on Hamas for the civilian deaths in Gaza. The armed forces of a legitimate ruling authority does not use it's own citizens as human shields, or embed themselves in citizen enclaves.
The Polish army knew Nazi Germany could beat them, but they deployed outside the cities to try to keep the Wehrmacht away from their citizens.
The word genocide and outdoor concentration camps get tossed around too readily. Genocide is what happened in Armenia, WW2, and Rwanda. I know people who were sent to Gulag labor camps. Gaza is not the equivalent of the Vorkuta forced labor camps.
I believe the Palestinians have legitimate grievances, I support an equitable two state solution. But Hamas is more than half to blame for what is happening in Gaza
I believe Israel is guilty of genocide.
go kill yourself asshole
The United states is propping up Israel for an excellent reason.
Their enemy, jihadist Middle Eastern Muslims, are our enemy as well.
I don't care from what Middle Eastern Muslim Theocracy they come, or which Muslim denomination they represent.
The Twin Towers are still missing,
and we haven't even come close to payback for that.