landmines for the border?

Imagine getting that worked up over something that's not going to ever effect your life at all

I cannot

Like a million could probably migrate and Grind would never notice

But because he's a shitty arrogant burger who thinks he's better than everyone, he's afraid of sharing that exclusive status

This is what comes from parents that never whacked their brat upside the head

America is in a decadent period, and will fall soon
Imagine getting that worked up over something that's not going to ever effect your life at all

I cannot

Like a million could probably migrate and Grind would never notice

But because he's a shitty arrogant burger who thinks he's better than everyone, he's afraid of sharing that exclusive status

This is what comes from parents that never whacked their brat upside the head

America is in a decadent period, and will fall soon

McDonalds let you get away from the deep fryer long enough to post? Awesome.
gotta break a few eggs to make some omelets. they will learn eventually.

Maybe you should stop flooding criminal organizations in their home nation with hundreds of billions in drug money

Literally this is the equivalent of funding terrorist organizations, we ban people from ransoming their family from ISIS

Literally America is just like "Whelp Narco gang, here's the equivalent of the budget of your home country. Thanks for the fentanyl!"

What could go wrong

Yep just close off the border and it will all go away

Hope you OD on the fentanyl, it is proof that the world is a just place
Maybe you should stop flooding criminal organizations in their home nation with hundreds of billions in drug money

Literally this is the equivalent of funding terrorist organizations, we ban people from ransoming their family from ISIS

Literally America is just like "Whelp Narco gang, here's the equivalent of the budget of your home country. Thanks for the fentanyl!"

What could go wrong

Yep just close off the border and it will all go away

Hope you OD on the fentanyl, it is proof that the world is a just place

Watermark wants to ban drugs. :rofl2:
Maybe you should stop flooding criminal organizations in their home nation with hundreds of billions in drug money

Literally this is the equivalent of funding terrorist organizations, we ban people from ransoming their family from ISIS

Literally America is just like "Whelp Narco gang, here's the equivalent of the budget of your home country. Thanks for the fentanyl!"

What could go wrong

Yep just close off the border and it will all go away

Hope you OD on the fentanyl, it is proof that the world is a just place

OmG shut it Taco Bell bitch.
I travel to Arizona with my business and visit some of the towns along I10 along the way.

I met a Border Patrol agent at one of the truck stops and had a conversation with him. He was buying jugs of water. I asked him what he did with the water, and he told me, that him and his other agents replenish watering stations that are set up along the border on the US side to keep the deaths down for those who risk their lives trying to cross illegally through the desert.

He said, they find dead bodies every day out in the desert, and if you ever witnessed that, it has a way of hitting you right in the gut and heart, and make you want to do whatever you can to prevent it.

I asked him who paid for the water, and he told me that the money is funded through charities!

It is nice to know that there are some real human beings out there who care about people!

wow that's terrible.
Imagine getting that worked up over something that's not going to ever effect your life at all

I cannot

Like a million could probably migrate and Grind would never notice

But because he's a shitty arrogant burger who thinks he's better than everyone, he's afraid of sharing that exclusive status

This is what comes from parents that never whacked their brat upside the head

America is in a decadent period, and will fall soon

it does affect all of us.

for starters, illegals are currently counted in the census, and that means they have electoral votes representing them. Given how close some of our elections can be, illegals in california and elsewhere end up determining policy they have no standing in.

additionally they are eligible for some forms of welfare, and they also crowd emergency rooms, which is passed to the taxpayer especially now that we have forced healthcare.

Now you are correct I would never be caught dead living near any shitholers, they are priced out of my area. But I do worry that eventually they'll bring property values down until I am surrounded.
Imagine getting that worked up over something that's not going to ever effect your life at all

I cannot

Like a million could probably migrate and Grind would never notice

But because he's a shitty arrogant burger who thinks he's better than everyone, he's afraid of sharing that exclusive status

This is what comes from parents that never whacked their brat upside the head

America is in a decadent period, and will fall soon

Poor people are effected by it. Particularly those living in the southwest.
Imagine getting that worked up over something that's not going to ever effect your life at all

I cannot

Like a million could probably migrate and Grind would never notice

But because he's a shitty arrogant burger who thinks he's better than everyone, he's afraid of sharing that exclusive status

This is what comes from parents that never whacked their brat upside the head

America is in a decadent period, and will fall soon

If it wasn't for the fact that you think they will be loyal democrat voters, you couldn't give a shit about them. But, in your haste to curry favor with them, you aren't watching your flank.