landmines for the border?

What is your solution to the illegal immigration problem in this country?

How about we deport all you right-wing asshole snowflakes who make it more of a problem than it actually is by constantly pissing your diapers about it?
He was a great man. It is sad you were propagandized at an early age and can’t recognize it. It was a complicated time. But you are a dumb fuck who only sings one tune. Switch parties already. You are worthless.

I only sing the American tune. Traitors to this country do not make for great men or women. It's sad that you would have preferred an American defeat.
imagine a caravan of illegal shitholer invaders getting close to our border.

all of a sudden, BOOM, their legs get blown off. Uh oh! looks like someone stepped on a landmine!

body parts flying everywhere, children crying because their parents are dead, then we deport the rest, or preferably drop them into the pacific ocean. :)

They will learn to stay in their own shithole country. we don't want them.

When I close my eyes and think of this, a wave of peace and serenity flows over me. Perhaps someday. :thinking:

Anything we allow the power structure to do to others will come home to to be visited upon us as the empire continues in its decline. As we continue to disregard the tyranny of our own shithole nation across the globe, we will be blessed with another opportunity to ignore it here at home.
I only sing the American tune. Traitors to this country do not make for great men or women. It's sad that you would have preferred an American defeat.

Like I said, it isn't your fault. You are just a victim of faulty education. You really don't know any better. I forgive you
How about you try, dickhead?

Not my job or responsibility to dirty up my hands tossing shit like you out of my country.

We have people who are paid to handle the likes of you....

Its a simple thing to control immigration: JUST ENFORCE THE CURRENT RULE OF LAW. If you want open boarders, win an election draft news laws. If you want less law enforcement......make fewer laws to enforce, again, win an election and then DO WHAT YOU HAVE PROMISED FOR DECADES, "FIX THE IMMIGRATION SYSTEM"! It was not that long that Obamy, Chuckie, and Nancy had a filibuster proof congress and controlled all branches of government.....DID THEY WORRY ABOUT IMMIGRATION AND THE DREAMERS THEN? HELL NO! They decided to concentrate on giving shit away that this nation could not afford while spending more money than all the previous administrations in US HISTORY....growing the spending deficit from 9/10 trillion to right around 20 trillion.

Cloward and Piven anyone?
Like I said, it isn't your fault. You are just a victim of faulty education. You really don't know any better. I forgive you

Your support for Democrats in the Civil War, over Republicans, is noted. Out of curiosity, do you look back at the Axis defeat in WWII as another missed opportunity?
Whatever helps you sleep at night. The world sees the violent, hypocritical, petulant children. You will NOT prevail.

I hope thousands of them swarm the Texas and Arizona southern border, flood across and take up residence in both states. The US Military will be helpless to stop them because they know what the consequences of gunning down unarmed civilian men, women and children would be.

Then I hope both those two redneck shithole states are stuck paying for their food and housing for decades.

I'll laugh my ass off if it happens.
I hope thousands of them swarm the Texas and Arizona southern border, flood across and take up residence in both states. The US Military will be helpless to stop them because they know what the consequences of gunning down unarmed civilian men, women and children would be.

Then I hope both those two redneck shithole states are stuck paying for their food and housing for decades.

I'll laugh my ass off if it happens.

Hopefully you'll laugh hard enough your ass falls off your shoulders...
Quote Originally Posted by Nomad View Post
I hope thousands of them swarm the Texas and Arizona southern border, flood across and take up residence in both states. The US Military will be helpless to stop them because they know what the consequences of gunning down unarmed civilian men, women and children would be.
isn't that the way a country should deal with any and all invasions?.......besides. I think you really won't have to shoot more than a half dozen or so of the ones stupid enough to stand in front......