Last Universal Common Ancestor

Average is a misleading statistical concept.

The average salary between me, you, and bill Gates is twenty billion dollars. It's my fault for even bringing up the word average.

The proper thing to use when trying avoid extremes in the distribution would be the median. That is more robust against extremes like Bill Gates' income.
:link: Link?

It was several posts over in the middle of the "Religious Typology" thread in Off Topic. Sorry I am far too lazy to go find specific posts but it was a whole "thing" over there. Both Cypress and Doc Dutch got very worked up when I, in an attempt to make a larger point about religion, spent some time attempting to talk about the various "bad" things like God-ordained genocides and murder in the Old Testament and Cypress decided I was an antisemite and Doc Dutch decided I was a "violent atheist" and compared me to a "Nazi".

It was clear I had stepped on some closely held religious feelings for them.
It was several posts over in the middle of the "Religious Typology" thread in Off Topic. Sorry I am far too lazy to go find specific posts but it was a whole "thing" over there. Both Cypress and Doc Dutch got very worked up when I, in an attempt to make a larger point about religion, spent some time attempting to talk about the various "bad" things like God-ordained genocides and murder in the Old Testament and Cypress decided I was an antisemite and Doc Dutch decided I was a "violent atheist" and compared me to a "Nazi".

It was clear I had stepped on some closely held religious feelings for them.

:dunno: I get the feeling Cypress had a Catholic-ish upbringing.
Well, I reckon self realization is an honest trait. :dunno:

At least one of us is honest. ;)

FWIW "harping" = playing the harp, which is what you (not you personally, you'll be playing something else) traditionally do all day in Heaven, or at least that's what the Sunday School teacher said. lol
It was several posts over in the middle of the "Religious Typology" thread in Off Topic. Sorry I am far too lazy to go find specific posts but it was a whole "thing" over there. Both Cypress and Doc Dutch got very worked up when I, in an attempt to make a larger point about religion, spent some time attempting to talk about the various "bad" things like God-ordained genocides and murder in the Old Testament and Cypress decided I was an antisemite and Doc Dutch decided I was a "violent atheist" and compared me to a "Nazi".

It was clear I had stepped on some closely held religious feelings for them.

I guess no one likes their sacred cows made into steaks. lol
Hilarious, the holy rollers and the militant atheists are all over the map and cannot agree whether I am a bible thumper, or a piece of shit atheist-->

(Cypress) You always talk about religion, obsessively, then claim to not be religious. It's comical.
(Cypress) You are an atheist that loves to so seeds of doubt! You're really a piece of shit in fancy wrappers!
And Cypress embarks on yet another expedition in his neverending quest to deny God!
Cypress defended God elsewhere!

The only ones trying to turn my science thread into a thread about religion are the hardcore atheists and their holy roller pals.
I guess no one likes their sacred cows made into steaks. lol

Well, it made me feel bad. I didn't realize that both of them would respond so negatively. As an atheist sometimes it is possible to accidentally step on sacred toes and tip some sacred cows, but I certainly didn't want to so egregiously insult them. Cypress still won't engage with me. I guess he felt he had said all he needed to by suggesting I was an antisemite.

Doc Dutch I don't pay much attention to, his game is clearly to annoy people. But it was a bit of a surprise to see how seriously he takes faith.
Hilarious, the holy rollers and the militant atheists are all over the map and cannot agree whether I am a bible thumper, or a piece of shit atheist-->
The only ones trying to turn my science thread into a thread about religion are the hardcore atheists and their holy roller pals.

I was standing up for you.

(And when I do post science you never respond to it. It's good to see you are serious about your complaints)
Hilarious, the holy rollers and the militant atheists are all over the map and cannot agree whether I am a bible thumper, or a piece of shit atheist-->

The only ones trying to turn my science thread into a thread about religion are the hardcore atheists and their holy roller pals.

I've always thought of you as an agnostic. You acknowledge the value of religion, in particular Christianity, to millions of people but are uncertain as to the existence of a divine creator due to lack of evidence. "Uncertain" does not equal "there's no deity at all."
I've always thought of you as an agnostic. You acknowledge the value of religion, in particular Christianity, to millions of people but are uncertain as to the existence of a divine creator due to lack of evidence. "Uncertain" does not equal "there's no deity at all."

When one calls suggests that someone is an "antisemite" when they talk about the theologically difficult issues in the Old Testament I think we can agree there's a bit more than "agnosticism" going on.
When one calls suggests that someone is an "antisemite" when they talk about the theologically difficult issues in the Old Testament I think we can agree there's a bit more than "agnosticism" going on.
The fact you always run from quoting the actual post indicates you are a liar, Jank.

The true irony being that, since you hate anyone who is religious, you truly are an antisemite. LOL
And Cypress embarks on yet another expedition to the far ends of the earth and horizons of reality in his neverending quest to deny God.
I do not find that to be the case at all. I think he has his own concept of “god”, as it should be, it’s a very personal issue.
I've always thought of you as an agnostic. You acknowledge the value of religion, in particular Christianity, to millions of people but are uncertain as to the existence of a divine creator due to lack of evidence. "Uncertain" does not equal "there's no deity at all."

Someone gets me! I try to understand the human experience and the meaning of life from all perspectives,
Agreed on misunderstandings of average and the link’s pointing out that smaller stars outnumber larger stars.

Going back to TOW’s post, I’ve found nothing to indicate a difference in the distribution of nova-sized stars is different in larger galaxies versus small. OTOH, there was nothing to positively indicate the ratio is consistent.

The key might be to be in a part of the galaxy that has a large variety of gas giants and super gas giants. My recollection is that certain kinds of supernovae only produce heavy elements up to iron, and others are capable of fusing heavy elements heavier than iron.

I think the Magellanic clouds are ancient and contain very few gas giants at this time
When one calls suggests that someone is an "antisemite" when they talk about the theologically difficult issues in the Old Testament I think we can agree there's a bit more than "agnosticism" going on.

I opted out of that exchange last week because I like all the participants and do not want to take sides.
When one calls suggests that someone is an "antisemite" when they talk about the theologically difficult issues in the Old Testament I think we can agree there's a bit more than "agnosticism" going on.

Post the actual Quote, and then the follow-up responses from me
The fact you always run from quoting the actual post indicates you are a liar, Jank.

The true irony being that, since you hate anyone who is religious, you truly are an antisemite. LOL

Again, I missed most of that exchange between you, Cypress, and Novo so have no comment on that. I will point out, otoh, that I have been told that I "hate all Christians" because sometimes I point out that *some* -- particularly Xtian leaders -- are hypocrites and/or downright evil. I also think that Netanyahu is a rightwing fascist authoritarian. Does that make me an Antisemite too? lol