Last Universal Common Ancestor

Just don't even come close to critiquing God or you will be labeled an antisemite.
I condemn Israel for their actions all the time, and also criticize the Bible. I haven’t read all the exchanges between the parties involved, so I can not comment on this matter.
Why does it need to be "organic"?

For C-based life forms, yes. But that isn't necessarily ALL life is it? We don't know.

You really go for the definitive claims.

I am fascinated that you discount silicones. You are familiar with the chemistry are you not?

Nobody in any geology class I ever took called feldspar or quartz a polymer, even though that might technically be true.

There is an entire discipline in chemistry devoted to carbon, because the nature, types, and complexity of carbon polymers and molecules are so unique. Surely you've heard of organic chemistry.

Elements needed for making biomolecules must be able to make multiple Bonds and/or share electrons to make covalent bonds. The 6 most abundant ones—carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, sulfur, and nitrogen—meet at least one of these criteria. Other abundant elements on Earth, such as iron and aluminum, cannot do what these atoms do. Silicon Is a notable exception, but carbon is probably a better atom for building larger molecules. Some people wonder, though, if silicon-based life might
occur somewhere else in the universe.

-- Kenneth Ahern, PhD, professor of biochemistry, Oregon State

I'm going to have to cut your passive aggressive bullshit and lingering resentment loose now.
I condemn Israel for their actions all the time, and also criticize the Bible. I haven’t read all the exchanges between the parties involved, so I can not comment on this matter.

Yeah, Cypress got upset because I was pointing out the theologically difficult sections of the O.T. esp in terms of God condoning slaughter and genocide. This upset Cypress very much (as it did Doc Dutch) and he figured that I was only on there to make the hebrews look as bad as possible. He went on and on about my "hatred". It was hard to read.

I actually at one point thought Cypress was a decent bloke, a good guy. But I soon found out he has a "third rail". And I found it. I still think he's probably a pretty decent guy but he's on the war path against me.
Nobody in any geology class I ever took called feldspar or quartz a polymer, even though that might technically be true.

Doesn't matter what they called it or not. Chemistry is chemistry.

There is an entire discipline in chemistry devoted to carbon, because the nature, types, and complexity of carbon polymers and molecules are so unique. Surely you've heard of organic chemistry.
I know that. Probably far better than you do. I also know about the chemsitry of Si as well.

I'm going to cut your passive aggressive bullshit and lingering resentment loose now.

So I see you can't actually discuss science when it shows up. You rely waaaaay too much on appeals to authority. In fact that's 99% of your posts when people don't agree with you off the bat.
Doesn't matter what they called it or not. Chemistry is chemistry.

I know that. Probably far better than you do. I also know about the chemsitry of Si as well.

So I see you can't actually discuss science when it shows up. You rely waaaaay too much on appeals to authority. In fact that's 99% of your posts when people don't agree with you off the bat.

You didn't even remember your own screen name was Jank when you were caught switching back and forth between sock accounts.
If you can't address the science I will let your hypocrisy stand.

It has nothing to do with science

It has to do with not wanting to interact with dishonest and obsessive people. You spent a lot of time on this thread trying to get my attention, and complaining about me. And DU caught you red handed switching back and forth between sock accounts.
It has nothing to do with science

It has to do with not wanting to interact with dishonest and obsessive people. You spent a lot of time on this thread trying to get my attention, and complaining about me. And DU caught you red handed switching back and forth between sock accounts.

:shock: DU caught a sock?

I know this is wayy off topic, but that is quite intriguing given how many times he's whiffed on guessing socks. Hundreds of misses so far; he nailed this one?
It has nothing to do with science

Si and C are science.

It has to do with not wanting to interact with dishonest and obsessive people. You spent a lot of time on this thread trying to get my attention, and complaining about me. And DU caught you red handed switching back and forth between sock accounts.

And you can't discuss Si chemistry very well for a geologist. Strange.
:shock: DU caught a sock?

I know this is wayy off topic, but that is quite intriguing given how many times he's whiffed on guessing socks. Hundreds of misses so far; he nailed this one?

He's unwilling to talk science so he has to attack. It is what people who only have a cursory knowledge of a topic do.
Wait until they call you an antisemite or a nazi or violent.

I've been here over five years now and have been called a lot worse than that. For instance, my returning to college at my advanced age isn't for knowledge, it's to fuck college boys. Really. :rolleyes:
I've been here over five years now and have been called a lot worse than that. For instance, my returning to college at my advanced age isn't for knowledge, it's to fuck college boys. Really. :rolleyes:

Overall this forum is kind of a cesspool. Even people who could probably pass for decent people seem to lose their collective minds on here and become hate machines.
Overall this forum is kind of a cesspool. Even people who could probably pass for decent people seem to lose their collective minds on here and become hate machines.

It is definitely a target rich environment for studying the pathology of humans in groups, eh?
I condemn Israel for their actions all the time, and also criticize the Bible. I haven’t read all the exchanges between the parties involved, so I can not comment on this matter.
Don’t hold your breath waiting for Jank to cite a quote or provide context.

He’s pissed at me for exposing his bullshit and now he’s pissed at Cypress for not buying Jank’s bullshit.
Overall this forum is kind of a cesspool. Even people who could probably pass for decent people seem to lose their collective minds on here and become hate machines.
Disagreed. OTOH, if you left, there’d be one less turd in the swimming pool.

It was several posts over in the middle of the "Religious Typology" thread in Off Topic. Sorry I am far too lazy to go find specific posts but it was a whole "thing" over there...

Translation: I can’t quote what doesn’t exist.

Agreed on non-existence, Jank. Thanks for the laziness confession. We’re agreed on that point.
Last Universal Common Ancestor, and the Hard Limits of Knowledge

Around 4 billion years ago there lived a microbe called LUCA — the Last Universal Common Ancestor. There is evidence that it could have lived a somewhat ‘alien’ lifestyle, hidden away deep underground in iron-sulfur rich hydrothermal vents. Anaerobic and autotrophic, it didn’t breath air and made its own food from the dark, metal-rich environment around it. Its metabolism depended upon hydrogen, carbon dioxide and nitrogen. Most remarkable of all, this little microbe was the beginning of a long lineage that encapsulates all life on Earth.

Using a variety of methods, biologists have mapped out the tree of relationships between living things across Earth’s long inhabited history, which goes back more than three billion years.

Through these kinds of studies, biologists can trace all of life back to a single kind of organism - LUCA, the Last Universal Common Ancestor.. The basic structures of this entity’s biochemistry, including the use of DNA, are what every form of life on Earth today uses.

We do not know much about this creature. We do not have direct fossils of its existence. But we can infer its existence from the tree of life. There must have been a last universal common ancestor that gave root to all life on Earth.

The recognition of LUCA is a triumph of modern biological sciences. But it is also a horizon beyond which we cannot see. Could there, for example, have been more than one origin of life on Earth? Perhaps there were different versions of self-replicators, but the one leading to LUCA won out. What came before LUCA in its own lineage? LUCA, after all, represents the living form we all descended from, not necessarily the origin of life itself. Like cosmologists pushing further back in cosmic history, biologists must be creative as they seek to move further back in the dim mists of time.

The limits of knowledge:
What’s cool about all this is how it reveals something fundamental about science. Horizons exist because evidence comes with constraints we don’t know how to break. That means that not every direct question can find a direct answer. The trail can simply grow cold, or disappear. At that point, the most interesting question of all arises: What do you do next?

Hol' up, Playa. Where's the proof of this microbe living 4 billion years ago? Post that; TIA. Until you do, that's the shaky foundation this entire rabbit hole is built on, and it's collapsing.

These are the people doing these studies:

"This “two-domain tree” was first hypothesized by evolutionary biologist Jim Lake at UCLA in 1984, but only got a foothold in the last decade, in particular due to the work of evolutionary molecular biologist Martin Embley and his lab at the University of Newcastle, UK, as well as evolutionary biologist William Martin at the Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf, Germany.

Bill Martin and six of his Düsseldorf colleagues (Madeline Weiss, Filipa Sousa, Natalia Mrnjavac, Sinje Neukirchen, Mayo Roettger and Shijulal Nelson-Sathi) published a 2016 paper in the journal Nature Microbiology describing this new perspective on LUCA and the two-domain tree with phylogenetics."

That kind of "Biology" is biased from the foundation up. They're not looking for facts, they're looking to prove the Theory of Evolution.

They may hypothesize, but there's no repeatable experiments that prove their assertions. In fact, stuff like this is constantly proven wrong by real life.