Last Universal Common Ancestor

I guess no one likes their sacred cows made into steaks. lol
Especially angry atheists like Jank. He’s the type to attack a Sunday school class demanding that they prove to him God exists. Same for classes at a Synagogue or Madrassa, but like most violent atheists, he mostly attacks Christians or anyone who is lenient toward Christians like Cypress and myself.
Hilarious, the holy rollers and the militant atheists are all over the map and cannot agree whether I am a bible thumper, or a piece of shit atheist-->

The only ones trying to turn my science thread into a thread about religion are the hardcore atheists and their holy roller pals.

The good news is that such attacks make it easy to spot the extremists be they atheist or theist.
Hol' up, Playa. Where's the proof of this microbe living 4 billion years ago? Post that; TIA. Until you do, that's the shaky foundation this entire rabbit hole is built on, and it's collapsing.

These are the people doing these studies:

"This “two-domain tree” was first hypothesized by evolutionary biologist Jim Lake at UCLA in 1984, but only got a foothold in the last decade, in particular due to the work of evolutionary molecular biologist Martin Embley and his lab at the University of Newcastle, UK, as well as evolutionary biologist William Martin at the Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf, Germany.

Bill Martin and six of his Düsseldorf colleagues (Madeline Weiss, Filipa Sousa, Natalia Mrnjavac, Sinje Neukirchen, Mayo Roettger and Shijulal Nelson-Sathi) published a 2016 paper in the journal Nature Microbiology describing this new perspective on LUCA and the two-domain tree with phylogenetics."

That kind of "Biology" is biased from the foundation up. They're not looking for facts, they're looking to prove the Theory of Evolution.

They may hypothesize, but there's no repeatable experiments that prove their assertions. In fact, stuff like this is constantly proven wrong by real life.

Didn't ever claim there was ironclad proof -->

A blind guess is the discredited KRAKEN conspiracy theory.

LUCA is a solid scientific inference based on three decades of phylogenetic analysis.
Especially angry atheists like Jank. He’s the type to attack a Sunday school class demanding that they prove to him God exists. Same for classes at a Synagogue or Madrassa, but like most violent atheists, he mostly attacks Christians or anyone who is lenient toward Christians like Cypress and myself.

Don’t hold your breath waiting for Jank to cite a quote or provide context.

He’s pissed at me for exposing his bullshit and now he’s pissed at Cypress for not buying Jank’s bullshit.

I thought you were both rather harsh, it’s why I left the conversation, and have only commented on the matter now.
The key might be to be in a part of the galaxy that has a large variety of gas giants and super gas giants. My recollection is that certain kinds of supernovae only produce heavy elements up to iron, and others are capable of fusing heavy elements heavier than iron.

I think the Magellanic clouds are ancient and contain very few gas giants at this time
Since astronomers have identified over 5000 exoplanets, it seems there’s plenty of heavier elements floating around.
I thought you were both rather harsh, it’s why I left the conversation, and have only commented on the matter now.
Perry PhD/Jank has been pissed off at me ever since I questioned his veracity about earning a PhD based upon his personality and maturity.
Since astronomers have identified over 5000 exoplanets, it seems there’s plenty of heavier elements floating around.

Most of them are gas giants though. But we're starting to find more terrestrial rocky planets.

I agree that after 13 billion years, heavy elements should be relatively ubiquitous in the universe. I would be surprised though if they are uniformly distributed in nebulae and interstellar gasses.
Again, I missed most of that exchange between you, Cypress, and Novo so have no comment on that. I will point out, otoh, that I have been told that I "hate all Christians" because sometimes I point out that *some* -- particularly Xtian leaders -- are hypocrites and/or downright evil. I also think that Netanyahu is a rightwing fascist authoritarian. Does that make me an Antisemite too? lol
While I slightly disagree on Netanyahu, I don’t consider you disagreeing with his politics to be antisemitic.

Jank thinks I’m a Fundamentalist Preacher, most of the religious wackos think I’m an atheist. IMO, that puts me right where I want to be: in the middle. LOL
Most of them are gas giants though. But we're starting to find more terrestrial rocky planets.

I agree that after 13 billion years, heavy elements should be relatively ubiquitous in the universe. I would be surprised though if they are uniformly distributed in nebulae and interstellar gasses.

My understanding is that the gas giants have a rocky core. When the Sun becomes a Red Giant, Jupiter and the rest will have their gas blown off. Point being, as you stated, that heavy elements are ubiquitous in the Universe. This tells me that enough stars previously existed to fuse hydrogen into heavier elements.
So you are disagreeing with "But...we may not be able to communicate with life forms almost exactly like our own.

You said “we may not be able to communicate with life forms almost exactly like our own”. I disagree since Pi remains Pi along with the standard laws of the Universe.

What we may not be able to do is communicate with life forms on the order of planets and stars. Sorry for being unclear.
My understanding is that the gas giants have a rocky core. When the Sun becomes a Red Giant, Jupiter and the rest will have their gas blown off. Point being, as you stated, that heavy elements are ubiquitous in the Universe. This tells me that enough stars previously existed to fuse hydrogen into heavier elements.

Yes, I agree. Heavy elements are ubiquitous. The question is if they are in sufficient types and quantities to condense into terrestrial planets and fuel life. I have read that spectrographic analysis shows some star systems are depleted in heavy elements. They are there, there are just there in lesser amounts than we see in our sun.
Don’t hold your breath waiting for Jank to cite a quote or provide context.

He’s pissed at me for exposing his bullshit and now he’s pissed at Cypress for not buying Jank’s bullshit.

I really don't want this to be a topic of a science thread, but Jank kept bringing it up here.

The reason no quotes have been produced is because I never called anyone an antisemite.

I wrote that Janx was cherry picking the most outrageous quotes from the Hebrew bible to paint Judaism in the worst possible light.

That's not anti-Semitic because I believe Janx has an agenda to put any religion in a negative light, particularly Christianity and Islam, but possibly others too..

I offered an apology if he took it as a direct accusation of anti Semitism.
Okay, lay out the ways this hypothesis is true using logical induction.

The scientists wrote a paper in Nature detailing their analytical methods, you can read for yourself. I'm not interested in reading it. Nature is a preeminent scientific journal, and I trust their peer review process to publish acceptable, top notch science which is rigorously employing the methods of scientific induction