Last Universal Common Ancestor

Only in your narrow field of science.

Aside from drugs and explosives? Yes. Note that this is primarily a biology discussion, not your geochem one no matter how much you’d love it to be.

So why ignore the biochemistry discussion of non-C based life forms?

Could it be that you don't really have anything to add to a chemical discussion of any form? That's cool. But let's stop the attacks for a bit and maybe TRY to talk science. Shall we?
Let me help you then. Try this: "Novo, what about the difference in bond enthalpies between C-C bonds and Si-O bonds? Won't that be a problem for making life out of Si-O molecules?"

Or, how about,

"Novo, what about borane based life forms? Or S based biochem?"

ANYTHING related to science might be valuable at the point. Care to give it a go?
QED. This is a biology thread, yet you want to make it about chemistry. Is it because you know more about chemistry, specifically geochem, than biology, Jank?
"Indeed, not even silicon—though it is at the center of an enormous range of inorganic compounds—can compete with carbon in its ability to form arrangements of atoms in various shapes and sizes, and hence to participate in an almost limitless array of compounds[/COLOR]. The reason, in large part, is that carbon atoms are much smaller than those of silicon, and thus can bond to one another and still leave room for other bonds."[/I]

I'm still curious why you don't raise the issue of bond enthalpy.
It is an EXTREMELY common designation.

Is this as close to any actual chemical discussion we are going to get from you?

…but you settled for being the janitor? Was it the hours or the job itself that attracted you most?

Wow, a denigration of janitors, that's pretty arrogant.

Yeah, that's not something that even remotely applies to me. You miss by a mile, try again, fucktard.
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There’s only two accounts on this forum that ever used the term “geochem” (or geochemistry); you and Perry the Putz.

Why do you think that is true, Jank?

'Geochem' is not even close to being common jargon outside university geology departments and among professional earth scientists. I think the last time I heard someone running around blathering about 'geochem' was grad school.
You'll probably make some peanuts shilling for Climate Scientists and Democrats on internet bulletin boards.

I got a real job, though. :cool:

I don't really think you're a paid shill..much. Well 20% maybe. :dunno:

Not like guno or Margot or midcan5 who I KNOW are paid shills. Nah, this is you, posting about stuff you feel is relevant.

Climate science is pretty much settled science, which is why I don't post about it, although a lot of questions remain about the scale and nature of future impacts
Climate science is pretty much settled science, which is why I don't post about it, although a lot of questions remain about the scale and nature of future impacts

"Settled Science" just like Covid vaccines, amirite? :awesome:

Them ambulance-chaser lawyer Covid-19 ads are just around the

I'll find the 1st couple mildly amusing, but it will be worse than Mesothelioma and Camp LeJeune stuff and go on forever! :(

Yes, it's going to be bad, and it's a-comin', yabetcha. It will probably go on for at least 2 years. :( And there will be residual BS too.

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"Settled Science" just like Covid vaccines, amirite? :awesome:

Them ambulance-chaser lawyer Covid-19 ads are just around the

I''l find the 1st couple mildly amusing, but it will be worse than Mesothelioma and Camp LeJeune stuff and go on forever! :(

Yes, it's going to be bad, and it's a-comin', yabetcha.
See? I knew you’d be a good fact checker for OANN, Matt! :thup:
Let me know when you can whip up a batch of life with your Junior Scientist chemistry set, Perry PhD.


Dutchie, I don't think you've ever been on target with a meme ever. Have I ever said I saw one that was? It seems an event of that magnitude should be memorable. :dunno:
Wow, a denigration of janitors, that's pretty arrogant.

Yeah, that's not something that even remotely applies to me. You miss by a mile, try again, fucktard.
Of course not, Matt. I think you and Darth made great janitors! :thup:

It’s all you seem to know, Matt. What else am I to think? That you are really a geochem PhD?
You definitely don't have to be an astronomer or geneticist to discuss those very interesting scientific topics.

Science is so specialized that anyone outside their area of specialized expertise is going to have to rely on science journalism to keep abreast of scientific developments. As a general rule, nobody except those engaged in active research or in grad school are reading research papers in a academic journals

My dad had a masters in chemistry. He subscribed to at least two journals (monthly, I believe) on organic chemistry, his specialty. I tried at various times to read them but they might as well have been in Sanskrit. lol
My dad had a masters in chemistry. He subscribed to at least two journals (monthly, I believe) on organic chemistry, his specialty. I tried at various times to read them but they might as well have been in Sanskrit. lol
Don’t nurses have to pass a chemistry class?